Create Widget
1. Navigate to the eBay Stores To Go wizard at and then click 'OK, let's go.'
2. Click 'Store' and then click 'I want this one' to customize your widget.
3. Enter your eBay user name then click 'Search.' Click 'Next' once your store is located.
4. Enter a common search term to display items from your store matching that query and then click 'Next.'
5. Click 'Copy' to copy the embed code to your clipboard. This code will be pasted into Blogger in order to display the widget on your blog.
Post Widget on Blog
6. Log in to your Blogger account.
7. Click 'New Post.'
8. Click the 'Edit HTML' tab and paste the embed code copied in the 'Create Widget' section.
9. Add additional information to the blog entry, if needed, and then click 'Publish' to post the eBay Store widget to your blog stream.
Add Widget to Blogger Theme
10. Log in to your Blogger account.
11. Click 'Design.'
12. Click the 'Add a Gadget' link that most closely matches where you would like the eBay Store widget to appear.
13. Click 'HTML/JavaScript.'
14. Type a title for your widget and paste the embed code copied in the 'Create Widget' section and then click 'Save' to post the eBay Store widget to your selected location.