Monday, February 20, 2012

How to Set Up Google AdSense for Searches

1. Log into your AdSense account.
2. Click the 'AdSense Setup' tab located in the upper left-hand side of the page.

3. Click 'AdSense for Search.'
4. Choose whether you would like users to be able to search the entire Web from your site, or only those that you specify. Do this by clicking the appropriate circle to the right of the 'Search Type' entry.
5. Type the specific sites into the box below the 'Search Type' entry if you chose to specify certain sites in the previous step. Enter one URL per line.
6. Enter keywords that are relevant to your websites in the box labeled 'Optional Keywords.'
7. Select your native country from the drop-down box to the right of the 'Country or territory for Google domain' entry.
8. Click 'Continue.'
9. Choose how you want your search box to look by selecting one of the options to the right. Click 'Continue.'
10. Choose whether you want your search results to appear on Google's site or your own by clicking one of the bubbles to the right of the 'Opening of search results' entry.
11. Select a palette by clicking the drop-down box to the right of 'Logo.' Enter the URL of your logo image in the box to the right of 'logo image URL.'
12. Click 'Continue.' Give your search engine a name by clicking and typing within the box below the 'Name your Search Engine' box.
13. Indicate that you agree with Google's terms and conditions by clicking the 'I Agree' box. Click 'Submit and Get Code.'

Sunday, February 19, 2012

How to Work from Home or on the Internet


One of the newest ways to make money online is with you can sign up here SheToldMe is just like Digg but you are paid for submitting stories (yours and any other story). You can submit your eHow articles, a recipe, or a top news story you found on the internet today. You make money with the Google Adsense ads so make sure you have an account with Google Adsense. You will also make money from the Google Adsense ads that are placed on stories submitted by people you refer.
2. Don't know much about monetizing your website(make money with your website)? Get a Site Build It! website. They basically hold your hand through the process even if you are not sure what kind of website to build they will help. Here's the link for a video. Keep an open mind and watch it till the end as in my opinion the last parts are the most exciting. The video is about 28 minutes long but it goes fast and you can pause it if needed.


If you like talking on the phone or entering data on your computer you can go to the following sites and submit your resume. (they charge a fee but are legit)

You can bid on jobs if you have experience in a certain area at,, and
5. You can always start you own business, checkout these web sites for ideas: (look in the message boards too),,, (look under Stay at home tab on the left),,
6. eHow is also a good way to add to the many streams of income you can try. You don't have to be an excellent writer or write on an elaborate topic. Read my article listed below in the resource section to learn how to optimize your eHow articles to make the most money out of them. If you like eHow you will also like

You don't need money to publish your own book anymore. There are so many different companies you can find that will help you publish a book. Start with
8. Are you good with words, graphics, or making up ingenious quotes? Then maybe making your own T-shirts, mugs, or other products with sayings and/or graphics are your thing. Check out

You can sell your own photographs whether you are an amateur or professional. Read my article about this for more information
10. Become a guide. A guide is someone who is recognized as an expert in their field and loves to educate others. Some websites you can apply to be a guide are: (please enter my email as the person who referred you to Chacha-!)

If you like video and computers you can start your own home video studio. You don't really need any experience, just a willingness to learn. Try
12. There are also many survey sites. A few good ones that have paid me are, and If anyone knows of anymore good survey websites please leave it in the comments section and I will add them.
13. Get paid to give reveiws on anything from cars to computers to books at
14. Review products by writing about them on your blog. Sign up at
15. Start a discussion on and get paid for every post, every response, and for every person you refer.
16. You can write a blog ( is a good start)and post affiliate banners on your site to earn money. You can sell homemade items on your site. You can also earn money for writing good content that people like to read and once you are getting 1000 or more hits per day advertisers will call you to advertise. You need to search the internet for 'learn how to start a blog' and take the time to learn all you can. Get an Adsense account with Google. When people click on ads on your site you get paid. Sign up for affiliate links at Checkout to see what a Blog can look like.

How to Prevent Site Theft

Preventing Content Theft
1. Check the search engines for stolen text or articles. Copy and paste a section of the original text into the search engine. Put the section of original text in quotes. Review the results of the search for other Web sites with very similar (plagiarized) content, or a copy of the exact text. Another option is to send the text, or the Web page URL, through CopyScape. This will bring up a listing of sites with a significant amount of words being copied.
2. Turn in Web sites guilty of copyright infringement. Contact the hosting company of any sites that have stolen your content. Send a copy of the content removal request to the owner of the site also. If you do not hear back from the hosting company within two weeks, report the site to Google's Spam Report, and other major search engines. If the content thief is using Google AdSense, or other PayPerClick services, for illegal activities (such as stolen content/images), report the site.

3. Disable copy, paste and right-click options. Insert JavaScript into your site to prevent copy, paste and right-clicking without your permission. Wordpress blog users can simply download plug-ins to automatically disable these options.
4. Create a clear policy that states your site does not tolerate content theft. Insert a 'Do Not Copy,' or 'Protected by CopyScape,' banner on every page of your site to scare off potential content thieves. Write a detailed section of text in your Privacy Policy indicating that the Web site is copyrighted, and not open to re-distribution.
Preventing Image Theft
5. Place a visual copyright watermark on your images. Image watermarks can range from a full symbol across the picture, to a small section of text in the corner of the image. Create a copyright watermark in Photoshop, or other image creation tool. Include the copyright holder's name, date of copyright, and the rights management (eg. Creative commons type license). Make the watermark slightly transparent to allow visitors of your site to clearly see the image.
6. Use a low resolution image to protect against image theft. Images that are 550 pixels, should be saved at 72 dpi when used on the Internet. This will prevent the image from being re-sized without creating a grainy effect.
7. Disable copy, paste and right-click options. Insert JavaScript into your site to over-ride browser clicks. Prevent downloads of images by placing pictures as a background to tables using CSS code. While right-click downloads will still be functional with this method, the downloaded image will appear transparent to the image thief.
8. Stop search engines from indexing your protected images. Insert a META tag to prevent search engines from indexing your images, while still allowing them to put the rest of the page in their search listings. JavaScript can be added into the root directory of the site to tell 'bots,' or spyders, to disregard the image directory of your site. All major search engines should honor your request to remove your images from public searches.

Friday, February 17, 2012

How to Find Alternatives to Google

1. Try Dogpile. Dogpile is a prominent search engine on the web that has never really gotten as much publicity as the big guys. Dogpile doesn't come out with new additions and new ideas to making money. It simply relies on good old-fashioned web searching.
2. Check out Zabasearch, if you are looking for a person. Zabasearch is quite honestly the most powerful free people searcher available outside of the white pages. With Zabasearch, you type in the name of the person you want to locate along with a state of residence if you have it, and it usually pops out a large number of accurate addresses.

3. Browse through some of the 100 alternative search engines found on a link in the Resources section. This list has search engines that can be used instead of Google. They may just turn up things in your searches that Google misses.
4. Use AOL, MSN or Yahoo!. These are companies that have been on the Internet for a long time and are trusted sites that are alternatives to Google.

How to Create Websites With Articles

Create a Website with Blogger
1. Publish a blog on Blogger. Blogger offers a free, user-friendly publishing platform. Visit the Blogger website and sign up for a new account.
2. Log in to your new account and click 'create a blog.' Choose a title and domain name for your blog and begin customizing the design. Click 'Continue.'

3. Choose to verify your identity via voice or text. Click 'Send verification.' Enter the verification code and click 'verify.' Choose a template for your blog and continue.
4. Click 'Start Blogging.' Compose a new post/article and click 'publish post.'
5. Add AdSense by selecting the 'Monetize' tab at the top of the page. Select display preference and click 'Next.' Adsense ads will display on your blog.
Create a Website with WordPress
6. Publish a free WordPress blog. Visit the WordPress website and sign up for a new account. Enter your domain name, user name and email address. Click 'sign up.'
7. Log in to your account. Select 'Dashboard' under 'My blog' at the top of the screen. Using the vertical tools list to the left of the screen, scroll down to 'Appearance' and select 'Themes' to browse templates.
8. Activate a template by clicking 'Activate' next to the template thumbnail image. Further customize your template by selecting widgets under 'Appearance' and adding text boxes, links and more.
9. Select the tack image from the tools list and click 'Add New' to create a new post/article. Title and compose the post. Add tags and click 'Publish.'
10. Contact a Web host to monetize your website.
Create a Website with TypePad
11. Visit Click the 'Pricing' tab at the top of the page. Choose a pricing plan and click 'Sign up.'
12. Choose a domain name, enter your email and password. Click 'Create Account.' Enter your billing information and confirm your order details.
13. Log in to your account. Click 'Blogs' at the top of the screen. Select your blog's name and click the 'Design' tab. From the left side of the screen, click 'Banner' to select a design and color palette and click 'Save Changes.'
14. Click the 'Blogs' tab again and the yellow 'Compose' button. Title and compose your post/article and click 'Publish.'

How Can I Get Referrals From a Parked Domain?

1. Create a Google AdSense account, or log in to Google AdSense if you already have an account.
2. Add the URL of your domains to the AdSense account list. You can manually type in the domain names, or you can upload a CSV (comma separated values) file containing the information.

3. Login to your domain registrar and modify your DNS settings to point your domain to Google's server. If you do not know how to do this, you may need to contact your registrar for instructions.
4. Customize your ad settings by choosing a color scheme, size, and which type of ads you would like shown on your domain.
5. Choose select keyword and keyword phrases that will make it easier for the correct ads to be shown on your site.
6. Once set up, log in to Google AdSense periodically to view your site performance and adjust your settings accordingly.

How to Measure AdSense Success

1. Log into your Google AdSense account. After login you will be directed to the main AdSense page where you are likely to see summary information including estimated earnings, recent traffic information and links to additional resources and reports. If your account is new, statistics generation may take a day or two after AdSense code has been added to your site.
2. Find the section titled 'Performance Reports'. This section is where you will find all the information you will need to track and manage your AdSense campaigns.

3. Locate the navigation links on the left side of the page. These links allow you to view your statistical data by day, week, month, and by various other categories as well, such as by specific ad unit, ad size, or custom channels you have already defined in AdSense.
4. View statistics for page views, clicks, and Page CTR (click through rate). These are the primary benchmark statistics you will want to track.
5. Gather statistics for clicks and page views for a period of time. If you are gathering statistics by month, collect several months' worth of data. Using a spreadsheet application, enter the monthly data in a way that allows you to view each month in chronological order.
6. Analyze the trends of your data by viewing from oldest to newest. If possible, create a graph that allows you to chart your numbers visually. This makes viewing trends easier. Healthy statistics will show upward movement, indicating that page views and clicks on paid advertising links are rising.
7. Review the CTR for the collected time periods. The CTR allows you to analyze page views and clicks together. The higher this number is the greater your AdSense success. Follow the trend of this number for the collected period. There may be ups and downs, not every period needs to show increased rates. However, the overall trend should be an upward climb.
8. Consider the analysis of each statistic collectively. If one statistic seems to be improving but another is lagging, determine what might be the cause. For instance, if page views are increasing but your clicks are going down, consider moving the ad to another spot on the web page. Positions at the top of the page will get the best visibility. Once you have considered all the data as a whole you can begin to make an assessment about their overall success, helping you make improvements where necessary to improve monetary effectiveness.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

How to Make Money Online in Singapore

1. Sign up for web hosting and a domain name. Having your own host enables you to moderate your website however you like. Many free web hosts put their own limitations and advertisements on your website, so it is best to avoid them. Having your own domain name allows you to create your own internet persona and enables you to resell the website domain in the future.
2. Create your website. With the advent of Content Management Systems (CMS) the average Internet user can set up a website in minutes. For example, Wordpress is a free CMS that is famous for its five-minute installation. Content management systems allow you to build and moderate websites with flexibility and ease.

3. Sign up for advertising and affiliate programs like Amazon Associates and Google Adsense. These services allow you to place advertisements and affiliate links on your website, earning you a commission every time someone clicks an ad or purchases a product.
4. Place advertisements and affiliate links in or beside your website content. For example, a review about a laptop should have an Amazon affiliate link that leads to that laptop's web page. Google Adsense ads should be placed close to website content to catch the attention (and hopefully the interest) of a user, increasing your chances of a click.
5. Drive traffic to your website. No traffic means no revenue. You should get traffic by writing quality content and letting people know about it through social media sites like Digg and StumbleUpon. In addition, there are paid traffic sites that direct website visitors your way for a set fee.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How to Use Google AdSense

1. Open an AdSense account by signing up with Google and applying to the AdSense program in the My Account area. It is free to sign up with Google, though not everyone who signs up for AdSense is approved. If you don't yet have a website on which to place AdSense ads, sign up for a Blogger account through the Google My Account section and start a blog. That will give you a URL to use when applying for an AdSense account.
2. Choose your Google AdSense options once you have an account. Design each block of ads to create a line border or an open border, a color background or no color, etc. Select the basic size and shape of your Google ads block. Pick either a horizontal block of ads or a vertical block. Each block will have one to four ads on it, depending on the size that you choose.

3. Generate your AdSense ad code — a JavaScript code that may be added to most websites. There are some website hosts that aren't equipped for the code to be pasted onto their sites when using their page builders. BlueHost is one such web host. Some sites, including Blogger, HubPages and Google hosted sites, have a built-in widget to easily add Google Adsense to the sites by simply choosing a spot to place the ads and allowing the site to add the code.
4. Use the text on your page to guide the type of ads that will be shown by Google. AdSense ads are chosen by Google, and you will not be able to hand pick which ads appear on your page. Google advertising runs on relevant ads that are chosen based on the keywords that appear on your page. By choosing plenty of keywords that are relevant to the subject matter of your page, you will ensure that the ads will match up well with your subject matter. To get ideas for keywords, use an online keyword tool like WordTracker to find relevant terms.
5. Keep adding content pages that are monetized with Google advertising. The minimum payout for Google AdSense is $100, so it often takes several months or longer before a new AdSense user reaches it. But, by steadily adding pages, by — for example — frequently updating a blog, your payouts will become more and more frequent.

How to Make Your Website Come Up First in Google

1. - TOPICS -Write your articles for your site on popular searches. The best and easiest way to bring traffic to you site is to write about what others are interested in. You can check how often something is searched by going to a site like -
There you can see in detail how many times the thing you are considering writing bout has been looked up.
2. - KEYWORDS -Just as important the article itself is you must choose the right keywords. You can check out the words by using the above link as well (word tracker). If your article is about making money (always popular) then write in keywords that have to do with that article. Keywords are a very important art of trafficking your website.Think about your target audience and what words in your article may be appealing to them. Your main objective should be to have valuable information and allow the viewer to have a positive experience reading your article. Your website should be stuffed with great keywords that relate to your site an gain attention.Check out the other article at the end of this page linked Find Good Keywords, for more information on choosing them.

3. - UPDATES -Regularly updating your website plays an important part of your Google search. Google gives websites with regular updates very high regards, in other words that's what Google prefers. Just as the readers want to stay up to date on the information they are searching, Google wants to provide it to them.
4. - TEXT -You want to make sure you have at least 500 words of visible text available for people to clearly see. Also that your text is appropriate for your keywords, do not misuse your keywords. Clearly your own words and no one else's. Not anything copied, it should be 100% your original work.As well as text you may want to include graphics, pictures to your site. People tend to view quickly and if it does not immediately appeal to the eye they may leave the site before it is even done loading.
5. -TITLES -Titling your website is also a key way to drive traffic to your site and increase your chances of coming out on top of a Google search. Your title is what appears in the window browser. The best thing to do is stick with what your site is about and make it fit in with your website. Often whatever your title is also should also be keywords for your site. This is how your website will link itself to the information across your page. Think of something catchy and original to gain attention and popularity.
6. - PATIENCE -You should see results within a few weeks of creating your website or updating it. Google needs time to 'read' the pages and update. If you are writing information, genuine information in a natural and informative way, then you should see results quickly.
7. - MARKETING -No matter what your budget is you can find a good reasonable way to market your website and increase traffic. You can see this site - to market your website.
8. In the end Google wants to give its readers the best most informative, and good looking results for their search. So as long as you are doing your job well and following the guidelines you should see the results!

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