Friday, January 25, 2013

How to Write a Terms and Conditions Page for a Website

How to Write a Terms and Conditions Page for a Website
1. First consider what you need to include on your terms and conditions page. What possible problems could someone encounter by using your site? What is your site's main purpose? What does your site not intend to do?
2. Write down these issues and concerns on a piece of paper. Then order them according to importance. If you have a lawyer or know someone who is an expert in the field of law, ask him to look over your list of concerns (and your website) and give you advice on what to say and how to say it.

3. Look at the terms and conditions pages of websites that are in the same industry as yours. Take note of what their terms and conditions are. Many sites that offer pricing information on cars, travel deals or other products always mention that prices can change. They also specfify that they do not sell or promote these products, although they may be affiliated with some of the merchants advertised on their site.
4. Organize your issues and concerns into several topics. Topics that are typically addressed include privacy, copyright information, contact information, data and security, complaints, affiliations or website partners and refunds.
5. Begin to write your terms and conditions. Express them in a clear and user-friendly tone. This is a legal document, but it does not have to be written in an overly legal voice, or be too authoritative or demeaning. Write it to clearly state what your site is about, what service it provides and how it provides that service. Also, be sure to address all legal concerns you might have, and fully explain those liabilities you do and do not accept.
6. Carefully review your terms and conditions for spelling and grammar; then review it for accuracy. If issues arise that are not included in your terms and conditions, update the latter, and be sure to let your customers know that updates have been made. If possible, have a lawyer look over your new terms and conditions. If you can get someone to read your terms and conditions to give feedback, that will also be a great help.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

How to Add Twitter to a Prosense Theme

1. Log in to your Twitter account and scroll to the bottom of your homepage. Note a copyright for Twitter, then a series of links that include 'About Us' and 'Status.'
2. Click the 'Goodies' link at the bottom of the page. You will come to a page with three options: Applications, Widgets and Buttons.

3. Select the 'Widgets' option. You will be taken to a page with different widget options, with the default being 'My Website' and a series of widgets types including Profile Widget, Search Widget, Faves Widget and List Widget. Each widget will have a description of what it does underneath the title.
4. Customize your widget using the options available, including the Username settings, preferences, appearance and dimensions. Once you are done, click 'Finish and Grab Code' at the bottom of the edit window.
5. Copy your code by highlighting it (clicking and dragging your mouse over the code), right-clicking and selecting 'Copy.'
6. Log in to your WordPress website's Administrator page and select the 'Widgets' option from the left-hand sidebar. If it is not visible, click the 'Appearance' tab to open the menu with the widgets option.
7. Drag the 'Text' widget to one of your widget columns on your sidebar.
8. Paste the HTML code you copied from Twitter into the text box and click 'Save.' The code will now save to WordPress, and your Twitter feed will now be viewable on your page.

How to Make Money from Pay Per Click

1. Decide on an advertiser. Google Adsense is probably the most common method of earning money from pay per click but there are others through Yahoo as well as Chitka, Microsoft Ad Center, Kontera and Infolinks. Rates vary by provider. Ads are placed through a snippet of code on your webpage. The code uses the words on your page to display ads automatically. Ad selection and relation to those keywords vary by advertiser. The closer the ads are to the content of the webpage, the higher the clickthrough ratio.
2. Choose a niche that earns a reasonable amount per click. Go to Google Adsense Keyword Traffic Estimator tool. Search for keyword phrases that relate to your niche. You can find out what phrases have the higher pay rate. For example, 'dog food' pays about $3 per click, while 'get rid of credit card debt' pays double that and 'budget golf' pays less than $1. Many people on the Internet are searching for the solution to a problem such as getting rid of credit card debt, losing weight, quitting smoking and getting rid of acne. Profitable pay per click niches address those problems by providing content related to getting rid of the problem. When the visitor wants more information, the hope is they'll click on an ad.

3. Set up a blog or website using your keyword phrase as the domain of the site. If you don't want to get involved with your own hosted site, use a free blog such as or sites that share revenue, such as or Be warned that some sites only use Google Adsense, you won't have a choice of advertiser. Post to your blog or website using various keyword phrases as the title of the blog posts. Include the keyword phrase once in every paragraph of about 100 words.
4. Drive traffic to your blog or website. Target the traffic, so the visitors who come already have an interest in finding the solution to their problem. Visit and participate in forums and discussion boards with a link to your blog in your signature. Write articles related to your blog and post them online with a link to your blog. Someone reading the article will be enticed to visit your blog and then click on a link.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

How to do Restaurant Advertising

1. Design the text of the advertisement. Use language that conveys what's special about your restaurant, such as the chef's reputation or special training, the use of all-organic foods or a distinctive regional cuisine. An advertisement is a good place to quote a favorable restaurant review---which is itself a form of advertising that costs you nothing. Use phrases from the review that communicate your restaurant's best attributes.
2. Use the right colors. Some advertisements are black and white, but color in ads---though more expensive---is usually more eye catching and dramatic, especially when foods are pictured. If you opt for color advertisements, use colors that reflect your restaurant's theme. Use red and white for an Italian restaurant and soft Southwestern colors to advertise a Mexican restaurant.

3. Place your add in the yellow pages. Customers often turn to the yellow pages to find a restaurant. Most yellow pages will list the name, address and phone number of your restaurant for free, but consider calling attention to your eatery with a larger ad. If your menu doesn't change too often, consider running it in the yellow pages so people already have an idea of what they might want to order.
4. Advertise online. Online advertising is a cheap and effective alternative---or supplement---to traditional forms of advertising. One option is to work with Google Adsense to place ads about your restaurant that are search-engine optimized so they're easy to find using search words for your city and type of restaurant. Start a website of your own to promote the business; post your menu, favorable reviews, directions, hours and contact information on the site. Offer restaurant discounts to site visitors that can be printed out on their computer.
5. Distribute fliers to individual houses within a 10-mile radius of your restaurant. Ask doormen or building managers if you can leave copies of menus at apartments. Consider a bulk mailing of fliers to nearby addresses.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

How to Get Your Web Page On The Top Page of Google

1. Check out where your articles are on google page rank. Very simple, go to google's home page. Google in your article's title, or blog, and see where you are on their ranking page. If you are on the first page, then that is outstanding. That alone won't always generate a lot of traffic, though. Using good backlinks helps as well.
2. Pick your title carefully. For example, if I write how to love a girl. Google that title and check to see if there are similar titles with those exact keywords. It's okay if they have some of those keywords, which obviously there will be on that topic, but the exact ones is what you want to stay away from. Keywords are everything, when you want to get ranked on google. You have to choose the proper ones, otherwise you won't find your articles at all. Using words like 'make' or 'get' are pretty seo friendly words on the internet. Avoid exact titles of others.

3. See how many web hits your title gets on google. When you can get something like 50 million, or more web matches when, you'll probably tend to get more traffic. However, you have more competition at the same time, even if you do rank on the first page. Still, choose good seo words in your titles, where these words tend to get a lot of hits on google. You can fool around with their site, and see which words do better, and which ones don't. Just words like 'make' can be a significant difference in getting hits. There is no point in picking a title, getting it ranked number one on google, if no one on the web searches for it.
4. Use good seo words. Seo words are critical, because they create backlinks and help you rank even better on google. Use ones that have to do with your article, or blog though. If you're using google adsense, like there is on ehow, you need seo words to target your google ads as well. If you're writing about cleaning an oven, you need your ads, and google to recognize exactly what your topic is about. That way you drive in more traffic, targeted to your audience on that topic. Use the google adwords tool bar, or google search-based keyword tool to figure it out. It's good to use your title keywords in the first paragraph of your articles, that is how google bots pick them up, then you get ranked better on their site. Avoid stuffing those words in your articles, because google will classify them as spam.
5. Promote your articles. I've written articles and have had about three or four articles from social bookmark sites pop up on google, on the front page with my original one as well. Sometimes they do even better than the original. The more backlinks you can create, the better you will do on google. Sometimes it's harder, depending on competition, and the topic. Some topics are rather easy to get on the front page. Obviously when you write blogs, or articles, you'd like to make money. To make money, you need to drive in traffic. You need google to do that if you are going to bring in a lot of traffic to your site.

Monday, January 21, 2013

How to Make Money With Adsense Websites

Build a Web site
1. Determine a purpose or theme for a Web site. Unless you already have a product or service to sell, it may be best to establish a content-based Web site, rather than an e-commerce Web site.
2. Learn about the type of Web site you will be publishing. If publishing a content-based site, all content published on the Web site should revolve around that particular theme or purpose. Selecting a unique theme may help to generate more traffic than a popular theme, as competition for traffic may be less. For example, a Web site focused entirely on blood glucose monitors may generate more traffic than a Web site focused on diabetes, in general.

3. Purchase a URL to use as a Web site address. The URL should, if possible, include relevant keywords or somehow relate to the purpose or theme of the site.
4. Establish a hosting service for the URL. The hosting service will host the files that will be included on the Web site, such as textual content, images, and videos.
5. Build a Web site. Many technically savvy individuals can build their own Web sites from scratch or by using Web site templates, including free Web site templates. Other Web site publishers may need to hire a third party to build the Web site.
Integrate Adsense into the Web site
6. Open an Adsense account, using the Web site URL and your username.
7. Familiarize yourself with the many features offered by Adsense, such as the ability to link Adsense with a Google Analystics account and the ability to block ads from competitors from appearing on your site. Adsense features are updated frequently, so revisit your Adsense account often.
8. Place Adsense blocks into the design of the Web site. Adsense blocks may appear anywhere on the site, including in the many section of the site, in the site header, as banner ads, and on columns.
9. Build a Google Search bar into the site. Anytime someone uses the search feature on the site, the site owner will receive some revenue.
10. Establish an Adsense feature for RSS feeds from the site, such as RSS feeds from blogs.
Develop and market the Web site using keywords
11. Determine relevant keywords and keyword phrases for the Web site. Keywords should relate to the purpose or theme of the site. Use these keywords consistently when creating content for the site and when marketing the site online.
12. Populate the Web site with content. The content of the Web site will drive traffic to the site. Use keywords that are relevant to the theme or purpose of the site.
13. Code the Web site using meta tags and ALT tags, which will be read by search engines. These tags should include keywords that are relevant to the site.
14. Market the site online by submitting it to search engines, creating backlinks to the site from other Web sites, and promoting the site through social media sites. There are many online marketing strategies to employ.
Monitor and grow Adsense Funds
15. Track Web site traffic frequently using Google Analytics and Adsense tools.
16. Watch the money in your Adsense account grow.
17. Request money from your Adsense account through a method such as direct deposit or mailed check.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

How to Make Money With Pay

1. Understand how the pay-per-click (PPC) model works. An advertiser pays a search engine company like Google for ads to be placed in search results or on websites with which the company has agreements. Website owners sign up with Google and allow ads to be published on the websites. When visitors to the site click on the ads, the advertising money put up by the advertiser is split up between the website owner and the company (in this case, Google). Google, in particular, does not disclose the amount split, and you can assume that Google probably gets a bigger share than the website.
2. Get a monetizable website. Monetizing your website means making your site capable of earning money through PPC advertising. For this purpose, you need a website that will draw a lot of people, with space where Google can place relevant ads. A website about cars, for example, can place ads about cars, parts, and related products and services. Finding a website that draws a lot of people requires trying out different topics and researching what ideas are searched for most on the Internet. Websites about making money do well. Additionally, you can go to Alexa (see Resources below) and see the top visited websites.

3. Set up Google AdSense. AdSense is the name of the product that Google uses to place ads on websites. To get set up with AdSense, go to and set up an free account. Provide information about yourself and your website, and how Google should pay you. You'll need to pick out different options for how the ads will appear on your website.
The options are things like the color of the ad, borders and text. Many websites have success by having the ads look similar to their own site. According to your picks, Google will show you some code. Just copy and paste the code into your site. Google will give you some direction on how to do this.
4. Use AdWords. AdWords is Google's advertising program that is basically the opposite of AdSense. Sign up at and select a website or keywords that you are willing to pay per click for someone to visit your site. AdWords and AdSense cancel each other out to some extent, but this is a good way to start getting visitors to your site without paying a lot in pay-per-click advertising. Consider other advertising that will bring people to your site, such as link exchanges.
5. Test things out. Try different types, sizes and placements of the ads on your website to see what works best. Subtle changes can make a difference. AdSense allows for many different choices, just copy the new code for each change in AdSense and paste it where the old code exists. Be sure to delete the old code.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

How to Set Up Google Ads

Hosting Ads for Profit
1. Sign up for an Adsense account at If you have a account, you can use it to access Adsense. Make sure to include all of the websites you own that will host Google ads when filling out your application.
2. Login to your Adsense Account. Click the 'Adsense Setup' tab. Choose the type of ad you want to host from the options on the page. Answer the prompts from the Adsense Setup wizard including placement, color and the types of business you will allow on the ads for your site. Copy and paste the generated code for the ad you created on your website.

3. Click the 'My Account' tab. Complete payment details and ad display preference information. If you have a Google Affiliate account, include that information in the space provided.
4. Monitor your traffic. You can create custom reports after clicking the 'Advanced Reports' or 'Report Manager' links when you log in to your account.
5. Monitor your earnings. You can log in to your account at any time and check the status of your daily earnings. You can also make a custom report from time periods that you specify.
Selling Ads
6. Decide what you want to advertise. It can be a product or just your website if you want to increase traffic to your domain.
7. Sign up for a Google Adwords account at Follow the prompts to link your Adsense and/or Gmail account with your Adwords account.
8. Choose the currency you will use to pay for your account when prompted. This information cannot be changed once it is selected.
9. Submit your billing information. Any ad campaigns you create will not run until your billing information is submitted.
Creating a Campaign
10. Select the 'Campaigns' tab, then click the 'Create a new campaign' button. Submit information on the basic details for your ad in the form provided such as audience, networks, budget and your cost-per-click (CPC) price. You can set a daily budget for your ad so you do not exceed the amount of money you have allocated for the campaign. When your budget maximum is reached, Google will stop running the campaign for that day.
11. Create your ad. A wizard guides you through the selection of colors and borders for your ads. You can include a headline, two lines of text and a URL.
12. Select and submit keywords. After you create your ad you will have the opportunity submit keywords that you think potential customers would use to find your product in a Google search.
13. Activate your ad. When you finish creating your campaign, you can begin running your ads.

How to Open an Account With Google to Post Links

1. Go to the Google AdSense homepage.
2. Click the 'Sign Up Now' button.

3. Enter the primary URL for the website in which you want to insert the Google links. Select the primary language for the website from the drop-down menu. Confirm that you will not place Google links on sites that offer incentives to click ads or on sites that contain pornographic content.
4. Select the Google AdSense account type you want to open from the drop-down menu. You can select either a personal or a business account. Select the country where you reside from the drop-down menu.
5. Enter your name, address and telephone number in the appropriate text boxes. Select how you found out about Google AdSense from the drop-down menu. Agree to Google's terms and conditions and click the 'Submit Information' button.
6. Confirm your information and select the option to create a new Google account.
7. Enter your email address, the password you want to use to access your Google AdSense account and the security code displayed on the website. Click the 'Continue' button.
8. Open your email's inbox and select the email from Google AdSense. Click the link located in the body of the email message.
9. Wait for Google to review and approve your application. Approval takes approximately two to three business days, and Google notifies you by email when you receive account approval. You have now opened your Google AdSense account and can post Google links on your websites.

Friday, January 18, 2013

How Can I Put a BB Code on Facebook?

1. Navigate to the BB code you want to use. If the code is embedded in a message you posted on a message board, hit the 'Edit' button to access the source code.
2. Drag your mouse over any URL within the code, such as a link to an image or video you embedded within the bulletin board post. Right-click and select 'Copy.' Don't highlight or copy any of the BBcode tags.

3. Sign in to Facebook and right-click within the field at the top of the news feed. Select 'Paste' and wait for the webpage, image or video to display beneath the field. Delete the URL text, then type in a message that explains the content if you choose. Click the 'Share' button to share the information with your Facebook friends.

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