Tuesday, August 13, 2013

How to Create a Floating Side Bar for a User Page

1. Open up the webpage you want to add your floating side menu to. Make sure your view shows the page's html code.
2. Begin inputting your html code as a cascading style sheet at the top of the page. Type in the following code into the page:
. Include all of the punctuation and symbols, otherwise your floating menu will not work.

3. Add values for each of the fields you wrote in Step 2. The 'position' field should be 'fixed'. The other fields of your html code should be relative in terms of percents. In the 'right' field, the closer a number is to 100 percent, the closer the menu will appear to the right margin of the user screen. For the 'top' field, the closer your number is to 100 percent, the higher on the screen your menu will appear.
4. Write the html code for the menu. This code should include links to the rest of your site's pages. When you are finished inputting your menu code, write '' to signal that the menu is complete.

Monday, August 12, 2013

How to Advertise Using Twitter

1. Create a Twitter account for your business. Choose a unique user name, such as the name of your business.
2. Complete your Twitter profile. Include your location, a short description of your business and a link to your company website.

3. Create a custom background for your Twitter page. Go to 'Settings' and click the 'Design' tab. Press 'Change Background Image' and upload a picture. Choose a background that is reminiscent of your business, such as a picture of your building or your services.
4. Start following people and other businesses. Search for similar businesses, friends, family members, professional colleagues and clients.
5. Accumulate Twitter followers to increase your impact. Include your Twitter information on email signatures and business cards to encourage others to follow you. Reply to conversations and retweet others' content to increase Twitter followers.
6. Begin tweeting important news or information three or four times per day. Include timely news pieces, announcements of your services and other company news.
7. Launch a Twitter advertising campaign after you accumulate some followers. Tweet your sales, specials and other promotions. Offer followers deep discounts if they use a special coupon code.
8. Offer contests or quizzes to encourage your Twitter followers to participate. Make the contest prize a free item or service at your business. This boosts your followers and raises local awareness of your business.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

How to Identify an AdSense Account Code

1. Open the HTML document in a text editor.
2. Browse through the available code and look for a Javascript code that begins with '
.' If you find the Javascript snippet, then move to the second line of the code.

3. Locate the 'google_ad_client' variable, usually located on the second line of the AdSense code. If you found it, then you are looking at the AdSense account code. The 'google_ad_client' lists the publisher ID, which is unique to each AdSense account.
4. Locate the 'google_ad_slot' variable. it is the unique reference number for the specific ad slot the publisher has set up.
5. Find the 'google_ad_width' and 'google_ad_height' variables. These numbers indicate how tall and wide the ad display is.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

How to Obtain a Google AdSense Tag

Apply for an Account
1. Click the 'Advertising Program' link at the bottom of the Google search page. Click the 'Get Started with AdSense' button.
2. Enter your website address in the field provided. Select the primary language of your website from the drop-down menu, then confirm that you will not provide incentives to visitors for clicking on ads. Confirm that you will not put your ads on pornographic Web pages.

3. Select an 'Individual' account type unless you own your own business. Select your country from the drop-down menu, then enter your name as it appears on your bank account, your address and telephone number. Click the check box to confirm that you can receive payments using the information provided.
4. Read and agree to the AdSense Policies. Click the 'Submit Information' button. If you are not logged in with a Google account, you are now asked to log in or provide an email address to create a Google account.
5. Wait for Google to approve your application.
Create an Ad
6. Go to the Google AdSense page by clicking the 'Sign In' link at the top right corner of any Google page. Click 'Setting' and select 'Google account settings.' Click the 'AdSense' link on the bottom half of the page. This takes you to a Summary page of your earnings using Google AdSense.
7. Click the 'AdSense Setup' tab to create a Google AdSense tag for your website. Select from the types of ads available. For your first ad, select 'AdSense for Content' to place a text or image ad on your website. Click 'Continue.'
8. Select the size and shape of your ad by clicking the 'Format' drop-down menu. Select colors that will go well with your website from the palettes provided, or accept the default values. Click 'Continue.'
9. Click 'Add New Channel' and type a name to your ad channel if you want to compare the performance of different types of ad formats. Click 'Continue.'
10. Change the name of your ad to help you remember it, or leave it as is. The default is the format of your ad and the date it was created. Click the 'Submit and Get Code' button.
11. Copy the HTML code provided and paste it into your website.
12. Click on the 'My Account Tab' on the top of the Google AdSense page to see your unique 'Property Information' identification tags. These will also show you your percentage of the revenue generated from these ads.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

How to Change Your Google Password

If You Know Your Password
1. Open the Google accounts homepage in your web browser (see Resources). Enter your user name and password into the appropriate fields on the right-hand side of the page.
2. Click the 'Change password' link under the 'Personal Settings.' Enter your current password in the first field.

3. Enter your new password in the 'New password' field. Make sure your password appears 'Good' or 'Strong' according to Google's password strength tool on the right-hand side of the window. You will not be allowed to change your password if the new password is considered weak. Click the 'Save' button to finalize your password change.
If You Do Not Know Your Password
4. Open the Google accounts homepage in your web browser (see Resources). Click on the blue 'Can't access your account?' link beneath the login fields.
5. Select the 'I forgot my password' option on the next page. Click on the blue 'Reset your password now' link that appears underneath the initial options.
6. Enter your email address. If you have a Gmail address, answer the security question to proceed. If you have an email address through another service provider, open the password retrieval email sent by Google to continue.
7. Enter a new password into the 'Password' field. Confirm the password by reentering it in the appropriate field.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

How to Set Up a Job Website

1. Choose which types of jobs you want to post on your site and purchase a domain name to reflect that choice. If you want to list jobs in the non-profit industry or solely display opportunities for freelancers, choose an applicable domain name that will be easy for job searchers and potential employers to remember. A domain name is what users type in to view your website.
2. Add a template to your website. Choosing a ready-made job board themed template saves you a lot of time even if you have a proficient knowledge of HTML. WordPress offers a number of job board themes and plug-ins for your to choose from that require no programming and are easy to use. (see references)

3. Edit your website's template to match what you have to offer to site visitors. WordPress themes have an administrator's page where you go in and add pages to your site and edit the different drop-down and search menus.
4. Open a section of the site where visitors to your site can post job listings. If you want to, charge a fee per posting or per period of time a posting is live on your site. You can also choose whether or not you want to screen the posting before it goes live on your website. Allow job posters to include tags and categorize the postings so they will show up in the corresponding areas of the site.
5. Publish your website and advertise for it across the Internet. Participate in job-search or human resource related forums to interact with others, offer advice and drive traffic to your site and gain users.
6. Check your site periodically to ensure all links work properly and that no one is spamming the site with unwanted postings or job scams.

How to Monetize Your Blog With Infolink Ads

1. MONETIZING YOUR BLOG WITH INFOLINKS ADS.The first step if you have not already is to go to blogger.com and open up and account and go ahead and write your blog on whatever topic that you wish. Make sure that your blog is informative and descriptive. The infolinks affiliate program can deny your account if your blog is just thrown together, so create a descriptive and informative blog.
2. Next, once you have created your blog, go to the infolinks affiliate program at http://www.infolinks.com/Home.html. Sign up for a publisher account. The sign up will consist of your personal information as well as your blog URL. Once you sign up you will receive a confirmation email. Confirm the email and go to your infolinks account.

3. Next, once you have confirmed you email account, you will have to wait for the info links affiliate program to approve your blog. Once they do approve your blog, proceed to step 4 below.
4. Next, once that your blog has been approved by infolinks, log in to your account and go the 'Integration Guide' section. Once there, highlight and copy your infolinks ad code.
5. Lastly, log in to your blogger account and go to your blog. Go to the 'customize' section of your blog. You will then be taken to your blog editing page. Click on the 'add a widget' link and paste the code into the HTML/java section and save the settings. Once that infolinks affiliate program recognizes that the code has been placed on your blog, you will notice that some of the text in your blog content is highlighted in green text. These highlighted green text portions are the infolinks ads and you will get paid every time a visitor clicks on and visits the ad.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

How to Earn Money Today Online

1. Become a web content publisher by writing for websites like eHow or Associated Content. When you write an article online, people will begin reading that article almost immediately after it hits the world wide web, earning you money today. Many of these sites offer real time statistics where you can see exactly how much you made.
2. Sell stuff on ebay. Everyone has a box of miscellaneous knick knacks in their closet or garage which they will never use again. Believe it or not, that candlestick holder or hideous vase you got for your wedding ten years ago and never used can be sold on ebay and become a treasure for someone else. Ebay will take some time to earn income, but most of the work can be done in just moments.

3. Do you have a blog? Ad some ads to your blog. Many people blog just for fun and think that only their family sees their page, but they would be wrong. Search engines pick up even personal blogs. Over time a handful of Google Adsense ad clicks could add up to be a lot of money. Google Adsense also begins to add up instantly as people click the ads.
4. If you don't have a blog, you can start one. You can either start fresh by setting up a blog through wordpress.com or blogger.com and put up some Google Adsense ads as suggested in the last step or there are several blogging services out there that will take care of advertising and pay you either a flat fee per post or a flat fee per hit on the blog. One of these services is Today.com. I recommend setting up your own blog and adding Google Adsense as you are likely to earn more money that way.
5. Sign up for café press or another drop shipping service. These places may not produce money from day one and can be time consuming however they can generate a substantial supplemental income in a short period of time if marketed properly. Drop shipping means that you sell it and someone else ships it and allows you to keep a portion of the profits.

Monday, July 22, 2013

How to Create a Privacy Policy on Blogger

1. Log in to your Blogger account. Click the 'Edit Posts' link or the 'Posting' tab, then click the 'Edit Pages' link that shows up beneath the main menu.
2. Click the 'New Page' button, then enter 'Privacy Policy' in the 'Page Title' text field. Type your policy content in the text box.

3. Click the 'Post Options' link, then click the 'Don't allow' button beneath the 'Reader Comments' title.
4. Click the 'Preview' button to see how your policy appears on your blog, and click the 'Publish Page' button to continue.
5. Click an option, such as 'Blog sidebar' or 'Blog tabs,' to determine where you want the privacy page to appear on your Blogger site. You also have the option to click 'No gadget,' which gives you the choice of linking this page manually where you prefer.
6. Click the 'Save and Publish' button. Your privacy policy is now active on your blog.

How to Maximize Domain Name Revenue

Maximizing domain name revenue
1. Domain registrars are places where domain names are acquired. Select a domain registrar with a track record of efficient backorder processing and reasonable backordering fees. Domain backordering is a service that enables anyone who is interested in the domain name to acquire it, if the name is ever made available or left to expire by the current owner.
2. Thousands of domain names expire everyday. Inevitably there are highly valuable names that are expiring, too. Domain drop catching services can yield gems of names for reasonable prices. Find a quality drop catching service.

3. Existing traffic to expired domain names is a good source of leads for potential buyers in the industry related to the domain name. Let visitors know that the name may be available for sale, using a single page website.
4. If the domain name is listed in a domain marketplace, such as Sedo.com, focus on selling only a few domains and divert existing traffic from rest of the portfolio toward the sales/auction pages at the marketplace.
5. Add value to the current portfolio of domain names by converting them to profit-making websites. Wordpress is a useful open-source blog platform with plenty of free themes available to use. But make sure to add original content in order to maintain the quality of the site. This step is time consuming, yet most of the work can be outsourced. Affiliate products and ad networks such as Google Adsense must be used to monetize the blog.

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