1. Navigate to the keyword density tool web page.
2. Type in or copy and paste the URL for your website into the text box labeled 'Valid URL'.
3. Determine how many elements you would like to include in your scan, such as meta, alts and title tags. If you're a beginner with SEO keywords and don't know where these keywords should be placed for the most strategic results, leave all three checked to get the most detailed results from the search as possible.
4. Select no under the section headed 'Include numerals,' unless your website is directly related to a particular date, year, or number. For instance, a website about the mathematical value of pi will include the reoccurring use of '3.14' and therefore should have 'Yes' selected under this section.
5. Select the length of your keyword phrases under the section title 'No. words'. Generally, 1 or 2 word keyword phrase searches are more preferable as they are more commonly recognize by a search engine. But three word phrases can be used if desired.
6. Fill out the security Captcha, which asks you to retype a series of distorted numbers and letters, a process used to deter automated computer spamming of the website.
7. Click on 'analyze'.
8. Peruse the results page, which is listed in descending order, from the most used keyword to the least. Pick between three and 15 keywords with the highest density that directly relates to your topic, and you will pick the most popular keywords on your web page.