Wednesday, November 20, 2013

How to Make Money Online From YouTube

1. Register for a YouTube account and join Google AdSense -
If you don't already have an AdSense account, when registering for your YouTube account, you will be given an option to register for AdSense at that time. You would be able to earn a percentage of every AdSense click generated by the viewers of your YouTube videos.For an excellent online income opportunity, click on the link in my Resources below this article to start earning online cash today.
2. Include a website link in your video description -
This is probably one of the easiest ways to earn money online with your YouTube videos. You can include a link to your own website that relates to your YouTube video, as well as affiliate program that you are promoting.In my Resources below this article, I included a link to an excellent way to generate online income from home.

3. Open an account at -
This will enable you to earn money from YouTube videos as they will pay you for your votes. They money you earn would be paid to you through your AlertPay account.I listed a great money making opportunity in my Resources below.

How to Increase Your Income Funds

1. Evaluate what you are able to do in order to increase your income funds. What is it that you want to do? Would you like to earn an online income? Do you want to have a business income? Are you only aiming to earn a passive income? How much of an income fund growth would you like to see?
2. Make an effort. Once you have choose the amount and type of financial opportunity you are aiming to achieve you have got to get yourself started. The internet is a fabulous wealth of information. You may be able to find the way to earn money without even leaving your computer chair.

3. Stay focused. Once you have started the path to income growth, stay on it. Most of the time success is achieved with perseverance and loyalty. If you are going to start writing online for a website for extra money you will have to make time each day to dedicate to writing. If you are going to start a small business, you will have to have time for devotion to make the business a success.
4. Be patient. Financial opportunity does not grow on trees. You have to establish yourself, before you can expect to have a huge growth in you income funds. Money earned today may mean additional money earned tomorrow.
5. Do not have to high of expectations for immediate success. Time is usually a factor in successfully earning money. Whether it be online income, business income, home income or passive income, it will take some time and patience.

How to Become a Millionaire in One Year

1. Go online. You can make your money actively or passively like web design or Adsense. An active online business requires prospecting, sales and follow-up. Adsense is passive because your only requirement is to put the proper codes on your website.
2. Start a business. It doesn't matter what wealth book you consult, they all say that if you want to be a millionaire you have to own your own company. The easiest business to start is one that is online. This does not require a lot of upfront cash or loans such as a brick and morter business would. Most people start more than one business such as an online store, website design or a service. Another great idea is selling information. People pay for information and even if some of the information may be free, people don't want to have to search for it and will pay to have it all in one place.

3. Attend seminars on wealth creation. You would be surprised that some of those seminars actually come out with good advice such as buying foreclosures, tax liens and real estate. Seminars such as 'Secrets of the Millionaire Mind,' 'Play to Win' and 'Breakthrough to Success' are great for budding millionaires. They all focus on how to make money, how you view money and skills you need to make money.
4. Ask people for it. If you want a cheap way of becoming a millionaire, then convince 500 people to give you $1,000. This was a suggestion by a millionaire friend who actually made his money in Internet marketing. He did say that a business was the only way to make money. Asking people also applies to asking for the sale. You have to become excellent at closing. If you don't call people to action, they will not take action.
5. Sell coaching or teleseminars. Believe it or not, people will pay for things that they believe have value. If you have a skill as a relationship or business expert, then you can create a coaching business that is all done by phone. One coach charges $520 for one 90-minute session of 'Using Facebook for your Business.' If you want her full services, it will run you around $12,000. With free telephone bridge lines, a computer and some good content, you could realistically make $1 million dollars in a year. In this case, pricing is key as is your target audience. Most Internet marketers target people with disposable income that are looking to improve some area of their life, start a business or productivity tools.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

How to Place an Ad on a WordPress Blog

1. Download the 'Advertising Manager' plug-in at (see Resources). According to, this free plug-in automatically handles ad placement and coding for popular ad-share programs like Google's Adsense. Adsense, Chitika, Adpinion and other supported ad programs simply require free sign-up and the plug-in will do the rest. The ads will be placed on your page and you will earn a percentage of revenue generated from ad-clicks. Such automated advertising programs work well for many bloggers, but you can also manually place your own custom ads onto your blog if you happen to have a separate advertising agreement with an individual client.
2. Upload the advertisement image that you want to use for any additional custom advertising. When you upload the image, make a note of the image's URL address as listed in the WordPress blog management dashboard.

3. Add an HTML box on your blog and then click on the dialogue box to begin entering HTML code. Adding a new box is very simply; you just click on the 'Add HTML' button on your WordPress dashboard. This will add HTML code to your blog's sidebar, a perfect place to add advertisements without cluttering up your blog's posting area.
4. Type the following code in as the first line of HTML, as indicated by as the code necessary to anchor a link:

5. Replace the text reading 'link.html' with the web address for the site that the advertisement is supposed to redirect user to. Make sure, however, that you leave the quotes around the new address inserted in place of 'link.html.'
6. Type the following code in as the next line of HTML:

7. Replace the text reading 'picture.jpg' with the URL address for the advertising image you recently uploaded. Again, make sure you leave quotes around the new text. This line of code is responsible for placing the picture on your blog, but it is also tethered to the link code from the line above it, making the image 'clickable.'
8. Type in the following code on the third line to end the code and finalize the advertisement link:

9. Save all changes in the WordPress dashboard and preview your blog. In addition to automated ad placement, you should also see your custom advertisement image. When clicked, the custom ad should take you to the desired page exactly as you inserted it during Step 5.

How to Make Money With a Personal Blog

1. Write blog posts about your subject that inform and entertain readers. Do not try to copy someone else's style. Writing in your own unique voice will help to differentiate your blog from others on the same subject. If you provide your readers with valuable information, they will be more likely to come back to your blog again.
2. Update your blog with new posts at regular intervals. You do not need to post several times a day, or even every day. However, you should post on a schedule so that people know when to expect new content on your blog.

3. Publicize your blog on social networks like Twitter and Facebook. Do not just update your social media feeds with links to you latest blog posts, as other people may view this as spamming. Instead, engage in conversation with people who are interested in your blog's subject.
4. Design the look of your blog to be reader friendly. Make sure that readers can easily navigate around your blog site and can read the text without strain. Look at blogs that you like to read for ideas about design.
5. Sign up for advertising on your blog. You have many options, including CPM (cost per thousand impressions), ppc (pay per click) and affiliate advertising. What works best for one blog might not be what works best for your blog. For example, a book review blog might do better with affiliate links than PPC ads. However, a blog on search engine optimization might do better with PPC ads. Experiment to discover what works best for you.

How to Add Google Ads On Your Website

1. When you add Google ads to your website with your unique publisher number, you make money every time visitors click on those display ads.
It calls pay per click advertising.
2. To add Google ads to your website, first you need to register with Google ad sense and add your web address or URL. then Google staff will get back to you through email in regard to approve or disapprove your ad sense application.
Read Google term and agreement before you apply to make sure your website comply with their rules and regulations.

3. Once Google approve your registration as a publisher, Google will issue your ad sense publisher number, which is a unique number to identify every publisher. Every time you create a Google ad sense code, your publisher number will be automatically included into the ad sense code.
4. You can choose from different kind of advertising venues, such as image only, image and text, text link only, search box, video streaming ads, etc. You can choose the size of the ads to display on your website as well.
5. After you create an ad, copy and paste the ad sense code to your website. If you create your website using WYSWYG (What you see is what you get software) or using website templates, You need to go to HTML source to add those ad sense code. Repeat for every pages where you want Google ads to appear.
6. Preview and update your web pages and Google ads should appear on your web pages in few minutes, sometime it appear in instant. Google ads are contextual ads, meaning it will display ads that relevance to your website content.

How to Start a Moneymaking Website Free

1. Find a free website platform you can comfortably navigate. Blogs are an excellent way to start your free website. 'Blogger,' Google's version of the blog, is easy to use and easily searchable.
2. Choose a topic that you know a lot about. Create a name for your blog, as well as a URL, that relates to what your blog is about. Creating an online presence is all about making your blog easily searchable.

3. Decide on keywords your blog topic relates to. Write three articles of 500 to 700 words each, that use your keywords. Use each keyword no more than three times for each article. Upload the articles to your blog.
4. Seek vendors to advertise on your blog. What you're doing is renting space for them to advertise. Different ways to advertise pay differently, so look for the one that works for you. 'Blogger' has its own system called AdSense.
5. Research businesses that want you to advertise by having you write about their product on your blog. This can be lucrative depending on the company and product.
6. Maintain your blog and edit it meticulously. Continue to work with keywords. The wider your audience, the more you can earn from advertisers. The more visits your blog gets, the higher the rate others will pay for space on your blog.

Monday, November 18, 2013

How to Determine the Most Popular Keywords for a Website

1. Navigate to the keyword density tool web page.
2. Type in or copy and paste the URL for your website into the text box labeled 'Valid URL'.

3. Determine how many elements you would like to include in your scan, such as meta, alts and title tags. If you're a beginner with SEO keywords and don't know where these keywords should be placed for the most strategic results, leave all three checked to get the most detailed results from the search as possible.
4. Select no under the section headed 'Include numerals,' unless your website is directly related to a particular date, year, or number. For instance, a website about the mathematical value of pi will include the reoccurring use of '3.14' and therefore should have 'Yes' selected under this section.
5. Select the length of your keyword phrases under the section title 'No. words'. Generally, 1 or 2 word keyword phrase searches are more preferable as they are more commonly recognize by a search engine. But three word phrases can be used if desired.
6. Fill out the security Captcha, which asks you to retype a series of distorted numbers and letters, a process used to deter automated computer spamming of the website.
7. Click on 'analyze'.
8. Peruse the results page, which is listed in descending order, from the most used keyword to the least. Pick between three and 15 keywords with the highest density that directly relates to your topic, and you will pick the most popular keywords on your web page.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

How to Add Ads to Tumblr

1. Decide how you're going to deliver ads on your Tumblr blog. You can sell ad space yourself by approaching businesses and other website owners directly, or by using an automated service that delivers ads for you. Services like Google AdSense at and Project Wonderful at allow you to create ads on your page without interacting with businesses. Both services require you to apply and be approved before setting up ads.
2. Generate your ad code, if necessary. In Google AdSense you can create a new ad unit under 'AdSense Setup' > 'AdSense for Content.' Once you're approved as a publisher with Project Wonderful, you'll receive an email with instructions on how to set up your ad box.

3. Open your Tumblr's customization page by opening your Tumblelog -- clicking your username at the top of your dashboard -- and clicking the 'Customize Appearance' button. You can also visit the page directly at; if you have multiple blogs on Tumblr, append that URL with your username, e.g.,
4. Consider choosing a theme with a sidebar, over one that displays your description and HTML area at the top of the page. Sidebar layouts are more common with blog layouts and set the ads beside your content. You can choose from dozens of free themes under the 'Theme' button on the top navigation bar.
5. Click the 'Info' button and paste your ad code into the 'Description (or HTML and widgets)' box where you want the ad to appear. If you're using images hosted on the Web, either by yourself or the advertiser, you can create a basic image ad with a link and the image using:

6. Save your page when you're done.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

How to Create a Free Recording Studio Site

How to Create a Free Online Studio Recording Website
1. Sign up for an account with Squarespace. This is a professional website creation and hosting service that is also highly affordable for the average person. You will be guided through all aspects of website design, layout and content creation. If for some reason you don't like Squarespace, choose another website design and hosting service with similar qualities.
2. Begin designing your free recording studio site. This includes creating or using written content, back-links to other relevant websites, images and videos that are relevant to home-based recording efforts. To attract visitors, you will want to make use of SEO writing and tagging techniques.

3. Once you are satisfied with your website's relevant content, add links to top-notch free online recording software for your visitors to download and use. These include Audacity, Pro Tools and KRISTAL software programs.

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