1. Research what eBooks sell best on eBay. Check completed listings, Hammertap, and Terapeak for what books are the best sellers, sell most often, and sell for the highest prices. Also use the Google AdSense keyword tool to determine what types of eBooks are being searched for online.
2. The best strategy for selling eBooks on eBay is to group eBooks together by topic, and burn as many as possible onto one CD. For example, if you find eBooks about saving money with grocery coupons, frugal living, or household budgets are good sellers, you could create one collection of eBooks about this topic.
3. Google free eBooks, free eBook downloads, etc. You can only sell those that have resell rights. You can also use eBooks with private label listing rights. Start building eBook library and download free ebooks are in best selling categories.
4. You can also write your own eBooks and include your with affiliate links. Sell the eBooks on eBay for 99 cents. The strategy is to fill eBooks with affiliate links that will make money for you in the future as readers click on your links.
5. Automate your eBook business. Hire a third party to distribute your eBook on CD when a sale is made. This usually costs about $1 for the CD and $1 for shipping. All you have to do when a sale is made is email the third party provider with the customer's information. You are billed for the service monthly.
6. Check the resources section below for more information about selling eBooks on eBay.