Saturday, December 24, 2011

How to Place Ads on WordPress

1. Go to and click the sign up link. You will be asked to fill out a few text fields, including the URL of your primary site. Put your WordPress site's homepage URL into this field. Once you have signed up, log in to your account.
2. Look at the control panel. You'll see an overview of your advertising revenue, which will be zero at present. Click 'AdSense Setup' then 'Get Ads.'

3. Decide whether you want the ad unit to display text ads, image ads, or both. Select the relevant option from the drop-down menu. Click continue.
4. Customize the appearance of the ad using the drop-down menus that appear on the next screen. You can choose from a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. You can try an ad that blends in to the design of your site, or try a style that stands out. Different styles work for different websites, so feel free to experiment with different designs. Click continue when done.
5. Click 'Add new channel,' and choose a name to identify this ad unit. Choose something descriptive like 'Side bar skyscraper.' Click continue when done.
6. Click 'Submit and Get Code.' The code for the ad unit will appear. Copy the code to the clipboard.
7. Log in to your WordPress site. If you are familiar with HTML, you can click 'Appearance' then 'Theme Editor,' and place the ad directly into the source code. Otherwise, Click 'Plugins' then 'Add New,' and search for a free AdSense management plugin, such as WhyDoWork, Advertising Manager, or Easy AdSense. Activate the plug in, then look for it on the left menu bar. Click it, and look for the box to paste in your AdSense code. Choose where you want it to be placed.
8. Wait 10 minutes then load your site in a Web browser. See if the ad has appeared correctly. If it has not, return to the source code or plugin and ensure the ad code has been entered correctly, then check again. If the code is present and correct, but the ad has not appeared, try logging out of WordPress and looking again, as some plugins do not display ads to administrators.

Friday, December 23, 2011

How to Build a Video Sharing Website

1. Find a niche. Although you could opt for a general video sharing website, it is a much better idea to go with a smaller niche market. This will avoid too much competition. Think about what interests you and what market you believe has not been touched yet.
2. Purchase hosting. Find a host company that supports PHP scripts and has a visible C Panel for the user to access. Cirtex Hosting is often recommended because of their affordable prices.

3. Register a domain. This domain will be offered as you are signing up for your hosting account, and a discount will often be included. Take advantage of this deal, and think of a short and memorable domain to use.
4. Download PHP Motion. Visit the company's website and click 'Download.' Save the file to your Desktop.
5. Download and install FileZilla. Visit the website, click 'Download' and save it on the Desktop. Then double click the saved icon to run the installer and follow the Step-By-Step Installation Wizard.
Install PHP Motion
6. Unzip the PHP Motion file. Right click on the file on your Desktop and select 'Unzip Files.' Select the Desktop as the destination and click 'Go' or similar.
7. Transfer the file contents. Open FileZilla and select 'Connect.' Follow the step-by-step instructions to connect with your hosting account. When connected, upload the file contents.
8. Change the permissions. Scroll through the list of files until you find the '/cgi-bin/' file. Right click this file and select 'Properties.' Under the 'Numeric Value' field, replace the numbers present with '777.' Click 'Okay.'
9. Complete the upload. Click 'Save' or similar. Verify that all contents of the PHP Motion file are present.
10. Install PHP Motion. Type '' into the web browser of choice. Wait for the step-by-step wizard to appear, and then proceed through the installation via the 'Next' button.
11. Select the template. Under the 'Templates' tab when logged into the administrative area, browse through all of the available template designs and select one that appeals to you and your market.
12. Customize the template. Replace the logo with your own and change the colors throughout the template to match the logo aesthetically.
13. Set permissions. Under the 'Settings' tab, click 'Permissions.' Here you can set whether a video is automatically approved and posted or if the administrator has to approve it manually.
14. Replace the current content with your own. Change the introduction text and any images on the site by double clicking on them. Type in your own text or select 'Browse' and select the image you wish to upload. Repeat this for each page on your website, making it attractive to your market.
15. Add videos. In the Admin area, click 'Upload.' Click 'Browse,' find the video file and select 'Upload.' Enter the required information and proceed. Repeat this each day, adding three to five videos until users start contributing.

How to Write Keyword Content

1. Review carefully the keyword list supplied by the client. If the keywords have to do with a topic that is unfamiliar, then spend a bit of time on research. That way, you'll be able to write engagingly and intelligently on the subject at hand. Be sure that your research is thorough and that your facts are correct and able to be verified.
2. Make sure to know the keyword density desired by the client. Keyword density is the number of times the keyword or phrase needs to appear in the text of the content. Some keyword lists have primary and secondary keywords and phrases, with the greater importance and higher frequency of use typically being assigned to the primary keywords. In general, the primary keyword or phrase should appear in the title of the content piece, in the first sentence of each paragraph, and in the last sentence of each paragraph. Secondary keywords and phrases should be used at least once in each paragraph and, if the content article has subtitles, it is a good idea to include them there as well. Sometimes the client has specific keyword placement requirements that must be followed. Thus, before you start writing, make sure you understand exactly what the client needs.

3. Know the word count your client wants. The length of the content piece is another factor in how often your keywords will need to appear. Make sure that you adhere to the word count.
4. In most situations, the keyword or phrase must appear exactly how it is, even if that makes proper grammar a real challenge. There are times in which you will have to sacrifice grammar in order to use the keyword phrase exactly as it is. However, if you apply a bit of creative thought, these instances of improper grammar should be far and few between.
5. Use your writing skills. Vary sentence length and rhythm, but do not use overly complex sentence construction, as that is not suitable for web content writing. Do not overuse keyword phrases, as that will result in copy that is choppy and not enjoyable to read. Avoid using the same five shallow facts that every bulk content producer investing minimal time in research is using. Use real information, and write content that is informative and interesting.
6. Avoid do nothing words that add nothing of value to the content other than increasing the word count.
7. When you have completed the first draft of your content, read it out loud to make sure that it flows smoothly. Check for spelling and grammar errors. Do not rely on your word processing program to alert you to every error. Make any necessary corrections.
8. Double check your finished content piece against your keyword list and density requirements. Make sure each keyword is present and that each has appeared as many times as it should. If everything checks out, then you are ready to submit your content to your client.

How to Add Google Adsense to a Thesis Theme

Getting the Code for your Adsense Ad
1. Apply for an account with Google Adsense. It may take a several days for your account to be approved.
2. Sign into your Adsense account and click the 'Adsense Setup' tab. Select 'Adsense for Content' to get a text or image ad for your website.

3. Select the type of ad you want from the 'Ad unit' drop-down menu. You can choose 'Text ads only,' 'Image ads only,' or 'Text and image ads.'
4. Customize the size and shape of your ad with the 'Format' drop-down menu. You can customize the colors used in the ad, or leave them at the default values. Click 'Continue.'
5. Create a channel to help you track and manage your ads, or skip this step and click 'Continue.' Then click 'Submit and Get Code.' Copy the code by highlighting it and pressing 'Ctrl-C' on your keyboard.
Inserting Ads into Pages and Posts
6. Log into your WordPress website using your administrative username and password.
7. Click on the 'Posts' or 'Pages' link on your WordPress dashboard. A list of your pages and posts will appear.
8. Click the 'Edit' link on any post or page. It will open for editing.
9. Click the 'HTML' tab above the blog post or page. You cannot paste code when the editor is in 'Visual' mode. Then place your cursor where you want the ad to appear. Press 'Ctrl-V' on your keyboard to paste the ad you copied from the Adsense website.
10. Click the 'Update' button. It may take several minutes for your new ad to appear.
Inserting Ads into Sidebars
11. Log into your WordPress website using your administrative username and password.
12. Click the 'Widgets' link on the left of the Dashboard.
13. Drag a 'Text' widget into 'Sidebar 1' or 'Sidebar 2.' Then drag the widget to the place in the sidebar where you want it to appear.
14. Click the arrow at the top right of the widget. Paste your ad into the widget by pressing 'Ctrl-V' on your keyboard. Click 'Save'.
15. Manage the size and placement of your sidebars by clicking the 'Design Options' link in the 'Thesis Options' section on the left of your Dashboard.
16. Select the number of sidebars you want on your blog, and their size in pixels by clicking the ' ' icon beside 'Columns.'
17. Click the ' ' icon beside 'Column Order' to determine if your sidebars will appear on the left or right of your page.
18. Click the 'Save' button.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

How Do I Create a Personal Website Search Engine in Dreamweaver?

1. Choose your search engine host or advertising network. Be aware that free, third-party search engine providers will usually place their own advertisements on your search results page.
2. Customize the search engine to match the design of your website. At this stage, you may need to add specific information about your website, such as the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) address of the home page. Follow the step-by-step instructions or 'Setup Wizard' and check that all information is correct.

3. Cut and paste the code into a text editor, such as Notepad or WordPad. Save this file with an appropriate name.
4. Load Macromedia Dreamweaver or your chosen web design program.
5. From the 'Program' menu, open the website page on which you wish to add the search engine code.
6. Select a location on the page for your search engine. Toggle between 'Code View' and 'Design View' if this helps you find the right place on the page.
7. Cut and paste the saved search engine code into the correct section of your website. You may need to place this between 'Division' (div) or 'Paragraph' (p) tags for this to work properly.
8. Toggle between 'Code View' and 'Design View' to check if the code is in place and the page layout is correct.
9. Save the page. Upload to your web server.
10. Visit your website online and check that your search engine works properly.

How to Make Money Writing A Blog

Find Your Niche
1. List all of the topics you are comfortable writing about, and areas where you have personal experience and knowledge.
2. Research the popularity of the topics to ensure that you choose something people search for. Writing the best blog on the Internet about purple dogs is meaningless unless people actually want to read about purple dogs. Use programs such as Market Samurai or Google's keyword tool to assess how many people search for those particular topics each month.

3. Perform an Internet search for the topics you think you want to write about, and take a careful look at the sites that show up on page one. Those sites will become your competition, and you need to be sure that you either cover the topic better or approach it in an entirely different way.
Create Your Blog
4. Determine the right platform for your blog. and allow you to create a blog at no cost, but there are drawbacks. If you have a few dollars to spare, you can buy a hosting plan where a larger company holds your blog on its servers making it accessible to the public, and use to structure the blog.
5. Create a catchy name for your blog, making sure that it is reflective of what readers will find when they read it.
6. Start writing. To ensure a successful blog, you should write at least one blog post in the beginning, and then on a regular posting schedule of at least once or twice per week after that.
Monetize It
7. Research the different types of monetization and choose the ones most appropriate to your topic. Some blogs are better suited for selling e-books, white papers or e-newsletters, while others lean toward selling specific products or simple text or image link ads. ProBlogger Darren Rowse uses several types of monetization, including placing image and text ads from Google AdSense and Chitika on his site, selling products through Amazon's affiliate program and selling private ads to relevant companies.
8. Look for profitable, commercial blog networks that fit your topic, and apply for acceptance into them once you have a substantial amount of posts on your site. Networks such as FoodBuzz have hundreds or thousands of blogs that are networked together, and they provide an additional income stream through their own advertising.
9. Determine the best placements for ads on your site, whether they are banner or text ads, or a simple link to your e-book or e-newsletter subscription. Make sure that the ads are a good fit for your site, and do not overpower your blog with ads.
Get Traffic
10. Learn the techniques you need to get your blog ranked highly in the search engines, and how to write compelling text to draw a reader in. No matter how well you have monetized your blog, you will not make money unless people visit it.
11. Research and apply on-page optimization factors, such as keyword placement, and off-page optimization, such as backlinks and metatags. Enroll in a reputable program, such as The Keyword Academy, to learn the right techniques and strategies.
12. Engage in social marketing by creating a Twitter account and Facebook fan page for your blog.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

How to Insert AdSense Code Into YouTube

Getting Approved
1. Upload original videos to YouTube. Every part of the videos must be original content that you have full worldwide copyright ownership. Any videos containing music, lyrics, images, text, owned by someone else will make it unlikely you will be approved. This includes cover songs performed by you of another performer's commercial work.
2. Make sure that all of your videos, and your conduct on YouTube complies with the Terms of Service for your account, and YouTube's Community Guidelines.

3. Upload new videos to YouTube regularly.
4. Make sure your videos have popular appeal, and are viewed by thousands of viewers before applying.
5. Go to the YouTube Partnership Program page and apply, then wait for YouTube to review your account and your videos.
After Approval
6. Use the instructions sent to you from YouTube to create an Adsense account, which will be linked to your YouTube account. If you already have an account, continue with the following steps.
7. Sign into Google Adsense using your AdSense account. Click 'My Account,' and select 'Account Access.'
8. Open a new browser window. Sign into YouTube using your YouTube account. A notification will appear inviting you to link your AdSense and YouTube Accounts. Enter your Adsense account information as requested.
9. Wait for an email from YouTube confirming the accounts have been linked.
10. Log into YouTube, and click on a video. A new 'Enable Revenue Sharing' button will be below your video. Click it, then a new page opens.
11. Submit the requested information verifying your ownership of copyrights and ability to use the video for commercial purposes, then click 'Submit.'
12. Wait for your video to be approved for revenue sharing. Then see the AdSense ads on your video.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

How to Automatically Input Code to a WordPress Post

1. Log in to your self-hosted WordPress blog. Click 'Appearance' and then click 'Editor.'
2. Click 'Single Post (single.php)' or whichever PHP file in the current WordPress template corresponds to single posts. This link appears on the list of PHP files on the right side of the page.

3. Look for a line similar to the following example:

4. Insert the code below the code. This will position the code immediately after the post content.
5. Click 'Update File.'

Monday, December 19, 2011

How to Embed Google Voice on WordPress

Creating a Call Widget
1. Sign into your Google Voice account at
2. Click the gear icon in the top-right corner of the screen and select 'Voice settings.'

3. Open the 'Call Widgets' tab, then click the 'Add a new Call Widget' link.
4. Enter a name for your call widget.
5. Select the phones you'd like the widget to ring, and the greeting you'd like users to hear, then click 'Save changes.'
6. Copy the line of code in the box next to the 'Embed' label.
Embedding the Call Widget into WordPress
7. Visit your WordPress dashboard page and sign into your account.
8. Click the 'Widgets' link under the 'Appearance' section on the left side of the page.
9. Drag a 'Text' widget from the middle of the screen over to one of your available sidebars.
10. Paste the code for your Google Voice Call Widget into the text box, and click the 'Save' button. The next time you visit your Web page, you'll see a Google voice Call Widget in your sidebar. Visitors can click this widget and immediately connect with you on a phone call.

How to Change Meta Tags in WordPress

1. Log in to your WordPress admin area. When its Control Panel appears, click 'Appearance' from the menu bar on the left side of the screen, and then click 'Editor.' This brings up the HTML files that control the appearance of your WordPress site.
2. Click 'header.php' from the list of files located down the right side of the screen. Before making any changes to a WordPress HTML file, it is wise to make a back up copy. Select all the code in the central editing area, paste it into a text editor such as Notepad, and save it to your computer.

3. Scan 'header.php' in the editing area of your WordPress screen, and try to find the
tags. They are all located between the
tags near the top of the file.
4. Modify the meta tags to suit your needs. When you do this, ensure that the code is correct for each meta tag. All meta tags must have a closing '>' bracket (without quotations), and the value of each attribute must be contained in quotation marks. For example, if you wanted to change the meta description of your WordPress site, which controls what is displayed in the description for the Yahoo!, Bing, and sometimes Google search engines, this would be a correct format to use:

5. Click 'Update File' at the bottom of the page. Your changes have now been saved. Go to your blog page and check that your site is working correctly. If it is not, return to the editor and review your code for mistakes.

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