1. Free Blog or WebsiteMany people are interested in making money online but lack the financial resources. They are not aware of the fact that they can start making money online without having to spend any money. As a result some people have given up on that concept. As a result, this article is created to provide the necessary information on how to make money online. First you should obtain a free Blog or Website account online from webmasters (see Resources Section Below) that offer free hosting for blogs and website. Then sign up for a free email account if you do not want to use your regular email for that purpose. After you sign up, login to your email account and verify the link sent to you by webmaster.
2. Get Free Adsense AccountOpen your newly created website or blog account html document and insert relevant content relating to your advertising topic you are promoting. Write your content with clarity and good grammar making it easy to read, and convey the right message.You must have a Free Google Adsense Account to start making money. Go to http://www.google.com/adsense and sign up for a free adsense account using the same email account based on the fact that you will not be inundated with emails from your webmaster and adsense account. Make sure that your website or blog is completed and not under construction before you submit it to Google for review and approval.
3. Final Website ReviewDo a final quick review of your website or blog to ensure that you have not missed out any information that would prevent your site from getting approved. Submit your website or blog with the information required by Google to complete the application. While you are waiting for approval, continue to edit and fine tune your blog or website.
4. Setup Adsense CodeAfter your account is approved, Login to your Adsense account, click on Adsense Setup Tab. Copy the Adsense code. Open your website or blog account and carefully insert the adsense code into the html document. Then save your document. Upload your website or blog to the internet following any instruction you received from your webmaster. Remember that your webmaster host your website or blog absolutely free. You must publish your site or blog for changes to take place.
5. Free Traffic Exchange ProgramsYou need free traffic resources to advertise and promote your new blog or website for people to see your opportunity. There are thousands of free traffic resources available. (See Resources Section Below)Join many free traffic exchange programs using a separate email other that the one used to create your website or blog account. After you signed up for your free traffic programs, login to your email account and verify each link sent from each traffic program.Create your advertisement by login to each traffic program. You can use both text ads and banner ads for your business opportunities to start promoting your website or blog.