Friday, May 11, 2012

How to Earn From Google Ads

1. Sign up for an account. Getting a Google AdSense account allows you to access the program and is free to start. You will need to provide some personal information and to have an active e-mail account in order to get registered.
2. Read the fine print. A frequent complaint of Google AdSense users is that they later find out that they are ineligible to be paid. To be eligible, you have to not only comply with the AdSense agreement, but your website must also fit within Google's Webmaster policies. This information is carefully spelled out in the terms of agreement.

3. Pick your keywords. Not all words pay the same. Remember, though, that the highest-paying keywords are also the most popular. Before setting up your account, do some research on which keywords will apply to your website and earn you money.
4. Do your homework. Not only do you need to look at what words pay what money, but also at what your competition is using. Is it better to be the thousandth person to use a higher-paying word or to be the third person to work with a mid-level word? Like most business decisions, this involves a bit of a gamble. But the preparation you do now will save you a lot of frustration later on.
5. Don't be afraid to play dirty. You're trying to make money, not friends. Google AdSense allows you to block certain URLs from your website. Often, it makes sense to block your competitors, as you don't want them advertising on your website and making it more difficult to draw attention to you or your product. It is just as likely that your competitors will be blocking your URL.
6. Don't be afraid to change. Don't get locked into a certain keyword or setting. The Internet is almost fluid in what is popular and what is not. Change to what is going to make money for you at the time. Just because something worked once doesn't mean it always will. Like anything in business, it's important to stay up on the times.

How to Put a Banner Ad in Your Header

1. Log into Wordpress and navigate to the 'Thesis' control panel. Click on the 'Custom File Editor' to begin placing your new code.
2. Highlight the 'custom_functions.php' file from the drop down menu and click 'Edit.' Insert the following code into your header area once the file has opened.function thesis_header_ad() {?>

3. Replace where it says 'URL address' with the web address you'd like the ad to direct visitors to. Replace where it says 'image file URL address' with the web address of the image if the ad has one available. These settings will depend on the ad type you've selected through places such as Google. Some are text with images, text only or image only. Check for the appropriate code when building your ad through programs such as Google's Adsense.
4. Click the 'Save' button once you've finished and return to the 'Custom File Editor.' Open the file called 'custom.css' to show 'Thesis' where to place the ad in your header.
5. Copy the following code and paste it at the top of your 'custom.css' file..custom #header #banner_ad {float:right;margin-top:-7.5em;width:450px;padding-left: 1em;}
6. Edit the specifics such as 'float:right;' to 'float:left;' if you'd rather have the ad showing on the left-hand side of your header. Change where it says 'margin-top:-7.5em;' to whatever increment you feel is best. Play around with the numbers until you get the ad placement the way you like. Change the 'width' if the image for your ad is larger or smaller than '450px.'
7. Click on the big 'Save' button once you've finished and check your site for any errors. Go back and make changes to the 'custom_functions.php' and 'custom.css' files should they need them.

How to Compare Google Advertising Rates

Google Keyword Tool
1. Go to the Google Keyword Tool page. The link is available in Resources. You do not need to sign into a Google AdWords account, but you may do so, if you have one. It will not make a difference.
2. Enter a keyword into the box on the left in the 'Find Keywords' section. The keyword you enter should be relevant to a specific product or service you want to promote. In other words, use one of the keywords your target customers would type into Google when they are looking for a product or service like yours.

3. Select the box next to 'Only show ideas closely related to my search terms.' Click the 'Search' button and allow Google to deliver the search results. This displays a spreadsheet of keywords related to the one you entered, along with Google search data about those keywords.
4. Click the 'Columns' drop-down menu above the search results, and make sure 'Estimated Avg. CPC' is selected. This displays the estimated average cost-per-click for each keyword listed, letting you compare the Google advertising rates for the displayed keywords.
5. Click the top of any column to sort the related keywords by competition, global monthly searches and local monthly searches, to get further insight.
6. Repeat Steps 1 through 5 with different keywords -- and keep doing so -- until you have a general idea about the size of your market, competition and going rates for your related keywords.
Google Traffic Estimator
7. Go to the Google Traffic Estimator page. Again, you do not need to sign into a Google AdWords account, but you may do so if you have one.
8. Enter a keyword into the box on the left in the 'Get Traffic Estimates' section. Again, the keyword you enter should be generically relevant to a specific product or service you want to promote.
9. Hit 'Enter' to drop the cursor to a new line. Type another keyword related to your business. Repeat with as many keywords as you wish, then click the 'Estimate' button. This displays a comparison chart for all of the keywords you entered.
10. Click the 'Columns' drop-down menu and select every available option. Click the 'Estimated Avg. CPC' column header, to organize the keywords by cost-per-click. Click 'Estimated Daily Cost' to organize the keywords by total daily cost.
11. Organize and compare your related keywords by global or local monthly search frequency, estimated ad position on Google search pages, estimated daily click-through for ads containing those keywords, the amount of competition you face when bidding on ad placements, and local search trends.
12. Repeat Steps 1 through 5 as often as you think of new keywords. Over time, you will develop a sense of which keywords most closely relate to your business, pull in the most traffic and command the most sensible Google advertising investment.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

How to Make Money Writing Ads


Submit your resume to businesses.

Submit an application and your current resume with examples of your best writing to the businesses mentioned above, or similar ones.

A good headline with a quote increases revenue

Compose a headline for your advertisements with 10 to 15 words, use a quote in the headline if possible because it will increase your sales by 28 percent more than a conventional headline. (Headlines with 10 to 15 words also sell better than shorter ones, accounting for 80 percent of total sales generated from the ad.)

3. Using strong words, brief paragraphs and short sentences, write as succinct an ad as possible in an easy, conversational tone as if you were talking to a good friend.
4. Briefly describe the specifics about the goods and/or services that you are selling using testimonials whenever possible to increase the credibility and believability of your ad.
5. Write about the benefits of the goods and/or services you are endorsing instead of the features to give your target audience the impression that this product and/or service will be positively life-changing.

Friday, April 27, 2012

How to Remove Deleted Pages for NavBar in Thesis on WordPress

1. Sign in to your Wordpress dashboard, and click on 'Appearance,' then click on 'Menus.'
2. Click on the menu you have assigned to the navigation bar. Here you'll see the list of pages/links attached to the menu.

3. Click the arrow on the right side of the specific page tab.
4. Click on 'Remove,' then click 'Save Menu.' This removes the deleted page from the navigation bar menu.

How to Make a Google Ad Center

1. Paste your Google ad into the place you want it to appear on your website. If you don't have the ad code, access your Google AdSense account and click 'Setup,' and then 'Manage Ads.' Click 'Code' to retrieve the code next to your specific ad.
2. Move to the beginning of the ad code. You should see this:

3. Add the following HTML tag to the beginning, so the snippet looks like this:

4. Move to the end of the ad code. You should see the closing tag:

5. Type the closing HTML tag to center the ad. The result should look like this:

Thursday, April 26, 2012

How to Place Ads on the Bottom of a Post Thesis Theme

1. Register with WordPress Web hosting. WordPress tightly controls the use of ads on its blogs. With WordPress Web hosting, you have more flexibility to control the design and content of your blog than you would have with a conventional WordPress account. WordPress Web hosting also gives you the freedom to develop your own themes based on templates like the post Thesis template. Registering with WordPress Web hosting requires that you purchase a domain name from one of the WordPress recognized Web hosts, such as Blue Host, Network Solutions or Media Temple. Links to these registrars can be found at the WordPress Web hosting information page.
2. Purchase a copy of the Thesis blog template. Thesis is a template designed for WordPress by a developer named 'DIY Themes.' Thesis costs $87 as of March 2011 for individuals, and is compatible with blogs run by WordPress. To purchase the Thesis template, visit the DIY Themes website and place an order with your credit card on the 'Register and Download' page.

3. Select a Post theme for your WordPress blog, if you haven't done so already. The Post format is the WordPress feature that allows users to customize and build their own themes. If your blog already runs a 'canned' WordPress theme, you can switch to the Post format by clicking on 'Appearance,' then 'Themes,' then 'Activate (theme).'
4. Upload the thesis theme to your WordPress account. To do this, go to the WP content-themes directory of your account and use the file manager function to extract the Thesis files to your directory.
5. Upload your ads to the WP content-themes directory using the file manager function. If you do not yet have any paid advertising and are simply doing this project for the learning experience, create a random image in MS Paint or Photoshop for use as a stand-in. The Thesis theme technically allows ads of any size, but aesthetically, the ideal size for an ad at the end of a page is 468x60, as this fits nicely within the width of the content section of the page.
6. Open your custom_functions.php file, and paste the code template for ads at the bottom of a page. You do not need to know PHP in order to do this; the script for this piece of code can be found at the DIY Themes website (see Resources). The only thing you need to modify yourself is your website URL and the image file name. Both of these elements are found in the following line:

. Place your blog URL and image file name in the sections with parentheses.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How To Make Money Per Hit on a Website

1. Sign up for a pay-per-hit or 'CPM' ad network. (CPM refers to 'cost per mille,' or the rate you'll receive per 1,000 ad views.) Items to consider include the rate paid per 1,000 views and the minimum income necessary to earn before you'll be paid. Consult the ProBlogger link in the Resources section below for a list of 12 CPM providers that will serve up advertising on your site just like Google Adsense.
2. Decide where you'd like to add CPM advertising on your website. If you already have successful banner ads, affiliate links or pay-per-click ads on your site, you may not to displace them for (generally) lower-paying CPM ads. However, CPM ads can be an easy addition to an established website or a simply way to start advertising on your website from the very first day.

3. Add the CPM provider's html code to your website in the appropriate places in your code. Your ad provider will provide the necessary coding to automatically pull ads from their database onto your site--simply follow their installation instructions to display your new ads in the intended places on your site.
4. Log into your CPM network account periodically to track how your advertising is performing. Of course, the more visitors you have, the more your ads will be viewed, and the greater pay-per-hit income you'll make.

Monday, April 23, 2012

How to Put Ads in the WordPress Footer

Create Ads
1. Sign up for an ad network. Google AdSense is one example. Log in to the ad network if you are already an ad publisher.
2. Create a new ad. For example, click the 'My ads' tab and 'New ad unit' in Google AdSense.

3. Enter a name for the ad, and choose a size and type. Select the formatting for the ad, such as colors to match your theme. Save the ad and get the ad code, which is usually JavaScript code. For example, click 'Save and get code' in Google AdSense.
4. Highlight the code with your mouse. 'Ctrl' and 'C' to copy the ad code to the clipboard.
Install Plugin and Insert Ad Code
5. Sign in to WordPress as the 'admin' user. Download and install a plugin that allows you to add custom code to the WordPress theme footer.
6. Click 'Plugins' from the menu, locate the plugin you installed, and click 'Activate' beneath its name to make it active.
7. Navigate to the options for the plugin. For example, click 'Post Footer' under 'Settings.'
8. Press 'Ctrl' and 'V' to paste the ad code in the box provided by the plugin -- in the 'Ad Code' box, for example. Click the button to save your changes. Click 'Update Options.'
9. Create another ad, copy the ad code to the clipboard and paste it into the custom footer to display more than one ad in the footer. Click the name of your blog to view the blog and check to make sure the ads are properly displaying in the WordPress footer.

Friday, April 20, 2012

How to Get Adsense on Wordpress Without Plugins

1. Log in to Google AdSense. Click the 'My ads' tab. Under 'Ad units' locate the ad unit that you want to use. Click 'Get code.' Select the code, right-click and click 'Copy.'
2. Log in to the WordPress dashboard with your administrator account. Click 'Appearance' on the left menu, then click 'Widgets.'

3. Click 'Text' in the 'Available Widgets' area. Drag the widget to the sidebar on the right. If your WordPress theme has two sidebars, then drag the widget to the sidebar where you want to place the AdSense ad unit.
4. Right-click in the 'Text' widget and click 'Paste' to insert the AdSense code. Click 'Save.'
5. Log in to the WordPress dashboard. Click 'Appearance' and click 'Editor.' Click 'Single Post (single.php)' on the right when the editor page appears.
6. Search for a phrase similar to the following in the code window. The exact line may vary from one theme to another. But look for the code with 'the_content' in it like

7. Add a table layout above the 'the_content' line of code. For example:

8. Right-click between the
tags. Click 'Paste' to insert the AdSense code. This places the AdSense ad to the top left of your WordPress posts.
9. Review the code. It should look similar to the example shown below:

[Your AdSense code here]

10. Click 'Update File.'

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