Thursday, June 21, 2012

How to Install FeedBurner for WordPress

1. Navigate to If you have not added Feedburner to your Google account yet, follow the instructions to do so and view the 'My Feeds' page.
2. Click the text field under 'Burn a feed right this instant'. Type the address of your website, followed by a forward slash and the word 'feed' such as '' Click the 'Next' button. This brings you to a page titled 'Welcome'.

3. Type the title and address that you would like to use for your feed, or click 'Next' to use the default settings.This generates a Feedburner feed for your website.
4. Click the 'Skip directly to feed management' link at the bottom of the page.
5. Select the 'Publicize' tab at the top of the page.
6. Click 'Chicklet Chooser' on the left side.
7. Click the radio button next to the graphic that you prefer. This is the graphic that your readers will click to subscribe to your feed.
8. Use the mouse pointer to highlight the contents of the 'Copy the HTML below' box at the bottom of the page. Right-click the selected text, and then click 'Copy'.
9. Open a new browser window or tab, and navigate to the dashboard section of your WordPress website. Expand the 'Appearance' menu on the left side of the page, and then click 'Widgets'.
10. Drag and drop the 'Text' box from the middle of the window to the sidebar area on the right side. The widget expands and displays two fields.
11. Click the 'Title' field at the top of the widget, and type a title such as 'Feedburner' or 'Subscribe to our feed'.
12. Right-click the large field at the bottom of the widget, and then click 'Paste' to paste the HTML code for your Feedburner button.
13. Click 'Save'.

How to Put AdSense Code on an Individual Blogger Post

1. Log into your AdSense account.
2. Choose your ad units--text, image or both. Choose the ad format and colors.

3. Generate and copy the AdSense code.
4. Sign into Blogger and go to your Dashboard.
5. Go to the Edit HTML section of your template. Find the code that looks like this:

6. Paste your AdSense code immediately under that line.
7. Save template and republish blog.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

How to Increase Adsense Earnings

1. **Take Google's Optimization Tips to Heart**On your Adsense account page is a tab labeled 'Resources', and under this tab is a link to 'Optimization Tips'. Memorize these!Seriously, Google's own advice is your best starting point for increasing your Adsense income. They cover topics like which color palettes to use; where to place ads on your website; image vs text ads; optimizing for particular sites, like blogs and forums.They also cover use of some of Google's powerful tools, like channels and Google Analytics.Spend a good amount of time here. This is clearly your best starting point for increasing your revenue from Adsense.
2. **Make Maximum Use of Your Content**One of the biggest challenges of building traffic on the web is knowing what you want to say, and finding the best way to say it.But once you've found your voice -- that is, now that you have solid content on the web -- don't keep it all in one place. There are several places where you can post similar (not identical!) material, draw additional traffic, and earn additional Adsense income.For instance, at Google Knol (, you can post informative articles on the topics you know best. Add your own Adsense ads to the Knol, and you have a new source of income. For less scholarly sorts of content, you can post at, and once again, include your Adsense code to generate new income.Posting at both Knol or Xomba is relatively quick and easy, especially when you already have your topic already thought out and ready to go.

3. **Practice Product Placement**I've found it useful to mention product names when possible, as long as they are consistent with the content on my sites. The names act as keywords that offer a triple benefit of increasing traffic, improving search engine rankings, and attracting high paying ads. For instance, I'll say Adwords right here, just to throw in that as a keyword.
4. **Move Your Visitors**Make your viewers move around the page, so that they're sure to come across your ads.You can't point them directly to the ads, of course, as that's not in keeping with Adsense terms of use. But you can certainly direct readers to different parts of your website with phrases like: 'See the Resources section directly below' or similar such wording.As a matter of fact, be sure to see the Resources section directly below, for more useful information. Also be sure to see the More Articles Like This, and Related Articles, elsewhere on this page for more tips on optimizing Adsense earnings.

How to Make Google Find My Website

Getting Your Webpage Found by Google
1. Evaluate your Web pages to make sure the Google index crawler can find you. Verify your page names contain readable words and are hyphenated if they are more than two words. Using numbers or another type of naming system will keep Google from finding your site.
2. Check if your website is found by Google by typing '' on the Google homepage. This will tell if your site is being included in Google's search results.

3. Add your URL to Google's 'Add your URL to Google' page.
4. Find other websites you can add your URL link to. Join an organization related to your content and add your link to its member site. By having other websites point to yours, Google can find your website in multiple locations because you are better linked throughout the Internet.
5. Create a Google site map and submit it to your 'Google Webmaster Tools' account page. Site maps are an effective way of listing your site's URLs and submitting them to Google's index. You can create a text-based site map, use Google's site map generator or find many free automatic generators online.
6. Add your site to Google News if it contains news content. Go to the Google page 'News (publishers) Help.'
7. Create a Google business account if you have a commercial website in a specific location. Go to the Google page 'Local Business Center.'

How to Change Your Google Name

1. Log in to your account using your current username and password. This can be done through
2. Open the 'Settings' tab that appears on any Gmail page on the top right-hand corner between your user name and the 'Help' tab.

3. Click on the second tab from the left called 'Accounts and Import.'
4. Click on the 'Edit Info' link in the 'Send mail as:' section (the second block from the top). A new window will open.
5. Click on the second radio button next to the empty box and type in the name that you desire to see on your account.
6. Hit the 'Save Changes' button after the name has satisfactorily been typed into the box.

Monday, June 18, 2012

How to Stay at Home and Make Money on the Internet

1. Stay at home and make money on the internet by starting a blog and monetizing it by adding Google Adsense ads. When you add Google ads to your blog, when people visit your blog and click on the Google ads that they may be interested in, you make money.
2. Stay at home and make money on the internet by selling things on Ebay. Visit and sign up for a free Ebay account. You can start off by auctioning off personal items, old items, non-used items or things you really don't use anymore. If you like to make crafts or jewelry, you can sell them as well to start making money.

3. Stay at home and make money on the internet by writing ebooks on subjects that interest you and topics that you know something about. You can find websites that will allow you to upload your ebooks to their website so that you can sell them through their website for a small percentage of the sale. You can even allow over people (affiliates) to sell your ebooks to help bring in more money. (View links below under resources for a company that allows you to sell ebooks and allows other people to sell your ebooks).

Sunday, June 17, 2012

How to Identify a Fake Check

1. Look at the edges of the check. Most personal checks have one perforated edge, and some business checks are perforated on all sides. If there are no perforated edges, there's a higher chance of it being a fake check.
2. Check for misspellings or errors, and check the phone number and address against a phone book (an online phone book if the location is far away). Call the phone number and see if the person whose name is on the check answers; if so, ask a few questions to determine if the check is legitimate.

3. Scan the dollar amounts on the check carefully with a magnifying glass for evidence of tampering. Commonly, with fake checks, people carefully change some of the numbers to make a real check valued at a higher amount. Also check the name the check is written to for signs of changes, or someone having written over the original text. Any of these edits can point to a fake check.
4. Call the bank listed on the check and ask it to verify the information. Even if it's a real account, the check could be bad. If possible, go to the bank in question so a teller can verify the check before you hand over the the merchandise you're selling or try to deposit the check.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

How to Implement Google AdSense

1. Go to the Google AdSense page (see Resources) and sign in using your Google account. A page with several tabs will appear showing reports, set-up, your account and resources.
2. Select the tab 'AdSense Setup.' A new page will appear that shows the different products available through AdSense.

3. Select the 'AdSense for Content' link. The next page will display a choice between 'Ad Unit' and 'Link Unit.' Most websites feature AdSense for Content Ad Units. Click the 'Continue' button.
4. Select the features you want for your ads. This is where you can customize the size and way the ads will appear on your website. Click 'Continue' when you are done.
5. Add up to five custom channels. This is a feature that helps you track the performance of certain pages or units you implement with AdSense. Continue to the next page.
6. Create a name for the AdSense unit you just created. Click on the 'Submit and Get Code' button.
7. Copy and paste the HTML code into your blog or website to implement Google AdSense.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Making Money With Google Trends

1. Register a blog or website, and monetize your Internet space with Google Adsense. This step is will neither cost you money nor will it be time consuming. In fact, Google offers users free blogs with its Blogger publishing platform, as does Wordpress. If you register for the Google Adsense program, you can arrange for small advertisements to appear on chosen webpages. Any time that visitors click on these ads, you will receive a certain amount of money. (These amounts vary depending on which ad is clicked and how much each advertiser is willing to pay site owners to promote its services.)
2. Refer to constantly updated data on Google Trends. The beauty of Google Trends is that it functions in almost real-time. This service provided by Google seeks to track user interest in common search terms. Thus, if you enter the words 'make money,' you will presented with a line graph that will chart the popularity of this term over the span of several years. However, by comparison, a search for the term 'making money' reveals a lower search volume. Thus, if you are trying to decide which of these terms to include in a blog post, you may want to use 'make money,' since it will probably bring more visitors to your blog and those visitors may decide to click on your Adsense ads.

3. Use Google Trends to assess your competition. In addition to supplying data about common search terms, Google Trends will also give you information about websites. This is valuable to you if you are seeking to make money with Google Trends, since you can discover how your competition is performing. Perhaps the websites you are studying have experienced peaks of traffic in the past, but have declined in popularity in the last few months. Thus, data from this application will help to remove mystery from the websites and allow you to see how they tick.
4. Gauge the value of time in Google Trends data. Time is a vital factor in advertising, and Google Trends is the best place to look if you are trying to assess the popularity of particular keywords over time. When choosing keywords for your writing, choose words with staying power, and not simply words that are popular for a few days before disappearing from the radar of Internet users. Study data and try to infer reasons why certain terms rise and fall in popularity.
5. Examine data on regions, cities or language to learn about the makeup of your audience. When you use keywords in your writing, you are targeting your work to specific readers. Ideally, these readers are English-speaking; however, they may speak other languages depending on the keywords you use. For example, Google Trends states that nearly as many people from Japan are entering term 'iPod' in Google search bars as from the United States. The more you know about your audience, the more you can target this audience with keyword-rich articles.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

How to Change the Bank Account Information on Google Merchant Services

1. Sign in to Google Checkout. Log on to and enter your email or password. If you are already signed into your Google account, via Gmail Google Docs or any other service provided by the portal, you will not need to sign in again and will be automatically presented with your home screen when you log on to the Google Checkout page.
2. Click the 'Settings' tab. In the new window, click on 'Financials.' Now click on 'Change Account' to revise an existing bank account. You will see numerous fields populated with the bank account information you have previously entered. You need to change only the information in the fields where the present data is no longer accurate. In the field labeled 'Account type' select among checking, savings, or corporate account depending on what kind of account you have. Next, enter the name of your bank in the filed labeled 'Bank name.' Now go to the field titled 'Routing number' and enter your bank's 9-digit routing number. This number is printed on your checks. In the next field, named 'Account number' enter the number of your account. This number, too, can be found on your checks and is usually located immediately after the routing number. Finally, re-type your account number into the field titled 'Re-type account number.' Check all the information you have just entered and click on 'Save financials.'

3. Check your bank account for a transfer from 'Google Deposit.' To ensure that you are the actual account holder, Google will make a small deposit in your specified account within two business days. Your bank may take another 2-3 days to post this payment to your account. Once you see this deposit, sign in to Google Checkout as before and click on the 'Settings' tab. In the new window, click on 'Financials.' Now click on 'Verify account' and enter the exact amount of the deposit. Now click on 'Verify deposit.' If the amount you entered is accurate, your bank information will be successfully updated within seconds.

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