1. Provide personal services in your neighborhood. There are a variety of ways that you can make money fast by doing things such as babysitting, tutoring students, running errands, mowing lawns, house cleaning and dog walking. Be sure to check with all of your family members, friends and neighbors to find out if they could use your services; and don't forget to inform them of your prices.
2. Gather your old items and have a yard sale. Look around your house for things that you no longer use and try to sell them. You are bound to have some old clothes, house decorations or appliances that you can sell for a reasonable price. Don't forget to create some fliers and post them around your neighborhood to let everyone know about your yard sale. You may even choose to place an advertisement in your local newspaper, in order to reach more people.
3. Visit a local pawn shop. Many people go to pawn shops to get fast money for their personal items. Nowadays, you can practically pawn just about anything of value, such as jewelry, electronics, tools, leather jackets and purses. In order to pawn something, you will need to show the pawnbroker a valid photo ID (like a driver's license), but you certainly do not need to have a social security card.
4. Sell your things online. Take some photos of your personal items and try to sell them on sites such as eBay and Craigslist. Be sure to post high-quality pictures and include a detailed description of the product(s) that you are trying to sell. Using the Internet to sell your personal items is a rather effective way to earn a significant amount of money in a short amount of time.
5. Create a blog to make some extra money. If you enjoy sharing your thoughts and feelings with others and you are somewhat computer savvy, perhaps you should try blogging as a way to generate some extra cash. You can create a free blog through 'Blogger,' and you earn money by placing Google ads on your page. Please note that you will need to sign up for a free Google AdSense account in order to earn money through your blog.