Sunday, October 14, 2012

How to Build a Web Site That Makes Money or Income

1. The first thing you need to do is have a plan make a check list to follow and stick to it.
What interests do you have, hobbies ,work related ,sports that you have experience with ,etc.
You will need a good web site builder like Dream weaver or Front page I use Front page and become familiar with FTP to upload your site.
Before you build your web site you need a domain name for it. The key factors in selecting a domain name' web address' that will boost your profits or income Make your business web site look as professional and targeted as possible to the people that are looking to buy. This can take some time but write down what domain names you want. Then go to a hosting service like godaddy,that is who I use they are reliable and have good prices. Type in the name and see if it available, try and use .com if possible.
Remember that the search engines like your site name in the domain name. Here is a example: If you like golf look for something like 'my golf tips' or' golfhelpbooks' you get the idea. Whatever you decide on make sure that the subject is in the domain name.
2. The articles, and information on the site should be relevant to the site and should target the area of the public that the website is concerned with.
The site should be easy to use, with the interface and navigation simple and reliable.
The graphics and text should include a single style and the same font throughout, to show consistency. The style should be professional, appealing and relevant.
The site must also be easy to find ,good key words on each page, so that the major search engines and folks searching can find it.
Getting people to pay attention to your content, good publishing provides the unique opportunity to create targeted content for whatever product you choose to sell. Create a good quality web page in a proven market by packaging together similar or complementary products with reviews on the page. If you have your own product to sell you can use Pay pal or Google merchants to collect payments I use both. Both these credit card services are easy to use and give you the buy buttons to place on your page. I like to use the smallest buy button that is available. You can also use drop down buy buttons if you have more then one product to sell on one page.

3. Does one of your web site sell to businesses or shoppers? Position your content or reviews accordingly. Figure out how you can cut through the clutter to reach your target audience through writing what they need to read and what they are looking to purchase.
You will need to make sure that the web site is content rich, have atlas 100 or more words on the index page(or home page) to allow the search engines to find your site. Keep the content about what the site has to offer and have solutions or answerers to what people are searching for. If you are selling products make sure each page is linked to the home page. Offer product reviews on the page with a affiliate link or banner to the site that is selling the product.
You can sign up as a affiliate at Sharasale or Commission Juction,or Click bank if you want to sell eBooks there are a few more that are easy to work with and send out monthly commission checks most have direct deposit to your bank account.
If you are just writing content you can place adsense ads on the side or at the bottom of the page.Google Adsense is an ad serving program run by Google. It is Pay Per Click and Contextual advertising Adsense has many different options on how to place there ads on your page. The html part of the page needs to have the key words in the title so the correct ads appear on the page. Remember never ,never, click on your own ads Google will ban you for click fraud.
These are just a few good web site building tips that I have learned through trial and error. If you have any questions on how to make a website that makes money post them and I will do my best to answer them.

How to Increase eCPMs


Compare the performance of the same ad in different places.

Analyze the placement and performance of existing AdSense ads on your site. Since Google measures the click-through rate of ads in its calculation of how to compensate publishers, you should publish ads where your users notice. Click on them. As Keith D'Souza advises, you can analyze this behavior by using AdSense Channels to monitor the performance of different ad positions, ad sizes, and ad formats. AdSense allows you to show both display and text ads. Experiment with each format to see which leads to more user interaction. Display those ads.

Give your existing audience more enjoyment.

Incorporate strategies to make your site 'stickier' for existing readers. this will create more impressions from the same audience. Noted blogger Amit Agarwal suggests adding a search box to the top and bottom of every page on your site. Similarly, Darren Rowse of Problogger suggests you offer conspicuous subscription options to your readers. Rowse also suggests increasing interactivity by adding a subscribe-to-comment feature and by responding to comments yourself. This will create increased impressions from people following the conversation. Further, consider incorporating a related content section on each page so visitors easily can find more content that they enjoy.


Make it easy for your audience to share your content.

Get increased traffic and, therefore, increased ad impressions by promoting your site. Integrate social networking links that allow your audience to share content they enjoy with their network. Also consider unconventional sources of traffic. As Amit Agrawal points out, if you publish some content to sites like Flickr, YouTube, and Twitter, you can garner new audience members for your content.

Car dealerships spend more on ads than cafes.

Increase your ad revenues by targeting a more lucrative audience. All audiences are not equal, and since advertisers bid for ad placement on websites through Google, those advertisers with higher profit margins are able to bid more. For example, a car dealership makes much more per new customer than does a cafe. So if your content targets people shopping for new cars, your eCPM will be higher than a site targeting people looking for the best local coffee.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

How to Get Rid of Ads by Google on Phpbb Forums

Remove Google Ads From Your Current Forum Host
1. Check your forum's settings or configuration section to see if there are options for displaying or hiding the ads. In the free version of Forumotion, for example, you can set the ads to only appear for non-registered guests by going to your Admin Panel, then General, then Configuration.
2. Check your forum host's website to see if there's a premium hosting option that would allow you to avoid displaying the ads automatically.

3. Email your forum hosting service to ask them if there's a way to remove the ads from your forum.
Remove Google Ads by Self-Hosting Your Forums
4. Host PhpBB forums on your own website to avoid dealing with a forum hosting service that displays ads. Select a Web host and buy a domain name and a hosting plan that includes at least one MySQL database.
5. Download PhpBB from the software's official site and upload it to your website's server.
6. Open a Web browser and go to the directory that you uploaded PhpBB to. Follow the onscreen instructions to install the forums.

How to Make Money With Free Content

1. Register with content sites, such as HubPages, Squidoo and Helium. These sites have programs for writers to create free content. They make money for the writer in several different ways. For example, HubPages lets you place Google Adsense advertisements on your content page. The site also encourages product links to Amazon and eBay. The writer shares revenue with the content site. With HubPages, for example, the writer receives roughly 60 percent of the revenue. Squidoo and Helium have similar structures, although Helium only uses Google Adsense.
2. Start a blog. Write new articles often and engage with your visitors in the comments section to maintain reader interest. The blog can cover technical topics, like electronic devices, or more personal ones, such as family life and relationships.As you build up readers, you can make money by offering related products for sale either directly with your own web store or as an affiliate for another web store. For example, if you blog about animals, you can create an affiliate link to a site that sells dog products. The affiliate pays you an agreed-upon amount for every product that you help sell. You also can sell ad space for related products on your blog.

3. Write ebooks. An ebook is an informational electronic book. For example, if you are a dog trainer, you can write an ebook about training dogs. Some writers sell their ebooks, but you can offer one for free. Typically, this is done to give your readers something of tangible value while also offering other products or services that they may purchase. You can use affiliate programs and Google Adsense as other income streams. With an ebook, you can provide valuable information for free and promote your own 'more valuable' product, which comes with a fee. For example, a free dog training ebook could be used to promote your dog training videos.

How to Set Up a Google AdWords Account

Initial Setup
1. Go to the Google AdWords home page and click the 'Start Now' button.
2. Choose a 'Starter' or 'Standard Edition' account. For the most flexibility in your Google AdWords ads, choose the standard edition.

3. Select the language in which you want your ads to display. Choose the language your customers are most likely to use.
4. Decide how targeted you want your ads to be. If you are selling worldwide (an e-book as an affiliate marketer, for example) you'll likely want to choose all countries and territories. If you are a physical business that ships throughout your country, choose your country only. If you are a local business that only sells locally, choose the customized option and your ads will only show up for customers within the geographical area you specify. Click 'Continue' when you've made your choices.
Creating Your Google AdWords Ad
5. Type the headline of your ad. Make this catchy, and be sure it contains the keyword phrase you want this ad to trigger. For example, if you are selling cat furniture want the ad to show up when someone enters the phrase 'buy cat furniture' into Google, your headline might be 'Buy Cat Furniture For Less.' You have a maximum of 35 characters to create your headline, so make every word count.
6. Enter the first description line of your ad. You have 25 characters to give a brief description of your products. For example: 'Fun Furniture For Cats.'
7. Create the last line of your ad. You will want to entice the reader to visit your Web site so tell them to do so with an offer like 'See Our Selection Here.' Again, you have 25 characters so make your words count.
8. Add the display URL of your Web site to your AdWords ad.
9. Include your destination URL. This can be the same as your display URL if you want to send customers to your home page of your Web site. If you are an affiliate marketer, though, enter the link with your affiliate ID to ensure your commission should someone buy through your ad. Click 'Continue.'
Entering Your Keywords
10. Choose the phrases and keywords you think are most likely to trigger your ad. Your Google AdWords ad is displayed only when someone enters a search term into Google that you have specifically requested, so do some keyword research to ensure you know which phrases will work best for your product.
11. Enter your chosen keywords into the box provided, one per line. Beside this box you will see a link named 'Advanced Option: Match Types.' This shows you how to add special characters to your keywords to control how exact you want to match your keywords to an entered search term. For example: [cat furniture] will only display if someone enters that exact phrase into Google, while 'cat furniture' will also show for phrases such as 'buy cat furniture' or 'cheap cat furniture.' Leaving a keyword phrase without special characters ensures your ads will show up when any combination of a keyword phrase is entered, such as 'sell cat furniture.'
12. Add negative keywords. There may be some words or phrases that you don't want your ads to show up for. A good example of this is the word 'free.' You're not giving away your product so you don't want to waste time or clicks on people looking for a free ride. You can eliminate all keyword searches that contain the word 'free' by entering the word with a minus sign in front of it ('-free'). Click 'Continue' when you are done entering your keywords.
Adding Personal and Campaign Information
13. Choose the currency you'll use to pay for your advertising.
14. Select your daily Google AdWords campaign budget. This is how much you are willing to spend per day on advertising. While you don't want to set it too high and overspend, you also don't want to set it so low that your ads won't show up enough to generate business. As a starting point, try for $10 a day and lower or raise it as needed.
15. Choose your cost per click (CPC), or how much you are willing to pay each time someone clicks on your ad. Try entering a low number to begin with and click the 'Get Estimate' button to find out if your ads will display at that price and where your ad will show in comparison to similar ads. You may have to raise your price for better positioning.
16. Review your ad and make sure everything is correct. Click 'Continue' when you are done.
17. Choose whether you are a new user or have an existing Google account. Complete the following steps if you are a new user.
18. Enter your email address and choose a password. Then enter the security word shown and click on the 'Create Account' button.
19. Go to your email in-box and open the confirmation email from Google. Click the activation link and sign into your new AdWords account.
20. Click on the link to the fields for your billing information. Your ads will not begin showing until this last step is completed.
21. Choose your country and time zone.
22. Choose your preferred payment method.
23. Read and agree to Google's terms of service.
24. Enter your credit card or bank information and your billing address.
25. Indicate from the options your type of business.
26. Click 'Save' to activate your account.
27. Your Google AdWords account is now created and your ads will begin displaying shortly.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

How to Make Money on the Web Without Scams

1. Writers can sign up for an account with websites that share a percentage of revenue from ads placed on user-submitted articles, or they can write for companies that pay per article written, such as Demand Studios. Read the rules carefully for the particular website you are joining before posting articles.
2. Create an account with Google Adsense if the website you are writing for requires this to display ads on your articles before you can start earning ad revenue.

3. Choose a topic to write about within your range of expertise. Establish credibility by connecting with your audience and demonstrating your knowledge of a particular subject. Do not pick a topic with which you are unfamiliar, unless you are an expert researcher.
4. Key word research and quality content are the necessary components of writing strong articles. Writing a clear title will garner more search engine traffic as opposed to cryptic titles. For instance, 'How to Make a Pop-Up Card' is better than 'Aunt Rhonda's Card-Making Technique.'Think about what people are going to type into a search engine when composing the title and the text of the article.
Other Online Jobs
5. Selling second-hand textbooks, movies and furniture are all ways to make extra money on the Internet.
6. Blogging allows people to share their personal opinions and make cash. Bloggers can build a large audience by writing about current social and political issues.
7. Website creators can sell advertising space to businesses that want to promote their products.
8. Earn extra money by advertising services such as walking dogs and cleaning houses on free classified websites.

How to Get a Work at Home Job with Google

1. Go to (look for link at the bottom of this article) and look at the different positions they have available through the states and for telecommunications employment.
2. They have many jobs to choose from and some of them are telecommuting jobs such as the Ads Quality Rater. If you speak Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish and right now they are looking for temporarily English speaking applicants.

3. You could work as a Ads Quality Rater you would give support to advertisers, publishers and users. You will track and report quality and accuracy of Google advertisements using an online tool. You will need to have the skills to be organized and motivated and be able to work at 10-20 hours per week.
4. Requirements are a BA/BS degree or the equivalent experience, fluent in the language you are applying for, ability to research on the web and think through problems, a high speed computer connection and a U.S. work permit.
5. Send your resume as a text or HTML document to, including
Important: The subject field of your email must include Ads Quality Rater,

Friday, September 28, 2012

How to Make Money with Hub Pages


Browse the Hub Pages site online (see link under resources, below) to get a feel for the site and the style and content of the web pages. Note the monetization elements, such as Google Ads and Amazon affiliate links, on the pages. Check out top hubs to see what's involved in the best money-making HubPages.
2. Sign for an account at Hub Pages. Choose a user name and settings. You'll have the option to sign up for Google AdSense at this time, but you can come back and do that step after you have some content up.


Write your first Hub page. Think of a topic that interests you and do a quick search to see if it's already covered. Even if it is, there may be an angle others have missed that you can provide. For example, there are thousands of articles about dogs. But is there one about your experience showing your Australian Cattle Dog at the national championship show?

Polish your article and add photos. Hub Pages with pictures are more interesting than those without, and tend to rank higher.
5. Promote your articles with links on your social sites and by social bookmarking. Send links to family and friends who may be interested in reading your articles.
6. Optimize your monetization outlets on the page. Be sure to sign up with Google AdSense, Amazon and the others available. You can even become a Hub Pages affiliate and earn money for referring writers.

Continue to write your Hubs and focus on quality content. Use phrases you'd Google, in your title and body, to increase rankings with the search engines. But don't overdo it! Write in a natural tone and above all, deliver good content to your readers. The money will usually follow.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How to Increase Clicks on Google Ads

1. Write keyword-rich content for your website. Google AdSense scans your website and displays advertisements that match the keywords that your articles use. If Google is unable to determine the correct advertisements to display, your readers may see generic ads -- or no ads at all. If you run an article through a text analysis tool, you should clearly be able to determine its topic from the most common words and phrases.
2. Select colors for your AdSense units that blend well with the design of your website. Google allows you to customize the background, text and link colors of each AdSense unit, and a unit that looks the same as the rest of your website will look like website content rather than sticking out as an advertisement -- which readers will naturally look away from.

3. Try different AdSense unit sizes and locations. Google offers AdSense units units ranging from the large 728-by-90 pixel Leaderboard to the 125-by-125 pixel Button. If you find that an AdSense unit is performing poorly on your website, change the size and place it in a different location. For example, the 160-by-600 pixel Wide Skyscraper is intended for a website's sidebar area, while the 468-by-60 Banner tends to fit well at the top or bottom of an article.
4. Place AdSense units next to the most important content on a page. Visitors are likely to look at a website's navigation bar and article titles. Most readers will read the beginning of an article, but not all will read the article through to the end. Therefore, an advertisement above the primary content of a page tends to achieve a high CTR because most visitors will look at it before leaving the page.

How to Make Money With Google Software

1. Create a website. If you don't already have a website you wish to use with AdSense, you can use one of several free options such as Blogger, WordPress, or Google Sites to create a site and fill it with content.
2. Create an AdSense account from Google's website using the 'Sign Up Now' button. You can tie your AdSense account to an existing Google account, or create a new account for its use.

3. Enter the URL of your website in the 'Website Information' section. Google will review your website to ensure it meets the terms of use guidelines for AdSense before approving your account. If you wish to use more than one site, start with one and you can add more later.
4. Enter your mailing address in the 'Contact Information' section. Use your actual address and ensure its accuracy, as Google will send your AdSense payments here.
5. Read the three policy agreements and check the corresponding boxes to certify your adherence. Click 'Submit Information' to continue.
6. Wait for your account to activate. This may take some time, as Google must first review your site. You will receive a notification e-mail when your account is active.
7. Sign in to your AdSense account from Google's website.
8. Add AdSense to your website. Many site providers, including Blogger (references below) and Google Sites have built-in methods of adding AdSense content via gadgets or toolbars. You can also use the 'AdSense Setup' tab from within your AdSense account to view different methods of ad delivery.
9. Track the effectiveness of your AdSense account using the 'Reports' tab, which collates data on advertisement impressions, clicks and earnings.

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