1. Register for a free email address. Gmail.com, Yahoo.com and Hotmail.com are just a few services that provide free email. Choose an appropriate name, preferably one that reflects your desired webpage title. It is important to choose a secure password that includes at least eight letters---both capital and lowercase---and one or more numbers. 'Yourblogname123' or 'Password123' are too obvious. A more secure choice is something like 'SuperMomma5150.'
2. Select a blog website that reflects your interests. Register your blog name using your new email address. Follow the directions on the website, step by step, in choosing a template and formatting your blog. An important step is choosing who can view and comment on the blog. You can limit the viewers or leave it open to anyone who happens upon it.
3. Write in your blog. As time goes on, depending on the type of blog, you can add advertising, pictures, search boxes and more.
4. Sign up with social networking sites to publicize your blog. Websites like Facebook.com, LinkedIn.com, Twitter.com and Xanga.com are popular places to chat and discuss your personal interests, such as your blog. In addition, look for other blogs focused on your personal interests and provide links to them on your own blog. Read and comment on the posts. Interact with other bloggers. Then they will click on your link and read your blog.
5. Add your blog to Google. If you want to reach a wider audience, go to www.google.com and clicking on the link 'About Google,' then 'Submit your content to Google'; and finally, under 'Web,' click on 'Add Your URL.' Insert the URL (the web address) for your blog. Other search engines have similar processes. Maintaining a blog, especially one intended to provide extra income, requires quality writing and dedicated efforts to attract readers.