1. Browse to one of the sites listed in Resources.Blogger is integrated with Google Adsense, which can make you a little cash on the side if your blog becomes popular. Google also allows you to claim a domain name for your blog. Instead of myblog.blogger.com, it could be myblogsite.com. On the downside, Blogger doesn't offer much in the way of simple customization. Beyond the basic layout changes through their admin interface, you'll need to dive into the HTML and CSS to change things.WordPress, on the other hand, is free to install on any website you already own, which means complete customization. They host blogs on their site, but these have fewer options for end users. Integrating ads into a WordPress blog isn't as quick as with Blogger, but you can use any ads you like, instead of being restricted to Google Adsense.Tumblr is a little different from the other two – it's minimalistic and there are fewer personalization features, but the simple interface and follow system (similar to Facebook's like and repost system) has appeal for some users, especially more casual bloggers.
2. Sign up with the site by choosing a name for your blog, entering your information, username, password and email.Try to be descriptive when choosing the name for your blog – the name will help readers find your blog in search engines.
3. Choose a template or theme for your blog. Themes and templates can always be changed later, if you're in a hurry.If you're having difficulty picking a theme, consider your readers and the subject of your blog. The most obvious difference between blogs is the theme – a technology blog rarely looks like a home gardening blog, for example, in part because of the theme. If you understand what your readers will find most appealing, choosing a theme along that line will add some extra flair to your blog.
4. Make your first posting or customize your blog.