Tuesday, March 19, 2013

How to Create WordPress Meta Boxes

1. Log into your WordPress administration dashboard.
2. Click Appearance from the menu on the left side.

3. Click Widgets in the sub-menu. Your current widget configuration will appear in the right pane.
4. Click the name of a widget area from the right menu, such as Left Sidebar or Right Sidebar.
5. Click the Meta Widget in the widget bank and hold the mouse button down.
6. Drag the Meta Widget to the widget area in the right menu. You will see it appear under the name of the widget area.
7. Type a name for your meta box in the Title text box and click 'Save.' When you view your WordPress site, you will now see a meta box in the sidebar area.

Monday, March 18, 2013

How to Improve Your AdSense Performance With Google Analytics

1. Log into your Google account on the Google homepage. Click on your email address on the top right side of the screen to bring up a drop-down menu, and click 'Account Settings.' On the bottom of the screen, you will see a tab that says 'Try Something New' with a list of Google products listed. You can scroll through the available products until you see 'Analytics.' Click 'Analytics' and wait until you are taken to the program's home screen.
2. Sign up for Google Analytics. Once you have a Google Analytics account, you can generate a piece of custom code. Copy the code and paste it into each page on your website you want tracked.

3. Log into your Google Analytics account on a daily basis to see the results that are tracked on your website. When you get into Google Analytics, you will be able to see the number of daily visitors, where they came from, where their geographic region is and other information about each one.
4. Tailor the content on your site to accommodate the visitors coming to it. For example, if the visitors are coming from a particular geographic region in the world, you can create some content that would satisfy them. You can also see which sites are referring the visitors. You can then imagine what visitors from those types of sites would appreciate on your site. You can make some small changes to the content to accommodate these people. You can even see what types of browsers they are using to visit your site. This will help you ensure the content on your site is usable with these Internet browsers.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

How to Stop Ads in Google Mail

1. Visit the Webmail Ad Block add-on page for either Firefox or Chrome: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/webmail-ad-blocker/orhttps://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/cbhfdchmklhpcngcgjmpdbjakdggkkjp
2. Click the 'Add to Firefox' button on Firefox or 'Install' button on Chrome.

3. Click the 'Install Now' button after the dialog box appears. Firefox requires a browser restart but Chrome does not.
4. Sign in to your Google Mail account and open an email. You will notice the text ads on the right side no longer exist. The add-on removes the ads and extends the message to fill the screen.

How to Set Up Canonical URLs

1. Open an editable version of the HTML for your website's homepage. The header is enclosed within
tags. Contact your website provider if you do not know how to find this code.
2. Paste the following code anywhere between

3. Change 'http://yoursite.com/index.html' to the exact URL of the current page.
4. Save your changes.
5. Repeat for each individual page on your website, updating each canonical link tag to reflect that page's unique URL.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

How to Start a Film Blog

1. Begin with the blog. First off, you need to register a blog somewhere. One popular site is Blogspot, which has been improving over the past years, and offers some of the best design templates around. For ease of use it is one of the best.
2. Choose a theme. The next step is to plan out exactly what you will be saying on the blog. For example, will you review all films or only a certain genre? For one, there are hundreds of blogs focused on genre films, the most popular being the horror film. You should consider more than one film genre to explore. You never know: your tastes may change down the line and you will get sick of writing horror film reviews. But you need to know what to write too.

3. Write different pieces. Don’t just write film reviews. If you do that, unless you have no career, it will be far too time consuming. A good blog article is 50 to 300 words on average. Try to keep your posts no more than 250. Readers don’t mind longer posts, but this will help you. Remember you need at least three posts a week. So if you write a film review that pushes 600 words, you are in luck, as you can turn this into a full weeks worth of posting. Don't just write film reviews. Most of us will miss movies some weeks, maybe don’t want to write a review, or just cannot write a huge review in the first place. So what you do is write some general, keyword oriented articles. Can you write a short article on one of your favorite directors? Can you write a piece on a certain theme in films? Can you write a top ten list of fantasy films, horror films, or maybe foreign films? This should be easy if you are a film fan. The longer it is, the better, but no need to make huge pieces—just write what you can.
4. Advertise your blog. Where are you currently reading film reviews? Are they in a local paper or on a website? You may be able to get film reviews published on other sites. Or you can exchange links with websites or bloggers by writing posts for them. On the Internet, if you want to make money you need to keep the content rolling in. So many small sites will be more than interested in publishing your film review in exchange for a short paragraph plugging your blog.
5. Make money. Can you make money doing all this? Yes, you certainly can. And you might even be able to see free movies whenever you want. But the blogging advertising world is growing. One easy way to make some spare change is to sign up with Amazon Associates, and sell DVDs through the site for a small commission. If your blog gets a steady readership, you will be able to start doing paid posting on the site for some extra income. Who knows, it could turn into a career.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

How to Create Your Own Profitable Dating Website

1. Come up with a concept for your dating website. The concept not only includes the look of the site, but how it will differ from the competition. To help your dating site compete with other dating sites, you might consider building your dating website around a niche. For example, a dating website for Atheists or NASCAR enthusiasts.
2. Design your website. If you lack web design skills you may enter a search for dating website templates and come across many sites that have pre-designed dating website templates available for sale. In order to successfully design membership pages, you need to incorporate a database that stores your members information. Some templates will incorporate these database configurations. You may need to hire an expert to help customize these templates and upload them to your server for you if you are a novice.

3. Incorporate a payment processor into your dating site. In order for you to charge customers you must have a payment processing script incorporated into your website. There are many payment processing companies that will provide a convenient script that can be incorporated into your website. You can also hire an expert to program your payment processing into your site. Some popular sites to hire programming experts are Elance.com and Guru.com.
4. Purchase your domain name and hosting. There are many web hosting companies that will sell you both hosting services and a domain name. The most popular companies are Yahoo Domains and GoDaddy.com
5. Upload your dating website to your host using a FTP program. Uploading websites that require databases requires more expertise. You can contact your web host for instructions on how to upload your site, or have an expert do it for you.
6. Once your site is uploaded you will want to test it to make sure all aspects are operating correctly.
7. Profitize your website by incorporating ad steams like Google Adsense into your web pages. There are other advertising streams like Doubleclick.com and Chitika.com that can also be incorporated into your site. Once you are approved by these companies, you will have to copy and paste their ad script into your web pages.
8. Fill your website with members. This is the most important step to making your site profitable. First, you should ask your friends and family members to create a profile to help fill up your site. This will also help others feel more comfortable with trying out your site. You can also offer members discounts on membership if they refer other members.
9. Market your website. Offer a free membership. Maybe the membership will be free for the first month, or free until the member wants to connect with another member. It is important to offer specials to attract customers to your site.You also want to create a pay-per-click campaign with Google and/or Yahoo. This will help advertise your website to potential customers. (For more information on setting up pay-per-click campaigns through Google and Yahoo click on the link in Resources.)

How to Insert Banners in Between WordPress Posts

1. Open the 'Appearance' menu on the left side of the WordPress dashboard, and then click 'Editor.'
2. Click the 'Main Index Template' link on the right side of the page to edit the index.php file for your WordPress theme.

3. Locate the code '
' or '
' in the main area of the page. If you do not see either of these, click 'loop.php' on the right side of the page to edit that file instead of index.php. Place the cursor at the beginning of the line, and then press 'Enter' to create a new blank line above the code. Move the cursor to the blank line.
4. Enter the code
in the blank line. Copy the code from this article to avoid a typing error. Edit the number after 'showads' to change where the banner advertisement is shown on your website. To display the advertisement after the third post, for example, change the code to 'showads = 3.'
5. Locate the code '
' or '
' in the file, and place the cursor at the start of a blank line immediately above the code.
6. Type
(ad code)
in the blank line. Change '(ad code)' to the code received from your advertising partner to display the banner, removing the parentheses and words 'ad code.'
7. Click the 'Update File' button at the bottom of the page.

Monday, March 11, 2013

How to Add Google Adsense to Google Sites

1. Sign into your Google AdSense account with your username and password. Use the drop-down menu in the top left-hand corner to select the site you want to work with.
2. Locate the “More Actions” drop-down menu, and click on the menu and when it drops down; select the “Manage Site” option.

3. Scan the left side of the page and find the “Monetize” option. Click on this option with your mouse.
4. Select the “Monetize this Site” button and click it.
5. Create a new AdSense account for the Google site by clicking the “Create” radio button or make use of an existing AdSense account by clicking the “Use Existing AdSense Account” radio button, to integrate with the Google site. You will need to adhere to the instructions appearing on the screen, depending on the radio button you select.
6. Go to your Google site and insert the code generated by and copied from Google Adsense. Accomplish this by clicking the “Insert” option and pasting the code from Google Adsense into either the page or the sidebar.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

How to Make Money Using Online Advertising

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

How to Remove a Header From Certain Posts in WordPress

1. Log into your WordPress account. Click 'Appearance,' then 'Editor.' Click 'single.php' from the long list of posts on the right side of the screen. When it appears in the central editing area, select all the code and copy it to the clipboard. Open up a text editor such as Notepad or TextWrangler, and paste the code into a new document.
2. Create a new line at the top of the file, and paste the following code into it:

3. Scroll down in the file and locate the header for the post. It will include the code '
' and will also be surrounded by 'Header' tags, such as
tags. Delete this line of code, including the surrounding header tags. Save the file as 'noheader.php' on your computer's hard drive.
4. Log into your FTP account, then navigate to 'wp-content,' then 'themes' and open the folder for the WordPress theme you are using. Upload notitle.php to this folder.
5. Return to your WordPress admin area. Click 'Plugins,' then 'Add New.' In the search box, type 'Single Post Template' and press 'Enter.' Find 'Single Post Template' in the search results and click 'Install Now.' Wait a few moments for the plugin to install, then click 'Activate Plugin.'
6. Click 'Posts,' then locate the post on which you want to remove the header. Click its title to enter the editing area. A new menu appears called 'Single Post Templates.' Click the drop-down menu, and select 'NoHeader' from the list. Click 'Update Post' in the top right of the screen. The header is removed from the post. Repeat this step for all the posts in which you do not wish to display the header.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Instructions on How to Make a Website for Free

1. The Squidoo publishing platform makes creating a free website point-and-click simple. Squidoo's creators claim that as of February 2010, it had more than 1.4 million (Squidoo's name for a website) in its system. With Squidoo, you combine pre-made modules and your own content to create a lens. Besides simple components that support things like text and graphics, there are modules that display YouTube videos, Flickr photos and other media. There are even modules that connect your lens to online vendors such as Amazon and eBay, so you can sell items from your lens.You can create an unlimited number of lenses (websites) for free. The Web address of each lens takes the form of XYZ.squidoo.com, where 'XYZ' is the name you assign to your lens, and the rest of the address is the Squidoo domain name. Squidoo runs Google AdSense ads on each lens, and popular lenses earn a small share of that money, so even if you don't do any sales-related activities yourself, Squidoo can earn you some money.
2. Wetpaint combines the elements of blogs, forums, social networks and wikis (sites that allow visitors to contribute content) so you can create a free website that emphasizes contributions from, and interaction with, visitors. Like Squidoo, it features pre-made modules that you combine with your own content to build your website.Free sites on Wetpaint include ads that the company uses to pay for the service. The company also offers a premium service where it charges a monthly fee in exchange for removing the ads from your site and giving you the option to have a custom domain name.

3. Blogger is for people who want to create a free blog-style website. Web logs (blogs for short) are a series of journal entries (blog posts) rather than a more structured website. Typical uses for blogs include keeping a daily journal, reporting on ongoing news or events, and similar uses that involve writing about a stream of activity.Blogger provides pre-designed templates and supports both pictures and video in blog posts. To earn money, you can opt to have Google AdSense ads or links to Amazon.com (through the Amazon Associates merchant program) appear in your blog posts. Like Wetpaint, Blogger allows you to create a custom domain name for your website. Unlike Wetpaint, you do not have to pay for a premium version of Blogger to use a custom domain name.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

How to Place a Google Ad on Office Live

1. Log in to your Google AdSense account. Click 'AdSense Setup,' followed by 'Get Ads' in the main navigation menu. Select the size and appearance of the Google ad by clicking the relevant options' check boxes and using the ad color-picker tool. Click the 'Continue' button; then select 'Submit and Get Code.'
2. Copy the HTML code for the Google AdSense ad from the code field.

3. Launch Microsoft Notepad. Paste the code copied in the previous step into the Notepad document. Save the document as 'myAdPage.htm.'
4. Launch Office Live. Click 'Document Gallery' in the main navigation menu. Click 'Upload' in the Document Gallery actions menu bar.
5. Go the location of the 'myAdPage.htm' document you created earlier. Click the file to highlight it; then select 'Open.' Click the 'Add' button to add the file to the Document Uploader list. Click and select the check box beside the file. Click the 'Upload' button.
6. Click 'Web Site' in the Office Live main menu. This opens the Page Manager dialog box. Click 'Edit' beside the name of the Web page on which you want to include the Google AdSense ad. This launches the Page Editor dialog box.
7. Click on the Web page zone in which you want to include the ad. Click 'Module' in the 'Insert' group on the main menu. Select 'HTML.' This opens the HTML dialog box.
8. Paste the following code into the text input field:

9. Highlight and change the height and width dimensions to the sizes that you selected when you created the Google AdSense ad.
10. Click the 'OK' button. This saves your changes and adds the Google AdSense ad to your Office Live Web page.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

How to Get a URL to Read Upper Lowercase Characters

1. Launch your preferred web browser from the desktop shortcut or 'Start' menu.
2. Click the address bar at the top of the browser.

3. Type in the full URL to the target page of the website you wish to visit with the proper capitalization. For example, 'www.google.com/adsense/' is not the same as 'www.google.com/ADSENSE/' when using a web browser.

Monday, February 18, 2013

How to Get Paid for Displaying Google Ads That Are Relevant to Your Site's Content

How to Get Paid
1. To get paid, you need to provide an accurate payee name and payment address, because Google will mail you a PIN to verify your payment address. Log in to your AdSense account. Click on the 'Account Settings' menu under the 'Home' tab. Under 'Account Information,' edit the 'Payee Name' and 'Address.'
2. If you reside in the U.S., you must provide your tax information. In the 'Account Settings' page, under 'Payment Settings,' click the 'edit' link next to 'Tax Information.' Use the tax wizard to help you navigate to the correct forms and requirements for your situation.

3. In the 'Payment Settings,' click 'edit payment method.' Select a payment method based on a choice of options dependent on your payment address. These choices may include checks, electronic funds transfer and Western Union Quick Cash.
4. Type in the PIN number that you received in the mail, to verify your payment address. Depending on your payment address, you may also be asked to verify your phone number so that Google will call you at a predefined time.
5. When your publisher account receives enough revenue to meet a payment threshold, Google will send you a payment based on your payment method.

How to Make Money With Google AdWords Without a Website

1. Join an affiliate program. Some of your favorite websites may have them. These allow you to promote and sell both goods and services. Some good affiliate programs include Amazon.com, CommissionJuncition.com and Clickbank.com. Affiliate programs will provide you with your own link to the products you are promoting.
2. Choose the keywords you want to use to promote your product. These keywords should be the search-engine-friendly terms that bring users to your product.

3. Sign into your Google AdWords account.
4. Choose your daily budget. This ranges between 5 cents to $50 per day. Once this daily amount is used for the day, the keywords will no longer work until the beginning of the next day. Each keyword has a cost per click that varies widely from a few cents to several dollars. This means each time someone clicks your ad in Google, your account is charged this amount and it is subtracted from your daily budget.
5. Write the text for your advertisement. This will appear in the search along with your keywords.
6. Input your link into your advertisement and launch your campaign. Each time someone buys from this link, you will receive your allotted commission through your affiliate program.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

How to Create an Underwear Blog

1. Search for a site to host your blog. There are several free blog-hosting companies.
2. Sign up for a Google AdSense account so you can place ads on your blog to earn income.

3. Begin writing blog entries about underwear. Decide on the tone. Your blog can be about the history of underwear, fashion or even underwear humor. Picking a niche can make your blog unique.
4. Promote your site by listing it in blog directories, submitting it to search engines and posting in forums. Letting everyone know you have an interesting, engaging blog is key to attracting traffic.

How to Build a Wordpress Blog People Want to Read

1. Choose a topic that you can provide unique and original information on. There are blogs on virtually every subject but some have much more coverage than others. Before you work on your WordPress blog ask yourself if you know enough about its topic to make it useful and original. You do not have to pick an obscure topic; you could choose even a popular one and adopt a unique approach to it.
2. Make your WordPress site easy to navigate. For example, add widgets for post categories, archives and tag clouds. Avoid large graphics that take forever to download on slow connections. As webmasters know from traffic analyses most people do not spend more than a few minutes on a single blog or website. If your blog is difficult to navigate visitors might leave without reading even a word.

3. Choose a user-friendly WordPress theme. It can be difficult to decide what theme to use on your blog because the idea of 'quality' is subjective. As a general guide look for a theme that makes text readable and does not have a busy, distracting background. Avoid themes that are too plain or common (such as the default WordPress theme) lest you give readers the impression that you do not care about what your blog looks like.
4. Avoid inserting too many ads or placing ads in inappropriate areas. Do not attempt to trick people into clicking ads on your WordPress blog. Not only could this be a violation of your agreement with your sponsors (as it is with Google AdSense); visitors who are misled this way eventually lose their respect in the blog author. If you want to command a following, put your readers first, not your wallet.
5. Update your blog often. Publishing a new post once a day or a couple of times a week has several advantages. It makes people come to your site often; it helps your WordPress blog rank better in search engines; and it increases the odds of readers sharing your posts via email, Facebook, Twitter and other means. If you had chosen a topic you love and know much about, it should not be hard for you to write about it often.
6. Express your opinion. A blog without the personal opinions of its author lacks personality. Sharing your honest thoughts can help secure readership for your blog if your thoughts are insightful, and depending on the topic, perhaps controversial.

How to Make Money With a Webpage

1. Get a free blog (Blogger is a great one), a free domain name with free web hosting (I used to use awardspace), buy a domain (godaddy, domainsite) with free hosting, or buy a domain and buy separate hosting. You can also make your home computer into your hosting server if you have the know-how and a static IP. (Check my other articles for more help with any of these things)
2. Once signed up, start posting content (If you have a blog this is easy). If you have a website, you will need to upload a page called index.html to the main folder. If you are not sure how to do this then read my post 'How to start a website.' Basically the page will need HTML programming, which is actually quite easy. If you do not want to learn HTML, you can get a simple template from online, and post using frontpage or NVU (free!).

3. Sign Up for adsense. This is a google ad system that allows you to 'monetize' your site. When someone clicks on an ad on your page, the advertiser pays you a few cents. In order to display ads on your webpage, you will have to add some code into your page. For those who do not want to touch that, most applications like NVU allow the user to add chunks of code in without looking at all the rest of the HTML. If you are using blogger, there is a gadget that allows you to sign up for adsense and add it to your site easily.
4. Now the most important part. Post articles that have meaning, but try to make them contain words with a theme. Adsense searches your post and makes ads based on that, and some genres are more competitive than others. If you write about dolls, you will make a few cents per click. If you write about lawyers, acne products, bankruptcy, or insurance you can make upto a few dollars per ad click!
5. Try to make the first few sentences of any post or blog filled with rich words (no pun intended). this is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and there are companies devoted to just this.
6. Sign your awesome site up at flog directory and website directory sites, and wait for thousands to flock in, read your stuff, and a few to click on your ads!

Friday, February 15, 2013

How to Add a Header to a Thesis

1. Launch Microsoft Word. Select the Office button at the top right and choose Open. Scroll down to find your document. Click to highlight it, and select Open at the bottom of the window.
2. Select Insert from the toolbar, and select Header from the Header and Footer section. The Header and Footer tab appears at the top.

3. Replace: [Type text], with the appropriate header information. Once you've typed what you need, select Close Header and Footer from the Close group on the top right.

How to Remove Low CPC Bidders

1. Start compiling a list of advertisers on your website. Use tools like the Google AdSense Sandbox tool to preview what kind of ads are showing up on your site. Browse your site through various proxies to get a sense for what kinds of ads are showing up for different people. Record the advertiser's URLs in a spreadsheet.
2. Using spy tools like SpyFu, Compete or Keyword Spy, estimate the CPC your advertiser is paying per click. Unfortunately, in Google AdSense and in most online bidding platforms you can't actually see what each individual advertiser is paying. However, by using third-party spy tools you can get an idea of who's bidding low and who's bidding high. Keep in mind that most of this data is based on search pay-per-click (PPC) rather than contextual PPC, so the data will be skewed a little higher.

3. Identify your lowest paying advertisers and put their domains in a list. Make sure that if you remove these advertisers you'll still have enough high paying advertisers to continually display ads on your site. If you remove too many advertisers you might start displaying public service ads (PSA) that don't pay.
4. Using Google AdSense's 'allow and block' interface, block the advertisers that you've identified as low bidders.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

How to Search for Blogs Hosted on Blogger in Google

1. Go to Blog search (see link below).
2. Click on Advanced Blog Search.

3. Blogs created using Blogger are hosted on Blogspot. Besides, every Blog will have a unique URL. For instance, sanfranciscodailyphoto.blogspot.com.
4. Enter the URL of the specific Blog hosted on Blogger in the 'at this URL' textbox.
5. Search either by keywords in the content of the Blogs, keywords in the title of the Blogs, keywords in the post title, author name, dates and/or language by selecting the respective option.
6. Click on 'Search Blogs'. A listing of all postings located in the specific Blog hosted on Blogger will be displayed.

How to Make Serious Money Blogging

1. Pick a topic you love to talk about. whether it be stocks, sports or gardening. This is the most important step because passion breeds great writing.
2. Pick a service. I prefer blogger.com because it is free and very easy to use. Also blogger.com allows you monetize your blog with google adsense.

3. Start writing. You don't have to write a book every time out, just write what you feel at the time. One of my favorite blogs is a new blog about the stock market and investing. I include tips and pertinent news.
4. Blog often. This is very important because it helps with google ranking and shows them that your blog has fresh frequent information. Plus you want to keep your readers coming back so write as much as you can. I try to blog 3-5 times a week.
5. Once you have written for about a month you want to implement good adsense into your blog. Blogger.com makes this extremely easy with a few clicks.
6. Followers. Research atleast 2 forums that are geared towards your blogs topic and post comments there often. Don't just solicit your blog. Try and help people in the forum. These people will eventually migrate to your blog and if they like what you have to say will decide to follow you. The more followers the more possible adsense revenue.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

How to Make an Online Registration Form

1. Copy the following HTML code:

Online Registration



Address 1:

Address 2:



Zip Code:

Phone Number:


2. Paste the registration form code into the HTML code of your website.

3. Change “youremail@email.com” to your email address. This is the email address where the registration form will be sent.
4. Change “Online Registration” to the text you’d like to show above your registration form. This can be the name of your event.
5. Edit existing text boxes in the sample. For example, if you don’t need the “zip code” as a part of the registration form, delete the entire code for that entry:Zip Code:

6. Add the following code into the HTML above the “input” tags if you need to create a new text box blank:Text Box Name:

7. Configure the new text box blank. For example, if you want to add “cell phone number” to the form, change “Text Box Name” to “Cell Phone Number” and change the name='boxname' to name='cellphone'.
8. Save the changes to your code and upload your webpage to your website host to view your online registration form.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

How to Post a Job on Google

1. Navigate to Google's paid classifieds (see Reference). If you happen to be low on funds or simply wish to post for free, navigate to Google's free classifieds area (also in References).
2. Select an advertiser from among the many listed. Some may be more appropriate for you than others. The list includes low-end classifieds services (such as Pennysaver) to websites geared specifically toward musicians, international travelers, expatriates, businesspeople and others.

3. Click on 'Post a job,' typically located in the service's main menu.
4. Fill out the form presented to you. Most of the job forms are similar, so it may be worth your while at this point to copy the text of the job posting so that you can use it later (see step 5).
5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 to post the job advertisement on multiple job sites in Google's directory. If you saved your text, this can be as easy as pasting it into a different service's 'Post a Job' form.

Monday, February 11, 2013

How to Insert Adsense PHP Code Into the Wordpress Advertising Manager

1. Log in to your Wordpress admin control panel. Click 'Plugins,' then 'Add New.' If you are using Wordpress version 2.5 or earlier, enter 'AdSense Manager' into the search box and click 'Search Plugins.' If you are using a later version of Wordpress, search for 'Advertising Manager,' which is an updated version, although Adsense Manager may also work on your version should Advertising Manager not install correctly for some reason.
2. Locate the plugin you searched for in the results list, then click 'Install Now.' Wait a few seconds as the plugin installs, then click 'Activate Plugin.'

3. Click 'Settings' from the main menu bar, then click 'Advertising Manager.' Click 'Manage Ad Units,' then 'Create New Ad.' Paste your Google Adsense code for the ad unit you want to insert into the box titled 'AdSense Slots Other Networks,' then click the 'Import to New Ad Unit.'
4. Edit the settings for this ad unit. On the left, you can choose where you want the ad unit to appear, and on which sections of the site, such as the main index page, single posts or archive pages. On the right, you can add HTML code before and after the unit -- for example, to give the ad unit a colored border, float it to the left or right, or place it in its own paragraph.
5. Click 'Save changes' when you're done. Repeat this process for all your Adsense units.

How to Use Google Adwords Keyword Tool

1. Log in to your AdWords account. Click on the “Tools and Analysis” drop-down menu located at the top of the AdWords screen and select “Keyword Tool.”
2. Enter a search term related to your campaign into the “Word or Phrase” field. If entering multiple search terms at once, put each word or phrase on a new line.

3. Enter a website URL, for example “www.shoes.com” (without quotation marks) into the “Website” field, instead of or in addition to entering search terms into the “Word or Phrase” field. Completing only the “Website” field will produce a list of suggested keywords based on the content of the website you entered. Completing both the “Website” and “Word or Phrase” fields will yield data both for the terms you entered and suggested keywords based on the website’s content.
4. Type a category, for example 'shoes' (without quotation marks), into the “Category” field. The tool will display suggested categories as you type. Click on a suggested category to add it.
5. Select the check box labeled “Only Show Ideas Closely Related to My Search Terms” if you only want to see results that contain the original search terms you entered. This setting is optional; leaving the check box unselected will show results from all categories.
6. Click on “Advanced Options and Filters” to expand a menu that allows you to narrow down the keyword results. Select geographical areas and languages from the “Locations and Languages” menu to see search data for those demographics only. Select the desired type of device, e.g. “Desktop and Laptop Devices,” from the “Show Ideas and Statistics For” menu to see search data for those devices only.
7. Click “Search.” AdWords will display suggested search terms and phrases within the “Keyword Ideas” tab.
8. Look at the data appearing in the “Competition,” “Global Monthly Searches” and “Local Monthly Searches” columns alongside each keyword in the list of results. Competition gives an idea of how many other Google AdWords advertisers are bidding on a keyword. If choosing between two keywords to use in your campaign, choose the one for which the “Competition” column says “Low” or “Medium” as opposed to “High.”Global Monthly Searches represents how often people all over the world searched for a given keyword while Local Monthly Searches represents searches in the locations, language, and devices that you specified. If choosing between two keywords, choose the one with the higher search volume.The “Local Monthly Searches” column will show a dash if you specified multiple locations, a location that is not a country or if AdWords cannot provide data for a particular search combination.

Monday, January 28, 2013

How to Make Money Online For Free As A Stay At Home Mom

1. The first step in making money online is to open up a Paypal account. A Paypal account will be used to receive your compensation. Creating a Paypal account is free, simple and safe to use. There is a link under resources on how to sign up for a Paypal account.
2. Now it is time to decide how you would like to make money while at home. It really will depend on what you like, or are willing to do. If you like to write and share information, try writing articles. Sites like eHow, Bukisa, or Zomba allow you to write articles, and then pay you based on their content and popularity. This is slow going at first, but becomes addictive. Once you start writing more articles, and seeing the money pile up, you won't be able to stop.

3. Another way to make easy money online is to sell merchandise online. If you have stuff laying around your house you want to get rid of, you can sell it for a profit on eBay. Selling on eBay is fairly simple and offers a large audience to bid on your stuff. The only thing required is to have a Paypal account.
4. Blogging is another way to make cash online. Today.com takes blogs and reviews them. If they are good, they will pay you for them. Another site similar to this is called Associated Content.
5. If you have a website, try using Google Adsense to make extra income. Google adsense are google ads put on your website. If someone visits your site and clicks on the ad, you get paid.

How to Use HubPages to Promote a Website

Become a HubPage User
1. Familiarize yourself with HubPages and create a profile. Use your original website address and email as the contact information. Design your profile to reflect the content on your main website. HubPages is a social networking and personal interaction website, so be yourself and let your personality show in your writing.
2. Write your first 'Hub' about something you're passionate about that also links to your website. For example, if your website is about proper care of antique gardening supplies, then your Hub should be about that subject. Remember, you don't have to be an expert to write about a subject.

3. Use your Hub content on your own website by including links to that specific Hub on HubPages. Redirecting your visitors to your HubPages encourages your current visitors to vote on your article or Hub. This action raises your Hubscore, which promotes your main website on HubPages.
Promote Your Hub
4. Promote your Hub by using the internal tag system, tagging your Hub with keywords that are relevant to the content within your article. The internal search capability of HubPages uses the tags to help other users find you, which increases your Hubscore.
5. Learn the HubPages three stage Hubscore ranking system and make the most of it to promote your website. The three stages are Hot, Best and Latest. Hubs with a high amount of recent traffic are rated as Hot, while unique and extensive content, as well as reader votes, lead to a rating of Best. Latest are simply the most recent Hubs published. It takes time to build a readership, increase traffic and entice readers to vote on your hub so don't worry if a rating doesn't happen with your first or second hub.
6. Share your profile and Hub URL link with users of your main website. Also participate in groups, networks and other users on HubPages that reflect your topic. Belonging to these groups increases your interaction, builds a reputation and generates leads back to your original site. A bonus to this step is that the amount of traffic you receive from outside sources to your Hub will increase your Hubscore.

How to Find and Use Good Keywords

1. Research what is popular topic. Look around the world and understand what things are popular these days and what isn't. Writing good articles and providing good keywords on important topics will provide your articles with many views and give you high earnings. Writing something on a topic that is not important will give you less popular keywords and may not make you any money.
2. Look at top keywords in popular search engines. Google, Ask and Yahoo are popular search engines that will let you see what popular keywords people are searching for. It is a good idea to write articles about those topics.

3. Use a free keyword tool. Many sites have free searches where you can input your main categories and the tool will give you keyword ideas. Using this keyword tool will provide you with popular keywords that will get your article or blog in the search engine and noticed.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

How to Increase Google Adsense Income

1. Develop high-quality pages of content for your website. The better content you have, the longer viewers will stay on your site and the more likely they are to click on your ads. If your content is copied from other sites or if it doesn't hold your viewers' attentions, they will leave your site, and they are unlikely to return.
2. Choose high-paying keywords for your content. Visit the AdWords Keyword Tool. Click 'Traffic Estimator' and plug in some keywords related to your site, then click 'Search.' This will show you how popular these words are and how much a typical click costs the advertiser. This is a good estimate of how much money you would make every time someone would click on your AdSense for that keyword. Create more content that includes those keywords throughout the page.

3. Build your site traffic so that there are more potential ad clickers on your site. Build a social media presence on sites like Facebook and Twitter. Add friends and followers to each of these sites and begin to post links to your new pages as you create them. Intersperse these site updates with information about your personal life, since followers are more likely to click your links if they are personally invested in your and your site. Another traffic-building method is to get other sites to post links to your articles in trade for you posting links to their sites.
4. Place your largest AdSense block above the fold on all your pages. Placing an ad above the fold means that the ad can be seen by viewers as soon as the page loads without having to scroll down. This can increase the amount of times the ads are seen which may lead to more income.
5. Use multiple types of AdSense formats. There are text link ads, ad blocks and Google search ads. Place just one of these ads on each of your pages. While it may seem that placing multiple ads of each format on each page, it actually decreases the click-through value of all the ads on that page.
6. Experiment with your ad placement, colors and sizes. Since every website is different, each site may have a different ideal type of advertisement. For example, try one color scheme on half of your pages and then try another on the other half. Compare the results after a month and then adopt the color scheme that generated the most income. Continue to test your ads as your site grows, since even a small tweak can lead to major results.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

How to Post Internet Ads

Sign up for Google Adwords

Google Adsense will post your ads on publishers' websites, and only charge you for results.

Go to https://adwords.google.com/ and sign up for a free account. Fill out all pertinent information, and then go to 'Create your first campaign.' Select the details of the campaign, including the campaign's name, the demographics that relate the most to the ad, and the minimum-maximum amount of money that can be used in your account to bid on clicks. Then hit 'save and continue.'

Using text ads online is a very effective way to drive traffic to your site.

Construct your ad. Choose from a text ad, an image ad, a video ad or a mobile ad. For text ads, fill out the title, two lines of basic description, the URL that users will see, and the URL that the users will go to once they click on your ad. Then, in the box below, fill in the keywords that you want to target specifically. For other ads, the ad will be created after the campaign is saved.

3. Select the country where your billing address is located. Payment options vary depending on the country. For American users, two options are available: prepay billing, in which the cost of clicks is reduced from a prepaid balance as the ad that was created is shown on various sites, and postpay billing, in which the credit card that was entered will be charged as the ad is clicked on.
4. Read the Terms of Service and agree or disagree to the terms outlined by Google.
5. Fill in your billing information, including the billing address and all pertinent information, as well as completing the two optional questions on the bottom of the page to give Google information about the campaign. Then hit 'Save and Activate' and the campaign is live.
Sign up For Adbrite
6. Go to www.adbrite.com, and click on 'create an account.' Fill out all required information, and accept the terms and conditions. Then click on 'Create an ad zone on your site.'
7. Select the types of ads that you want to show on your site. You can place banner ads, text ads, full page ads or inline ads. Agree to not place incentives to click on ads, and that the ad zones will not be placed on sites containing pornographic content. Then click on 'Set ad specs.'
8. Pick a size and colors for the ads, and decide whether family friendly or all available ads will be shown on the site. Also, decide whether to auto-approve ads, and plan out the 'house ad,' the advertisement that will show when no paid ads are available.
9. Describe the site, giving the name, URL, and a short description of the layout. Then decide on the name of the ad zone. After that has been done, begin entering keywords pertaining to the site, and chose a category that relates best to the content on the site. After that has been done, click on 'set pricing.'
10. If there are already ads from other networks on the site, select 'yes' on the next page. If not, select 'no.' Then click on 'get ad code HTML.' Then, copy and paste the ad code on the next page onto the site, and ads will begin showing within 24 hours.

Friday, January 25, 2013

How to Get My Organization on Google Public Service Ads

1. Meet the Google Grants legal requirements. Your organization must be based in the same country where the grant operates and possess 501(c)(3) status.
2. Choose sample keywords, create an ad copy sample and gather the organization's mission statement along with an explanation of how you will use the award, such as for seeking donations or promoting events. These items must accompany your Google Grants application. It's in your best interest that the submitted samples demonstrate a strong understanding of Google's numerous AdWords conditions, terms and guidelines.

3. Maintain a website with pages to which your ads can link. Your links should be keyword-relevant, meaning that advertising keywords must relate to your organization's programs and services.
4. Omit revenue-generating advertising from the organization's website. Google will not approve your grant application if your site features affiliate or AdSense links.
5. Log into the Gmail account that you associate with your organization. Create one if necessary.
6. Complete the one-time Google Grants application, found at the Google for Nonprofits site. Enter your name, job title, email address and phone number. Add your organization's information, specify your communication preferences and click 'Submit Application.'
7. Wait for a committee to evaluate your application and website's content. You may have to wait up to five months to receive the committee's decision.
8. Receive email notification of the committee's decision and your award status. Award recipients are issued instructions for creating a Google Grants AdWords account. Expect notification within five months of submitting the application.
9. Assign upcoming advertising campaigns to someone who can actively manage your organization's AdWords account if you receive the grant.

How to Find the Best Keywords For Your Blog, Website or Article

1. Write down a list of topics you are knowledgeable about. Even if you don't think that skill or knowledge you possess about a particular subject will be profitable, write it down anyway: you'd be surprised to find how many niche topics are in fact huge money-makers.
2. Go to Google Adword's Keyword Tool. You can find a link to it in the resources. Enter your keyword into the box and hit 'Get keyword ideas'.

3. Typically, a long list of keywords will populate. You're going to want to display three columns; everything else you can hide. Using the drop-down menu, make sure that 'Estimated Avg. CPC', 'Advertiser Competition' and 'Global Monthly Search Volume' are all displayed.
4. Click on 'Estimated Avg. CPC'. It will organize the list by highest earning CPC. CPC stands for 'cost-per-click'. By sorting the list by CPC, you can gain a general idea of how much each word is typically worth: i.e. how much the ads listed on your article or website will earn you per advertisement clicked. (Granted, Google and eHow both take a percentage of that money, so you won't exactly get the full amount shown.)
5. Review your keyword's advertiser competition. To do this, simply mouseover the green/teal bar next to your keyword, and a ranking will pop up. The rankings can vary from 'no advertiser competition' all the way to 'very high advertiser competition'. The best keywords are those who are rated as having anything at or above a high advertiser competition. This means that lots of advertisers are competing for this word, meaning that you will typically have a wealth of high-earning, related ads displayed on your article, website or blog.
6. Lastly, take heed of the global monthly search volume. This will give you some idea of how often people are searching for your word. While many people speak of the importance of making money off of 'niche' topics, don't be afraid of a high search volume: if you advertise your article or website and do proper SEO, you can get to the top of the search engines and -- if you have quality information -- beat out the competition, thus gaining the majority of those ad clicks for yourself. At the same time, however, a high-earning niche topic can definitely be the way to go. At this point, you'd want to size up your competition to decide what is the best route to take.
7. Implement your chosen keywords into your article, website or blog, making sure not to 'over-stuff' them. Whenever using keywords, also make sure that your writing still sounds natural, so as not to alienate readers: it's useless to spend all that time researching keywords only to have no one take the time to read what you've written.

How to Set Up a Website to Earn Cash

1. Set up your website as a blog or other informational site. Write about a topic that interests you or in which you have experience. This makes it easier to update the page and keep your motivation high. Update regularly to keep interest high and use a forum to allow comments. The more interested your readers are, the more likely they are to bookmark the page and come back for more.
2. Use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to get your site at or near the top of search results. Using commonly searched keywords in your blog or articles will help search engines identify your content and its relevance. Don't force terms where they don't fit. Doing this can actually reduce the ranking of your site if search engines like Google catch on. Hire an SEO expert for quick optimization, but research them thoroughly to prevent damage to your site's ranking.

3. Sign up for Google AdSense or become an affiliate with a well-known Internet store, such as Amazon. AdSense will earn you cash every time a visitor clicks the ads on your site. Google makes money with each click and a percentage of that revenue is paid to you. Online marketplaces like Amazon.com will advertise products on your site and you earn a commission for each product that sells. If you sell over a certain amount each month, the pay percentage will increase.

How to Write a Terms and Conditions Page for a Website

How to Write a Terms and Conditions Page for a Website
1. First consider what you need to include on your terms and conditions page. What possible problems could someone encounter by using your site? What is your site's main purpose? What does your site not intend to do?
2. Write down these issues and concerns on a piece of paper. Then order them according to importance. If you have a lawyer or know someone who is an expert in the field of law, ask him to look over your list of concerns (and your website) and give you advice on what to say and how to say it.

3. Look at the terms and conditions pages of websites that are in the same industry as yours. Take note of what their terms and conditions are. Many sites that offer pricing information on cars, travel deals or other products always mention that prices can change. They also specfify that they do not sell or promote these products, although they may be affiliated with some of the merchants advertised on their site.
4. Organize your issues and concerns into several topics. Topics that are typically addressed include privacy, copyright information, contact information, data and security, complaints, affiliations or website partners and refunds.
5. Begin to write your terms and conditions. Express them in a clear and user-friendly tone. This is a legal document, but it does not have to be written in an overly legal voice, or be too authoritative or demeaning. Write it to clearly state what your site is about, what service it provides and how it provides that service. Also, be sure to address all legal concerns you might have, and fully explain those liabilities you do and do not accept.
6. Carefully review your terms and conditions for spelling and grammar; then review it for accuracy. If issues arise that are not included in your terms and conditions, update the latter, and be sure to let your customers know that updates have been made. If possible, have a lawyer look over your new terms and conditions. If you can get someone to read your terms and conditions to give feedback, that will also be a great help.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

How to Add Twitter to a Prosense Theme

1. Log in to your Twitter account and scroll to the bottom of your homepage. Note a copyright for Twitter, then a series of links that include 'About Us' and 'Status.'
2. Click the 'Goodies' link at the bottom of the page. You will come to a page with three options: Applications, Widgets and Buttons.

3. Select the 'Widgets' option. You will be taken to a page with different widget options, with the default being 'My Website' and a series of widgets types including Profile Widget, Search Widget, Faves Widget and List Widget. Each widget will have a description of what it does underneath the title.
4. Customize your widget using the options available, including the Username settings, preferences, appearance and dimensions. Once you are done, click 'Finish and Grab Code' at the bottom of the edit window.
5. Copy your code by highlighting it (clicking and dragging your mouse over the code), right-clicking and selecting 'Copy.'
6. Log in to your WordPress website's Administrator page and select the 'Widgets' option from the left-hand sidebar. If it is not visible, click the 'Appearance' tab to open the menu with the widgets option.
7. Drag the 'Text' widget to one of your widget columns on your sidebar.
8. Paste the HTML code you copied from Twitter into the text box and click 'Save.' The code will now save to WordPress, and your Twitter feed will now be viewable on your page.

How to Make Money from Pay Per Click

1. Decide on an advertiser. Google Adsense is probably the most common method of earning money from pay per click but there are others through Yahoo as well as Chitka, Microsoft Ad Center, Kontera and Infolinks. Rates vary by provider. Ads are placed through a snippet of code on your webpage. The code uses the words on your page to display ads automatically. Ad selection and relation to those keywords vary by advertiser. The closer the ads are to the content of the webpage, the higher the clickthrough ratio.
2. Choose a niche that earns a reasonable amount per click. Go to Google Adsense Keyword Traffic Estimator tool. Search for keyword phrases that relate to your niche. You can find out what phrases have the higher pay rate. For example, 'dog food' pays about $3 per click, while 'get rid of credit card debt' pays double that and 'budget golf' pays less than $1. Many people on the Internet are searching for the solution to a problem such as getting rid of credit card debt, losing weight, quitting smoking and getting rid of acne. Profitable pay per click niches address those problems by providing content related to getting rid of the problem. When the visitor wants more information, the hope is they'll click on an ad.

3. Set up a blog or website using your keyword phrase as the domain of the site. If you don't want to get involved with your own hosted site, use a free blog such as blogger.com or sites that share revenue, such as Hubspot.com or Busika.com. Be warned that some sites only use Google Adsense, you won't have a choice of advertiser. Post to your blog or website using various keyword phrases as the title of the blog posts. Include the keyword phrase once in every paragraph of about 100 words.
4. Drive traffic to your blog or website. Target the traffic, so the visitors who come already have an interest in finding the solution to their problem. Visit and participate in forums and discussion boards with a link to your blog in your signature. Write articles related to your blog and post them online with a link to your blog. Someone reading the article will be enticed to visit your blog and then click on a link.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

How to do Restaurant Advertising

1. Design the text of the advertisement. Use language that conveys what's special about your restaurant, such as the chef's reputation or special training, the use of all-organic foods or a distinctive regional cuisine. An advertisement is a good place to quote a favorable restaurant review---which is itself a form of advertising that costs you nothing. Use phrases from the review that communicate your restaurant's best attributes.
2. Use the right colors. Some advertisements are black and white, but color in ads---though more expensive---is usually more eye catching and dramatic, especially when foods are pictured. If you opt for color advertisements, use colors that reflect your restaurant's theme. Use red and white for an Italian restaurant and soft Southwestern colors to advertise a Mexican restaurant.

3. Place your add in the yellow pages. Customers often turn to the yellow pages to find a restaurant. Most yellow pages will list the name, address and phone number of your restaurant for free, but consider calling attention to your eatery with a larger ad. If your menu doesn't change too often, consider running it in the yellow pages so people already have an idea of what they might want to order.
4. Advertise online. Online advertising is a cheap and effective alternative---or supplement---to traditional forms of advertising. One option is to work with Google Adsense to place ads about your restaurant that are search-engine optimized so they're easy to find using search words for your city and type of restaurant. Start a website of your own to promote the business; post your menu, favorable reviews, directions, hours and contact information on the site. Offer restaurant discounts to site visitors that can be printed out on their computer.
5. Distribute fliers to individual houses within a 10-mile radius of your restaurant. Ask doormen or building managers if you can leave copies of menus at apartments. Consider a bulk mailing of fliers to nearby addresses.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

How to Get Your Web Page On The Top Page of Google

1. Check out where your articles are on google page rank. Very simple, go to google's home page. Google in your article's title, or blog, and see where you are on their ranking page. If you are on the first page, then that is outstanding. That alone won't always generate a lot of traffic, though. Using good backlinks helps as well.
2. Pick your title carefully. For example, if I write how to love a girl. Google that title and check to see if there are similar titles with those exact keywords. It's okay if they have some of those keywords, which obviously there will be on that topic, but the exact ones is what you want to stay away from. Keywords are everything, when you want to get ranked on google. You have to choose the proper ones, otherwise you won't find your articles at all. Using words like 'make' or 'get' are pretty seo friendly words on the internet. Avoid exact titles of others.

3. See how many web hits your title gets on google. When you can get something like 50 million, or more web matches when, you'll probably tend to get more traffic. However, you have more competition at the same time, even if you do rank on the first page. Still, choose good seo words in your titles, where these words tend to get a lot of hits on google. You can fool around with their site, and see which words do better, and which ones don't. Just words like 'make' can be a significant difference in getting hits. There is no point in picking a title, getting it ranked number one on google, if no one on the web searches for it.
4. Use good seo words. Seo words are critical, because they create backlinks and help you rank even better on google. Use ones that have to do with your article, or blog though. If you're using google adsense, like there is on ehow, you need seo words to target your google ads as well. If you're writing about cleaning an oven, you need your ads, and google to recognize exactly what your topic is about. That way you drive in more traffic, targeted to your audience on that topic. Use the google adwords tool bar, or google search-based keyword tool to figure it out. It's good to use your title keywords in the first paragraph of your articles, that is how google bots pick them up, then you get ranked better on their site. Avoid stuffing those words in your articles, because google will classify them as spam.
5. Promote your articles. I've written articles and have had about three or four articles from social bookmark sites pop up on google, on the front page with my original one as well. Sometimes they do even better than the original. The more backlinks you can create, the better you will do on google. Sometimes it's harder, depending on competition, and the topic. Some topics are rather easy to get on the front page. Obviously when you write blogs, or articles, you'd like to make money. To make money, you need to drive in traffic. You need google to do that if you are going to bring in a lot of traffic to your site.

Monday, January 21, 2013

How to Make Money With Adsense Websites

Build a Web site
1. Determine a purpose or theme for a Web site. Unless you already have a product or service to sell, it may be best to establish a content-based Web site, rather than an e-commerce Web site.
2. Learn about the type of Web site you will be publishing. If publishing a content-based site, all content published on the Web site should revolve around that particular theme or purpose. Selecting a unique theme may help to generate more traffic than a popular theme, as competition for traffic may be less. For example, a Web site focused entirely on blood glucose monitors may generate more traffic than a Web site focused on diabetes, in general.

3. Purchase a URL to use as a Web site address. The URL should, if possible, include relevant keywords or somehow relate to the purpose or theme of the site.
4. Establish a hosting service for the URL. The hosting service will host the files that will be included on the Web site, such as textual content, images, and videos.
5. Build a Web site. Many technically savvy individuals can build their own Web sites from scratch or by using Web site templates, including free Web site templates. Other Web site publishers may need to hire a third party to build the Web site.
Integrate Adsense into the Web site
6. Open an Adsense account, using the Web site URL and your username.
7. Familiarize yourself with the many features offered by Adsense, such as the ability to link Adsense with a Google Analystics account and the ability to block ads from competitors from appearing on your site. Adsense features are updated frequently, so revisit your Adsense account often.
8. Place Adsense blocks into the design of the Web site. Adsense blocks may appear anywhere on the site, including in the many section of the site, in the site header, as banner ads, and on columns.
9. Build a Google Search bar into the site. Anytime someone uses the search feature on the site, the site owner will receive some revenue.
10. Establish an Adsense feature for RSS feeds from the site, such as RSS feeds from blogs.
Develop and market the Web site using keywords
11. Determine relevant keywords and keyword phrases for the Web site. Keywords should relate to the purpose or theme of the site. Use these keywords consistently when creating content for the site and when marketing the site online.
12. Populate the Web site with content. The content of the Web site will drive traffic to the site. Use keywords that are relevant to the theme or purpose of the site.
13. Code the Web site using meta tags and ALT tags, which will be read by search engines. These tags should include keywords that are relevant to the site.
14. Market the site online by submitting it to search engines, creating backlinks to the site from other Web sites, and promoting the site through social media sites. There are many online marketing strategies to employ.
Monitor and grow Adsense Funds
15. Track Web site traffic frequently using Google Analytics and Adsense tools.
16. Watch the money in your Adsense account grow.
17. Request money from your Adsense account through a method such as direct deposit or mailed check.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

How to Make Money With Pay

1. Understand how the pay-per-click (PPC) model works. An advertiser pays a search engine company like Google for ads to be placed in search results or on websites with which the company has agreements. Website owners sign up with Google and allow ads to be published on the websites. When visitors to the site click on the ads, the advertising money put up by the advertiser is split up between the website owner and the company (in this case, Google). Google, in particular, does not disclose the amount split, and you can assume that Google probably gets a bigger share than the website.
2. Get a monetizable website. Monetizing your website means making your site capable of earning money through PPC advertising. For this purpose, you need a website that will draw a lot of people, with space where Google can place relevant ads. A website about cars, for example, can place ads about cars, parts, and related products and services. Finding a website that draws a lot of people requires trying out different topics and researching what ideas are searched for most on the Internet. Websites about making money do well. Additionally, you can go to Alexa (see Resources below) and see the top visited websites.

3. Set up Google AdSense. AdSense is the name of the product that Google uses to place ads on websites. To get set up with AdSense, go to google.adsense.com and set up an free account. Provide information about yourself and your website, and how Google should pay you. You'll need to pick out different options for how the ads will appear on your website.
The options are things like the color of the ad, borders and text. Many websites have success by having the ads look similar to their own site. According to your picks, Google will show you some code. Just copy and paste the code into your site. Google will give you some direction on how to do this.
4. Use AdWords. AdWords is Google's advertising program that is basically the opposite of AdSense. Sign up at adwords.google.com and select a website or keywords that you are willing to pay per click for someone to visit your site. AdWords and AdSense cancel each other out to some extent, but this is a good way to start getting visitors to your site without paying a lot in pay-per-click advertising. Consider other advertising that will bring people to your site, such as link exchanges.
5. Test things out. Try different types, sizes and placements of the ads on your website to see what works best. Subtle changes can make a difference. AdSense allows for many different choices, just copy the new code for each change in AdSense and paste it where the old code exists. Be sure to delete the old code.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

How to Set Up Google Ads

Hosting Ads for Profit
1. Sign up for an Adsense account at adsense.google.com. If you have a Gmail.com account, you can use it to access Adsense. Make sure to include all of the websites you own that will host Google ads when filling out your application.
2. Login to your Adsense Account. Click the 'Adsense Setup' tab. Choose the type of ad you want to host from the options on the page. Answer the prompts from the Adsense Setup wizard including placement, color and the types of business you will allow on the ads for your site. Copy and paste the generated code for the ad you created on your website.

3. Click the 'My Account' tab. Complete payment details and ad display preference information. If you have a Google Affiliate account, include that information in the space provided.
4. Monitor your traffic. You can create custom reports after clicking the 'Advanced Reports' or 'Report Manager' links when you log in to your account.
5. Monitor your earnings. You can log in to your account at any time and check the status of your daily earnings. You can also make a custom report from time periods that you specify.
Selling Ads
6. Decide what you want to advertise. It can be a product or just your website if you want to increase traffic to your domain.
7. Sign up for a Google Adwords account at adwords.google.com. Follow the prompts to link your Adsense and/or Gmail account with your Adwords account.
8. Choose the currency you will use to pay for your account when prompted. This information cannot be changed once it is selected.
9. Submit your billing information. Any ad campaigns you create will not run until your billing information is submitted.
Creating a Campaign
10. Select the 'Campaigns' tab, then click the 'Create a new campaign' button. Submit information on the basic details for your ad in the form provided such as audience, networks, budget and your cost-per-click (CPC) price. You can set a daily budget for your ad so you do not exceed the amount of money you have allocated for the campaign. When your budget maximum is reached, Google will stop running the campaign for that day.
11. Create your ad. A wizard guides you through the selection of colors and borders for your ads. You can include a headline, two lines of text and a URL.
12. Select and submit keywords. After you create your ad you will have the opportunity submit keywords that you think potential customers would use to find your product in a Google search.
13. Activate your ad. When you finish creating your campaign, you can begin running your ads.

How to Open an Account With Google to Post Links

1. Go to the Google AdSense homepage.
2. Click the 'Sign Up Now' button.

3. Enter the primary URL for the website in which you want to insert the Google links. Select the primary language for the website from the drop-down menu. Confirm that you will not place Google links on sites that offer incentives to click ads or on sites that contain pornographic content.
4. Select the Google AdSense account type you want to open from the drop-down menu. You can select either a personal or a business account. Select the country where you reside from the drop-down menu.
5. Enter your name, address and telephone number in the appropriate text boxes. Select how you found out about Google AdSense from the drop-down menu. Agree to Google's terms and conditions and click the 'Submit Information' button.
6. Confirm your information and select the option to create a new Google account.
7. Enter your email address, the password you want to use to access your Google AdSense account and the security code displayed on the website. Click the 'Continue' button.
8. Open your email's inbox and select the email from Google AdSense. Click the link located in the body of the email message.
9. Wait for Google to review and approve your application. Approval takes approximately two to three business days, and Google notifies you by email when you receive account approval. You have now opened your Google AdSense account and can post Google links on your websites.

Friday, January 18, 2013

How Can I Put a BB Code on Facebook?

1. Navigate to the BB code you want to use. If the code is embedded in a message you posted on a message board, hit the 'Edit' button to access the source code.
2. Drag your mouse over any URL within the code, such as a link to an image or video you embedded within the bulletin board post. Right-click and select 'Copy.' Don't highlight or copy any of the BBcode tags.

3. Sign in to Facebook and right-click within the field at the top of the news feed. Select 'Paste' and wait for the webpage, image or video to display beneath the field. Delete the URL text, then type in a message that explains the content if you choose. Click the 'Share' button to share the information with your Facebook friends.

How to Tell Google to Ignore Text

1. Determine the content you wish to hide, and open an HTML editor to view the HTML code for the desired portion of the site. If you’re running a blog, most major blog software allows you to switch between HTML and visual format from the page you’re editing.
2. Write
above the section of text you want Google AdSense to ignore. The tag tells AdSense that the text immediately following should be ignored.

3. Add “
” without quotations below the final portion of text you wish to ignore. After saving and implementing the code, Google AdSense will now ignore those portions of text. The end tag tells AdSense to read the remaining text.

How to Add AdSense Ads to a WordPress Blog

1. Use your favorite seach engine such as Google, Yahoo! or Dogpile.
2. Type in: Adsense-Deluxe Wordpress Plugin.

3. Once the search engine has finished populating its results, click on the first link provided.
4. Follow the instructions.

How to Finance International Adoption

1. Check your employer's human resources department to see if it offers adoption reimbursements or benefits. According to the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, a number of companies and government agencies offer adoption benefits.
2. Apply for adoption grants, which are awarded to help cut adoption costs. You can find a list of organizations that provide grants or financial assistance for adoption at the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption website.

3. Take an adoption tax credit. According to the IRS, the adoption credit is an amount subtracted from your tax liability. Qualifying expenses include reasonable and necessary adoption fees, court costs, attorney fees, traveling expenses and other expenses directly related to the legal adoption of an eligible child. You can take the adoption tax credit by completing form 8839 for qualified adoption expenses. Attach the form and send it to the IRS with form 1040 or 1040A.
4. Start and monetize a blog detailing your international adoption journey. You can make money by placing ads on the blog, writing sponsored posts or asking for donations. To find ads for your blog, create an account with a reputable ad agency such as Google AdSense. You can start a free blog at Blogger or Wordpress.
5. Ask for cash donations from friends and family members. Inform them about your desire to adopt a child internationally and ask for their help in fulfilling the goal.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

How to Start A Blog for Free

1. Browse to one of the sites listed in Resources.Blogger is integrated with Google Adsense, which can make you a little cash on the side if your blog becomes popular. Google also allows you to claim a domain name for your blog. Instead of myblog.blogger.com, it could be myblogsite.com. On the downside, Blogger doesn't offer much in the way of simple customization. Beyond the basic layout changes through their admin interface, you'll need to dive into the HTML and CSS to change things.WordPress, on the other hand, is free to install on any website you already own, which means complete customization. They host blogs on their site, but these have fewer options for end users. Integrating ads into a WordPress blog isn't as quick as with Blogger, but you can use any ads you like, instead of being restricted to Google Adsense.Tumblr is a little different from the other two – it's minimalistic and there are fewer personalization features, but the simple interface and follow system (similar to Facebook's like and repost system) has appeal for some users, especially more casual bloggers.
2. Sign up with the site by choosing a name for your blog, entering your information, username, password and email.Try to be descriptive when choosing the name for your blog – the name will help readers find your blog in search engines.

3. Choose a template or theme for your blog. Themes and templates can always be changed later, if you're in a hurry.If you're having difficulty picking a theme, consider your readers and the subject of your blog. The most obvious difference between blogs is the theme – a technology blog rarely looks like a home gardening blog, for example, in part because of the theme. If you understand what your readers will find most appealing, choosing a theme along that line will add some extra flair to your blog.
4. Make your first posting or customize your blog.

How to Place Ads On Your Website

1. Point your browser to the Google AdSense website. Google offers both CPC (cost-per-click) and CPM (cost-per-thousand-impression) ads. Google ads specifically relate to the content on your pages, and ads earn income either when a visitor clicks your CPC advertisement or the CPM ad appears to a visitor who views your site. Google AdSense is ideal if you have lots of quality content, but you must keep your site updated so that traffic continues to flow to your pages and your earnings continue. Click the 'Sign Up Now' button on the Google AdSense page and log in with your Google account to begin.
2. Go to the Amazon Associates website to place ads for Amazon products on your pages. These ads offer the same functionality as the Amazon website, including a shopping cart, customer reviews and search. As an associate, you have the option to create links and banners to specific items, or build widgets and aStores to sell multiple goods in the categories you choose. Money is earned when visitors purchase products on your site, and you earn a referral rate percentage based on the type of payment plan you select. Amazon provides tools that walk you through the ad and code creation, but products can become outdated, so a regular check of your links is needed. Click the 'Build an aStore Now' button on the 'aStore for Amazon Associates' page to register for an account.

3. Navigate to the MaxBounty site to include CPA (cost-per-action) advertising options on your website. Your affiliate account gives you access to higher-payout ads that range from marketing select products to promoting online quizzes. CPA ads cover all types of niches and pay out when a visitor takes an action, such as filling out a form or making a purchase. Registration is free, but you must be interviewed over the phone to see if your site is a good fit for MaxBounty's advertising opportunities. Click the 'Become an Advertiser' link on the MaxBounty Advertisers page to get started.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

How to Generate Leads for Life Insurance

1. Develop a website to attract people, not just a pretty website that no one will see. Design a website for your target audience. Play to the strengths of your insurance products. Employ the services of a company that specializes in search engine optimization (SEO) to help you develop copy in such a way that the search engines will include your site as early in their listings as possible. Then, use Google AdWords and AdSense to make your advertising work and to make people gravitate to your website. Also, your website should offer something to people who are willing to meet with you to discuss their needs.
2. Produce collateral materials that can be used for a number of purposes. For example, you should produce postcards that should be sent to life insurance prospects after you have called, thanking them for their time. You should also produce brochures about the services that you provide and send them to people in advance of your first call.

3. Engage the services of a lead-generation company to find people who may be interested in purchasing more life insurance. You can either find a list broker who specializes in financial products, or you can have your products available to consumers who contacted the website for quotes on products they are planning to buy. There are list brokers that will also handle your direct mail program. Many have artists and writers on their staff as well as printing and mailing capabilities.
4. Prepare an invitation that will run in your local newspaper, and invite people to join you for lunch or dinner to hear what special services you offer. This is especially fruitful in areas where there is a high concentration of wealth.
5. If you are just beginning to make your mark in the insurance world, try to enlist those people who already respect your wise counsel. Make contact with those people to make appointments. Also, expand your database of leads by asking each person for the names of others who might like to talk with you.
6. Purchase leads from a number of lead-generating companies that specialize in life insurance. An example of such a company is iLeads )See Resources below). You can expect to pay $35, or more, for each lead depending on a number of different criteria.
7. Check your local newspaper often for announcements of corporate appointments and promotions, because those people most likely may want to supplement their life insurance coverage.
8. Make cold calls. Especially if you are just getting started, you will find it to be both productive in generating leads and a way to build confidence by learning the products and services you can offer.

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