Sunday, May 20, 2012

How to Insert a PowerPoint Into a Google Page

1. Prepare the PowerPoint presentation. Try to keep it simple for the conversion process, especially if you don't own conversion tools. Limit the amount of animations, transitions and audio.
2. Convert the PowerPoint presentation to Flash. You can do it manually if you have programming experience. Or you can use a free converter if your presentation is simple. If the presentation is more complex and you are going to be making a lot of conversions, you may want to consider purchasing a converter such as PPT2Flash.

3. Set up your Google Page for the PowerPoint. Set up a Google Page or log into your existing Google Page account. If you have a Gmail account you already have access to a Google Page, but you may not have set it up yet.
4. Click on the 'Upload' link on the right side of the screen. Click 'Browse' to find the converted PowerPoint file. Click on the file's name and choose 'Open.' Click on the new link that appears in the 'Upload' box. Copy the URL of that link that opens to your clipboard.
5. Go to the Google Page where you plan to insert the PowerPoint. Click in the section where you intend to put the PowerPoint show. Locate the 'Edit HTML' link in the lower right corner of the screen. Click on it.
6. Insert the following HTML code into the box that opens:

7. Change 'URL of the uploaded flash file' to the URL you copied to the clipboard in Step 4. Preview the Google Page and if all is correct, publish it.

How to make money with Google Ad Sense


For example: I have a website that I sell dog t-
shirts from:
If I want to make extra income from ads on my web-
site, I sign up for Google AdSense. Google Adsense
then gives me an HTML code that I enter on my
dog t-shirt website. Now, ads begin to appear on my
website that are related to my site's content.
The example below shows some Google AdSense
ads on my dog t-shirt website:
2. Ads Relate to Content.
As you can see, all of the ads are
related to dogs, and may be help-
ful and interesting to people who
are visiting a dog t-shirt website. If
someone is interested in dog jew-
elry, they might click the ad that
says 'Dog Gifts Collectibles.'
When they click that ad, I will earn
a profit. I earn a profit every time
an ad is clicked.

3. When They Click,
You Earn.
It's that easy to earn money with
Google AdSense, and you don't
have to worry about selling a
product or inventory, etc. Once
you set up your Ad Sense account,
Google takes care of the rest. It's
basically a 'hands off' money-making system. It is
a great way to earn extra passive income on your
website or blog.
4. How Much Profit Can I Make?
Let's say I earn an average of $.12 per click from my
ads on my dog t-shirt website. If 1,000 people visit
my website a day, and out of those 1,000 people,
10 click on a Google Ad sense ad, then I will make
$1.20 a day. So it is basically a numbers game. The
more traffic you have, the more earnings you can
5. How do I sign up for Google AdSense?
• Go to: Google Adsense
(You will need a blog or some other type of web-
site to sign up for Google AdSense.) If you don't
have a website or blog, there are many free blog
sites available. I personally use There
are also services where you can make free websites
such as:
6. Create your Ads
• After signing up on Google AdSense, log into your
account at:
7. • Click 'AdSense Setup' on the toolbar.
• To place ads on your blog or content website,
click 'AdSense for Content'
• Click 'Ad unit' (the default) for now, and click
• Choose the size of ads you would like displayed
on your page and the colors.
• Check out this video for great tips on choosing
ad sizes, colors, and ways to optimize your Google
AdSense ads:
8. Adjust your Ads
• Next, you can add a channel if you like to help you
group certain adds together and help track them
• Name your ad with a title that is easy to recognize
and includes the name of your website, size of the
ad, location of where you will put the ad on your
webpage (ex: DogHomepage 728x90 top center).
• Click 'Submit and Get Code.'
9. Add the Code to Your Website or Blog
• Go to your website and enter the area where you
can edit the HTML on your website.
• Paste your Google AdSense code into the html at
your desired location on the website layout.
• After adding the new HTML code, your Google Ad-
Sense ads should begin appearing on your website.
The ads should be related to the content of your
website. If they are not related to your content,
you may need to edit your website's content to
add more keywords that highlight the main topic of
your website.
10. Sit back and Start Earning
• When someone visits your website and clicks
on one of your Google AdSense ads, you will earn
money in your Google Adsense account.
Warning: DO NOT click on your own Adsense
ads or put content on your website that says things
like 'Click my Adsense ads.' If you do so, Google
Adsense will suspend or cancel your account.
• You can check your Google Adsense account
whenever you like to see how much money you are
earning and to find out which ads are working best
for you. You can then adjust your ads accordingly for
the best results.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

How to make extra money online

1. Ehow is a reputable and free site where you can share your knowledge with other members and make money. It is a slow process, but over time you can make a decent chunk of extra money. All you have to do is sign up for the writer's compensation program (WCP) and write 'How To' articles. These articles can be as simple as 'How to brush your teeth' to as complex as 'How to Build a Detached Garage'. I have been doing this sporadically for several months. I made about $17 in the first few months but I have less than 20 articles posted. The more articles you post and the more active you are in the Ehow community, then the more money you will make. Check out my other articles on Ehow.
2. Start your own website. You could sell products and services or just post information and make money from advertisements on your site. Sign up for Google Adsense and you can make money when visitors click on your ads. I created a free website on There are many free web hosting services out there. You can do a Google search or even an Ehow search to find more free sites.

3. Start your own blog and use Google Adsense so you can make money when visitors click on your ads. You can write about anything you want. Check out the different blogging sites that I have listed on my personal website listed below in the Resources section. Check out Xomba in the resources section. It is a very popular blogging site so you should get a decent amount of traffic.
4. Sell items on Ebay. This is the most obvious choice, but there are so many opportunities to make money on Ebay. Find a niche that works for you or sell old stuff around the house.
5. Sign up for a seller account on Sell your old college books and regular books on Amazon to make some extra money and get rid of some of the clutter in the house.
6. Sign up on This is a new site for me so I am still testing it out. I have posted one tip and it was approved. When it is published, I should receive a one-time $1 payment. This tip only took me 2 minutes to write. If you are creative, you could really make some quick cash.
7. Sign up on You get paid to write your opinion about different things. I have signed up for this site and submitted one review. Reviews must be at least 200 words to qualify for income share. I will continue to test this site out and provide more information at a later time.
8. If you are artistic then sign up for You can upload your artwork and set up a store. You can choose which items you would like to have your artwork printed on like t-shirts, hats, coffee mugs, etc. The website supplies all the products so you don't pay anything and you earn a very nice commission when your product sells. Ehow member AlmondSpecial was kind enough to share this in my comments section. Please check out her article about CafePress in the Resources section.
9. - This site allows you to buy or sell any handmade items. Check it out. You could sell homemade jewelry, clothing, t-shirts and more. I have not used this site, but it is reputable and has a broad range of opportunities.
10. - this site allows you to upload your digital creations. It can include photos, artwork, or even a manuscript. I have not tried this site, but it is reputable as well.
11. Sign up for Hubpages. You can write articles and receive money for Google Adsense, and also for signing up to be an affiliate for Amazon and eBay. You can really make some money here. See the links below for some great articles that were written on HubPages about earning extra money.
12. Find a legitimate work-at-home job to supplement your income. This can be anything from data entry to freelance computer programming. I have compiled an 8 page list of resources and information regarding this topic. Since it is too much to fit into this article, I have supplied the link 'Work-at-Home Jobs' under resources.

How to Improve Google AdSense

1. Make sure keyword tags relate to the content within the website. Someone will be less likely to click on an ad for a blender if he is visiting a site with information on how to quit smoking. They probably would click on ads related to quitting smoking, though.
2. Do not clutter your website with ads. Place ads away from content information on the website page. Users might get irritated or impatient and leave the site before further exploring other content on the website.

3. Provide more quality content for your site. Content-rich sites may keep viewers on the site for a longer time. This could increase the probability that someone will click on an ad. If your viewers don't find the information they need from your site, they might look elsewhere.
4. Increase traffic to your website. Visit online communities and let other users and friends know about your website. Visit forums about topics related to your website. IF you created a website on how to quit smoking, visiting forums on the subject and letting individuals know about your site could also increase traffic to your website.
5. Search for higher cost-per-click keywords. Use Google's adword keyword tool to find keywords that may be worth more than other keywords for your site. Higher cost-per-click keywords could increase your earnings.
6. Search for popular keywords to add into your sites. Popular keywords will generate more traffic because many individuals commonly use those keywords or phrases in search bars. For example, you could get more views from a keyword that generates 1,000,000 views a month than from a keyword less commonly used that generates only 1,000 views per month.
7. Submit your site to various search engines to index the site among the list of websites that appear in the search results. Viewers can then find your site among the search engine's list whenever they type keywords relating to your site into the search bar.

How to Install Google Adsense Into Your Blog

1. Create an AdSense account by visiting The directions provided on the website are extremely easy to follow, and creating an account takes only a few minutes. You will be required to fill out an application to install Google AdSense into your blog, and will be asked to verify your payment method and account information before proceeding.
2. Determine the best placement on your blog for the ads. Ideally, your Google AdSense ads should blend in and coordinate with the style and color of your blog’s text and graphics. Google offers great tips and advice that should be considered for optimum results.

3. Choose the type of ads you wish to display on your blog. Google offers a variety of ad types, including AdSense for content, AdSense for search, graphic ads, text ads, or a combination. The type of ads you choose will depend on the look and content of your blog, your target audience, and your overall preference. You can modify, delete and add new Google AdSense ads at any time.
4. Customize the ads for your blog using Google's wizard. You are allowed three ad units and three link units on each page. Customizable features include size, color and style.
5. Create a channel for tracking your ads, and choose a name for each ad you create. One of the benefits of installing Google AdSense into your blog is the ability to track each individual ad based on placement, ad type or other criteria. This enables you to make adjustments if one ad type is not performing as well as expected.
6. Grab the code for your AdSense ad, and then insert it into the proper place on your blog. After you have completed installing Google AdSense into your blog, Google takes care of the rest.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

How to Calculate CPC

1. Bring up the Web page with the ad on your site or blog for reference. Determine your total income generated from this particular ad. If you're using a PPC program, like AdSense, your should easily be able to pull up a breakdown of this data.
2. Determine the total number of times that someone clicked on this particular ad. These figures should be laid out in the PPC program.

3. Divide the total income by the total number of clicks to determine the average CPC.

How to Make Money With Revenue Sharing Websites

1. Websites that allow you to make money through a revenue sharing program are one of the best ways to earn online. These types of sites are generally based on participation, whether by you directly or by visitors to your site.
2. When paid for your direct participation, such as here at eHow, and other writing sites, the key is in the numbers. You must be an active member or writer to earn a substantial income. A few articles here and there will usually not be sufficient in creating a decent income. You must try to contribute at least one or more articles per day to see good results.

3. The same is true for online communities that offer revenue sharing. It is very important to be an active member and contribute to the community. This means posting new discussions and responding to other's discussions. The more active you are, the more you will earn.
4. In the case of earning from others participation, such as with Google AdSense, the key here is to get as many visitors to your site or blog as possible. This increases the odds of getting clicks on your AdSense ads. To improve your earnings here, you will need to focus on increasing the number of visitors to your site, which can easily be done with many free advertising and marketing options (see free advertising link below, under the resources heading).
5. As you can see, earning with revenue sharing is determined by your level of participation. Even when you rely on others, as with AdSense, you will need to continuously work on getting traffic. By focusing on just a few programs, you can maintain a high level of contribution and earn significantly more than spreading yourself thin and making only a few cents with multiple programs.

How to Activate Google Adsense

1. Design and construct the website you want to include in the Google Adsense program. Be sure your website falls within Google's published criteria for websites.
2. Sign up and submit your website to Google Adsense program. Once you website is approved, you will receive a notification allowing you to proceed with the program.

3. Activate your Google Adsense account. Clicking on the link in the email Google sent you telling you your website had been approved.
4. Log into your Adsense account, and retrieve the HTML code you will need to use on your website. After logging in, follow the prompts to get the appropriate programming code.
5. Copy the code, then paste the information into the appropriate section of your website. Once the code has been installed in your website, it will be included in the Google Adsense program and will start to see Google advertising appearing on your site.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

How to work at home with Google

1. Research the different options for working with Google. Two positions are currently advertised with Google, ads rater and quality rater. WorkForce Logic advertises on the Google Jobs site for the ads rater position while LionBridge and Leapforce hire for quality rater using job boards.
2. Carefully read the application instructions and apply at one or all of the three companies currently hiring for telecommuting positions with Google. These companies are WorkForce Logic, LionBridge, and Leapforce and each has different requirements.

3. Set up a Gmail account to apply. This is a requirement for applying. Previously set-up Gmail accounts can be used.
4. Apply to one of the three companies being again careful to follow all directions specified by the specific employer.
5. Apply to a second company if no response is given from the first choice company. Apply about once a week if no response is given but stop applying if the company sends a denial letter.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

How to Make the Most with Google AdSense

1. To make the most from Google AdSense you should first think about your website and the people that come to your website. Make sure you select a product that will be interesting to the people that view your website. If you site is about food stick to cooking supplies or equipment not cars. If you site is about games you could list ads about game systems or accessories. You should also think of the age and income of the people that are attracted to your website when making this decision. If it's outside of their budget you'll get very few clicks on the ads.
2. Next to make the most from Google AdSense you should think about the lay out of your website or blog. The size of the ad should not overwhelm the page. Make sure it fits in with your current website layout and style. You don't want the page to look like it was built around the advertisement. These look like spam and people will avoid sites like that.

3. After you have determined the product and the size of the advertisement you should consider the color of the advertisement to make the most of Google AdSense. Ads that blend into the website are more appealing and seem to do better for many people using Google AdSense. A lot of people will adjust the banner color on the advertisements to match the background color of the website. The background of the advertisement should blend in with the colors of the website and the link colors should be the same as any other links on your webpage. If you have a pastel colored website you should stick to pastels for the advertisement. Nothing is worse than a bright yellow advertisement on a baby blue website; it sticks out like a sour thumb and is not very pleasant for the people viewing your website or blog.
4. Now to add the advertisement to the website or blog you need to make sure it again goes with the flow of the website. Most people will look at a website like a book from left to right top to bottom. If you are talking about the product on the webpage it is best to have the advertisement close to a picture of the product. If it is just a product that goes with what you are talking about many people have found luck adding the advertisement within the body of the website, in the content area.
5. Make sure you try a few different layouts to see what works best for you and have fun with this.

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