One-Time Search
1. Type your search query into the box.
2. Type, or copy and paste, '' next to it, minus the quotation marks.
3. Press 'Enter' to view your results. The website will not appear in the search results.
4. Repeat the search, adding '' to exclude all English-language Amazon websites from the results. A U.S.-based website doesn't ordinarily produce in languages other than English, but if necessary, you can exclude all Amazon websites by copying and pasting '' onto the end of your search query.
Permanent Custom Search
5. Go to, and log in using your Google Accounts ID. If you don't have one, sign up free at before you begin.
6. Click 'Create a Custom Search Engine.'
7. Type a name for your search engine, such as 'No Amazon Results,' and a short description.
8. Type a Web address, or URL, into the 'Sites to search' field. It can be any URL, as you will remove it later.
9. Select 'Standard Edition,' tick the box to confirm your agreement with the terms and conditions, and click 'Next.'
10. Select a default style, and click 'Next.'
11. Scroll down, and click 'Include more sites.'
12. Click 'Excluded sites,' and then click 'Exclude sites in bulk' in the popup window.
13. Enter ',' '' and ',' each on a separate line, without commas or quotation marks. Then, click 'Save.'
14. Tick the box next to the URL underneath 'Included sites.' This is the URL you entered in Step 4.
15. Click 'Delete.'
16. Click 'Preview' in the sidebar, and then type in any search term, and press 'Enter' to test your custom search engine.
17. Click 'Homepage' to view the actual search engine. Bookmark this page, or return to it at any time by visiting, clicking 'Manage my search engines,' and clicking the link to your custom search engine.