1. Develop a website to attract people, not just a pretty website that no one will see. Design a website for your target audience. Play to the strengths of your insurance products. Employ the services of a company that specializes in search engine optimization (SEO) to help you develop copy in such a way that the search engines will include your site as early in their listings as possible. Then, use Google AdWords and AdSense to make your advertising work and to make people gravitate to your website. Also, your website should offer something to people who are willing to meet with you to discuss their needs.
2. Produce collateral materials that can be used for a number of purposes. For example, you should produce postcards that should be sent to life insurance prospects after you have called, thanking them for their time. You should also produce brochures about the services that you provide and send them to people in advance of your first call.
3. Engage the services of a lead-generation company to find people who may be interested in purchasing more life insurance. You can either find a list broker who specializes in financial products, or you can have your products available to consumers who contacted the website for quotes on products they are planning to buy. There are list brokers that will also handle your direct mail program. Many have artists and writers on their staff as well as printing and mailing capabilities.
4. Prepare an invitation that will run in your local newspaper, and invite people to join you for lunch or dinner to hear what special services you offer. This is especially fruitful in areas where there is a high concentration of wealth.
5. If you are just beginning to make your mark in the insurance world, try to enlist those people who already respect your wise counsel. Make contact with those people to make appointments. Also, expand your database of leads by asking each person for the names of others who might like to talk with you.
6. Purchase leads from a number of lead-generating companies that specialize in life insurance. An example of such a company is iLeads )See Resources below). You can expect to pay $35, or more, for each lead depending on a number of different criteria.
7. Check your local newspaper often for announcements of corporate appointments and promotions, because those people most likely may want to supplement their life insurance coverage.
8. Make cold calls. Especially if you are just getting started, you will find it to be both productive in generating leads and a way to build confidence by learning the products and services you can offer.