1. Link your Google AdSense account to a Google Analytics account. Look for the link inviting you to connect the two accounts on either the Overview or Advanced Reports pages in your AdSense account.
2. Click on 'User Manager' from your Analytics account Web page. Select 'Add a User.' Enter the information required to create a profile that can view accounts only. Select at least one Web page profile to identify the new account with.
3. Click 'Edit AdSense Linking Settings,' found on the Overview page next to the name of the profile. Follow the instructions on the 'AdSense Linking Settings' page to provide access to AdSense reports through the profile you created. Select the account and profiles to connect with AdSense and click 'Continue.' Choose a primary domain if you receive reports from more than one Web page and click Continue. Add the code provided to any Web page other than your primary domain. Click 'Continue' to finish linking your AdSense reports to your Analytics account.
4. Share the account access information with the person you wish to have view your AdSense reports if you created a new account. Inform them that they can access your AdSense reports through Google Analytics.