Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How to Create a Million Dollar Ad Revenue Website

1. Create a site that is in tune with what people want to hear about. To get a better idea about the most popular topics, look at (see Resources below). This shows what people are searching for the most. By studying these pages regularly, you may be inspired to create a site that will be widely searched. Overall patterns such as the popularity of celebrity gossip can make sites million-dollar-ad-revenue sites. is a gossip blog updated at least 15 times each day with gossip about popular celebrities.
2. Create a site that lets readers interact with the site and with one another. Sites such as Facebook, StumbleUpon and MySpace are enormous, and they attract members and readers because of their social aspects. Builders of informational sites and blogs have also made the effort in recent years to create a sense of community in order to keep readers coming back. Your site can be a forum for members or a comments area for each page. As your site attracts more readers each day, you can charge higher ad fees from your advertisers.

3. Have traffic-tracking software in place so that you know your exact traffic figures. The rate that advertisers will pay for a spot on your site often depends on the traffic levels each month.
4. Sign up with (see Resources below) to take advantage of your site's traffic numbers. These sites have a number of advertisers who are looking for popular sites that will display their ads prominently. Keep signing advertisers and building your traffic so that you can raise rates regularly. Eventually, your site could make $1 million in ad revenue.

How to Get Verified on Google Webmaster for Website Tonight

1. Sign up for a Google Webmaster Tools account.
2. Sign in to Google Webmaster Tools with your Google Account.

3. Add your website. Type the URL of the site you want to add, making sure that you type the entire URL. An example of this would be ''
4. Click 'Continue.' This will lead you to the site verification page window.
5. Type a name for your site in the name box. An example of this would be 'My News.' This step is optional.
6. Select the verification method you want, and follow the instructions.

Monday, September 19, 2011

How to Advertise in Your City Over the Internet

Google Adsense Advertising
1. Sign up for a Google Adsense account through the main advertiser site. Create the account in the name of your business, but be sure to indicate an authorized person to handle your online advertising campaign.
2. Set a budget for your Google advertising campaign. While it makes sense to begin with a small amount, your budget should be large enough to draw a meaningful number of new customers to your business. Allocate your budget between different keywords or text ads.

3. Choose a local targeting range for your campaign. Larger areas, such as entire states, will display your ad to a wider audience while smaller areas, such as individual ZIP codes, will restrict your campaign to nearby potential customers.
4. Visit the Google Adsense manager often to view ad click-through rates and costs. The Adsense manager allows you to make multiple daily adjustments to all aspects of your campaign and helps you improve the efficiency of your marketing budget.
Facebook Ad Manager
5. Sign up for an account through the Facebook Ad Manager. This platform is the second dominant advertising platform for small businesses. The Facebook Ad Manager allows you to create targeted, local display and text advertising that will appear on the right side of the page of Facebook users.
6. Choose images and text for your ads. The Facebook Ad Manager allows your business to create multiple variations of a specific ad. You can test the effectiveness of each variation of campaign and sequentially improve each round of advertising. Make incremental changes to your campaigns by adjusting only an image or text line for each variation.
7. Select targets for your ad campaign based on the demographic profile of Facebook users, including their location and their interests. For example, if your business sells pet food, you should select pet owners in your area or local fans of pet pages as targets. You may also consider selecting Facebook fans of your competitors as potential customers.

Adwords Tutorial

1. Go to the Google AdWords website (See References below). Click 'Start Now.'
2. Determine your Google account status. Click the radio button that describes the status of your account. Enter an email address and password then click 'Create Account' if you do not already have one. Type your Google account information if you have already registered.

3. Set the time zone and currency preferences. Select a time zone and currency from the drop-down menus and click 'Continue.' A confirmation email will be set to the registered email address.
4. Sign in to your AdWords account. Click 'Create Your First Campaign.' Enter a campaign name, set the locations and languages, networks and devices, bidding and budgets, and ad extensions. Click 'Save and Continue.'
5. Create an ad and keywords. Click the radio button beside the ad type. This includes text ad, image ad, display ad builder, and mobile ad. Enter a Headline, Description line 1, Description line 2, Display URL and a Destination URL. Enter 10 to 20 keywords in the space provided and click 'Save and continue to billing.'
6. Set up your billing account. Select a country or territory and click 'Continue.' Choose a form of payment and click 'Continue.' Agree to the terms and click 'Continue.'
7. Finalize your payment. Enter your billing address and credit card type to finalize the order.
8. Manage your ads. Sign into your Google AdWords account for billing cycles, tracking performance and viewing other features.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

How to Add Adsense to Freewebs

1. To add adsense to your freewebs, you will need a google adsense account. Apply for a google adsense account.
2. Once you have been accepted, log in to your account and make an adsense link or ad unit. For step by step directions on how to do this see my eHow 'How to Add Adsense to a Website or Blog' (see resources). Copy the code for the adsense ad you made.

3. Log into your freewebs account. Go to the page where you want to add adsense to freewebs. You can add adsence to freewebs on one or more pages.
4. On the left side of the page under toolbox, click on 'content box' to add a new box. Then click on 'extras'. A widget bank will pop up. Click on 'Other Stuff'
5. Scroll down to the widget called, 'Your Custom HTML'. Click on it to select. A new box will pop up.
6. To add adsense to freewebs, paste your HTML adsense code in the box. Click insert this widget.
7. Publish your page and the google adsense code will show up on your freewebs.

How to Report a Phishing Site to Google

1. Go to the Google homepage.
2. Procedure #1: Click the link stating 'contact us' which is in the section titled 'More Google' on the page.

3. From this 'contact us' page, click on the link for security issues.
4. Depending on which service, system or network you are contacting will determine where you need to email the information about the phishing site. For example, if you are writing about phishing on Gmail, you need to contact the
5. Contact Google by printing out the Web site in question and sending it to their mailing address through the Postal Service (see below).
6. Contact Google by phone or fax (see below).

Saturday, September 17, 2011

How to Get People to Advertise on Your Website

1. Fill your site with content that will attract visitors. This means that the content needs to be interesting or cutting edge. The more people that your site could potentially appeal to, the better your odds of convincing advertisers to purchase ad space on your site or racking up paid ad clicks through an affiliate program such as Google Adsense.
2. Attract traffic to your site. No one will know that your site exists unless you promote it. Promote your site through social networking sites. Send links to all your friends and family whenever you put up new content. Add a subscription feature to your blog that sends an email notification to subscribers whenever you create a new post.

3. Monitor your traffic and create a professional sales report. If your site is getting over 100,000 or more hits each day, you may be in a good position to send out a sales pitch to companies you believe might be interested in advertising on your site. The report that you send should include a description of the content that is contained on the site, the average number of visitors and monthly visitor totals for the past 6 months to a year, why you think that a specific company would benefit from placing an ad on your site and how much you would charge for the ad placement.
4. Try affiliate advertising. Google Adsense is a great example of this. With Adsense, a website owner creates an account with Google and agrees to allow Google to place ads in certain places on the site. Whenever a visitor clicks on one of the ads, the site owner will earn money. If you have a high volume of traffic coming to your site, this might be an excellent money-making solution for you. However, be careful not to clutter your site with too many ads--this could decrease overall traffic and scare away private advertisers.

How to Put Ads on Your Website

1. Create a website with a defined topic. It's easier to get advertising when your site focuses on one particular topic. Make sure you also have enough space to put the ads on the site in a visible location. Ads on the top of a page often do well.
2. Find a company that is willing to advertise on your site. You can manually look for one advertiser at a time or even put an ad on your site to attract potential advertisers.

3. Consider a pay-per-click program such as Goodle Adwords. With these programs, you put a fixed code onto your site and ads then appear where you've placed the code. You get paid a certain amount when someone clicks on the ad. Some programs generate ads based on the content of your site.
4. Test the placement of the code or linked images in different places on your website and on different pages. You will find that some placements and some types of ads get more clicks. Sky-scraper ads that are long and narrow tend to fit well on the side of pages. Each website will have different areas and pages that generate clicks on the ads. Trying out different placements and record the results on a daily or weekly basis to find what works best for your website.

How to Generate Extra Income Quickly

1. Clean out the basement. Look through items you have put into storage. Separate items into valuable and junk piles. Sell smaller and valuable items to earn quick cash on auction websites. Larger items that may be hassle to ship can be sold through a weekend yard sale.
2. Earn ad revenue through your blog or website. Pick a topic for your website or blog that you love or you are an expert at. For instance, accountants may consider starting a finance blog. Pet lovers may focus on animal care tips. Free programs like WordPress provide templates for you to enter text, images and videos for your blog. Create a website and sign up for an account with an affiliate network, such as Google Adsense. The more traffic you bring to your site, the more revenue earned through ads.

3. Offer up your services as a sitter. Pet-sitters and babysitters can work on an as-needed basis and earn a set hourly rate. Experience and number of clients affects how much you earn. Build your client base quickly by passing out fliers, advertising through the newspaper and online classifieds like Craigslist. Advertise at places where you are likely to secure clients such as pet stores, veterinary offices, pediatricians offices and mommy and me classes.
4. Run errands for a fee. Charge a nominal fee to run errands for neighborhood clients. Earn money quickly. Visit elderly communities to introduce yourself and find out if anyone need help getting their errands done. Use fliers and classifieds to get clients quickly.
5. Sell at a farmer's market. If you have a plentiful harvest, bring your fruits and vegetables to a farmer's market to peddle. Visit local restaurants as well to find chefs interested in purchasing your produce.
6. Find consulting work. If you work in a certain field, such as graphic design, marketing or information technology, you may find extra work outside of the office. Let past and current clients know you are looking to take on extra projects and are available immediately.
7. Market your crafts. Jewelry artists, handbag makers and others who have a knack for crafts can sell their wares quickly online through marketplaces like or sign up to take part in a local craft show.

Friday, September 16, 2011

How to Transfer Ownership of a Blogger Blog

1. Log-in to Blogger, using the email address that has administrator privileges.
2. Click the 'Settings' link in the menu, under the name of the blog.

3. Click the 'Permissions' tab across the top.
4. Click the blue 'Add Authors' button and enter the email address of the new owner of your blog. You may enter more email addresses separated by commas, if you'd like your blog to have more than one new owner.
5. Click the orange 'Invite' button, when you've entered all the email addresses to which you'd like to transfer ownership.
6. Tell the new owner to check his email for the invitation notice. He must click the confirmation link in the invitation email to accept the invitation to become an author on your blog, before you can proceed with the ownership transfer. If he is not already a member of Blogger, he must also complete a quick, free registration.
7. Return to the 'Permissions' tab and click the 'Grant Admin Privileges' link next to the new blog owner's information. This grants the user complete administrative control of the blog.
8. Change the email address that Blogger notifies, whenever someone leaves a comment. Go to the Settings page, then click the 'Comments' tab. Type the new owner's email address under Comment Notification Email. You can enter more than one email address in this field, separated by commas. Click the orange 'Save Settings' button, when you're done.
9. Change the email posting and mobile options to the new blog owner's information. Click the 'Email and Mobile' tab and change all the information for SMS notifications of new posts, email posting and Mail2Web services to the new owner's information.
10. Remove yourself as an administrator for the blog. Ask the new owner to click 'Remove' next to your name in the 'Permissions' tab of your settings page, and follow the instructions to confirm your removal.

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