1. Learn all you can about how the business works. Most ad agencies have a creative department, which consists of writers and artists who design material. They also have a marketing department, consisting of people who seek out clients, and an accounts department, which is responsible for payments.
2. Take the right courses. While you may be able to work with ad agencies without a degree, taking at least a few classes in writing, design and marketing can help you in your quest to get a job with an agency.
3. Be willing to intern. Doing work as an intern can mean doing grunt work without pay or appreciation. Try to get in with an ad agency where you can get your hands on real projects to give you the experience you'll need to land a job.
4. Beef up your portfolio. You'll need experience or samples, and likely both, regardless of what work you want to do in the agency. Should you want to get into the business department, make sure you have worked in accounts payable or receivable. Creative people should work on samples, do small local jobs or work for free for charity publications.