Thursday, April 26, 2012

How to Place Ads on the Bottom of a Post Thesis Theme

1. Register with WordPress Web hosting. WordPress tightly controls the use of ads on its blogs. With WordPress Web hosting, you have more flexibility to control the design and content of your blog than you would have with a conventional WordPress account. WordPress Web hosting also gives you the freedom to develop your own themes based on templates like the post Thesis template. Registering with WordPress Web hosting requires that you purchase a domain name from one of the WordPress recognized Web hosts, such as Blue Host, Network Solutions or Media Temple. Links to these registrars can be found at the WordPress Web hosting information page.
2. Purchase a copy of the Thesis blog template. Thesis is a template designed for WordPress by a developer named 'DIY Themes.' Thesis costs $87 as of March 2011 for individuals, and is compatible with blogs run by WordPress. To purchase the Thesis template, visit the DIY Themes website and place an order with your credit card on the 'Register and Download' page.

3. Select a Post theme for your WordPress blog, if you haven't done so already. The Post format is the WordPress feature that allows users to customize and build their own themes. If your blog already runs a 'canned' WordPress theme, you can switch to the Post format by clicking on 'Appearance,' then 'Themes,' then 'Activate (theme).'
4. Upload the thesis theme to your WordPress account. To do this, go to the WP content-themes directory of your account and use the file manager function to extract the Thesis files to your directory.
5. Upload your ads to the WP content-themes directory using the file manager function. If you do not yet have any paid advertising and are simply doing this project for the learning experience, create a random image in MS Paint or Photoshop for use as a stand-in. The Thesis theme technically allows ads of any size, but aesthetically, the ideal size for an ad at the end of a page is 468x60, as this fits nicely within the width of the content section of the page.
6. Open your custom_functions.php file, and paste the code template for ads at the bottom of a page. You do not need to know PHP in order to do this; the script for this piece of code can be found at the DIY Themes website (see Resources). The only thing you need to modify yourself is your website URL and the image file name. Both of these elements are found in the following line:

. Place your blog URL and image file name in the sections with parentheses.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How To Make Money Per Hit on a Website

1. Sign up for a pay-per-hit or 'CPM' ad network. (CPM refers to 'cost per mille,' or the rate you'll receive per 1,000 ad views.) Items to consider include the rate paid per 1,000 views and the minimum income necessary to earn before you'll be paid. Consult the ProBlogger link in the Resources section below for a list of 12 CPM providers that will serve up advertising on your site just like Google Adsense.
2. Decide where you'd like to add CPM advertising on your website. If you already have successful banner ads, affiliate links or pay-per-click ads on your site, you may not to displace them for (generally) lower-paying CPM ads. However, CPM ads can be an easy addition to an established website or a simply way to start advertising on your website from the very first day.

3. Add the CPM provider's html code to your website in the appropriate places in your code. Your ad provider will provide the necessary coding to automatically pull ads from their database onto your site--simply follow their installation instructions to display your new ads in the intended places on your site.
4. Log into your CPM network account periodically to track how your advertising is performing. Of course, the more visitors you have, the more your ads will be viewed, and the greater pay-per-hit income you'll make.

Monday, April 23, 2012

How to Put Ads in the WordPress Footer

Create Ads
1. Sign up for an ad network. Google AdSense is one example. Log in to the ad network if you are already an ad publisher.
2. Create a new ad. For example, click the 'My ads' tab and 'New ad unit' in Google AdSense.

3. Enter a name for the ad, and choose a size and type. Select the formatting for the ad, such as colors to match your theme. Save the ad and get the ad code, which is usually JavaScript code. For example, click 'Save and get code' in Google AdSense.
4. Highlight the code with your mouse. 'Ctrl' and 'C' to copy the ad code to the clipboard.
Install Plugin and Insert Ad Code
5. Sign in to WordPress as the 'admin' user. Download and install a plugin that allows you to add custom code to the WordPress theme footer.
6. Click 'Plugins' from the menu, locate the plugin you installed, and click 'Activate' beneath its name to make it active.
7. Navigate to the options for the plugin. For example, click 'Post Footer' under 'Settings.'
8. Press 'Ctrl' and 'V' to paste the ad code in the box provided by the plugin -- in the 'Ad Code' box, for example. Click the button to save your changes. Click 'Update Options.'
9. Create another ad, copy the ad code to the clipboard and paste it into the custom footer to display more than one ad in the footer. Click the name of your blog to view the blog and check to make sure the ads are properly displaying in the WordPress footer.

Friday, April 20, 2012

How to Get Adsense on Wordpress Without Plugins

1. Log in to Google AdSense. Click the 'My ads' tab. Under 'Ad units' locate the ad unit that you want to use. Click 'Get code.' Select the code, right-click and click 'Copy.'
2. Log in to the WordPress dashboard with your administrator account. Click 'Appearance' on the left menu, then click 'Widgets.'

3. Click 'Text' in the 'Available Widgets' area. Drag the widget to the sidebar on the right. If your WordPress theme has two sidebars, then drag the widget to the sidebar where you want to place the AdSense ad unit.
4. Right-click in the 'Text' widget and click 'Paste' to insert the AdSense code. Click 'Save.'
5. Log in to the WordPress dashboard. Click 'Appearance' and click 'Editor.' Click 'Single Post (single.php)' on the right when the editor page appears.
6. Search for a phrase similar to the following in the code window. The exact line may vary from one theme to another. But look for the code with 'the_content' in it like

7. Add a table layout above the 'the_content' line of code. For example:

8. Right-click between the
tags. Click 'Paste' to insert the AdSense code. This places the AdSense ad to the top left of your WordPress posts.
9. Review the code. It should look similar to the example shown below:

[Your AdSense code here]

10. Click 'Update File.'

How to Put Ads on the Side of Your Tumblr

1. Log in to your approved Google AdSense account and click on the 'My Ads' tab. A list of previously created ad units displays, showing when they were last edited and whether they are active.
2. Click on the 'New Ad Unit' button. All of the options for your new ad will be displayed.

3. Fill out each of the required fields. Name your ad and choose the size that best fits your Tumblr blog. The most common size for a sidebar banner is the sidescraper option.
4. Create a new custom channel on the options screen. This makes your Tumblr ad campaign easy to track, helping to monitor the performance of your AdSense ads across multiple websites.
5. Click 'Save and get code.' A small screen pops up with JavaScript code specific to the ad you have just created.
6. Copy the JavaScript within the window by highlighting all of the text and clicking 'Ctrl-C.'
7. Log in to your Tumblr account and click on the appropriate blog name within the drop-down menu on your dashboard. More options will display, including the ability to edit your theme.
8. Click on 'Customize' to bring up the settings for your particular Tumblr, then click on 'Theme' within the header and 'Enable custom HTML'. The editable HTML for your Tumblr theme now displays within the window.
9. Place the Tumblr code in the appropriate place within your theme's HTML by clicking on the location you wish to paste it to and typing 'Ctrl-V' If your theme has a sidebar, cross-reference with a live version of your Tumblr so that you can identify where to place your ads. A common location is after the 'About' section within your sidebar. Use 'Ctrl-F' to find specific locations within the HTML.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

How to Create a Paid Podcast

1. Obtain a commercial sponsor, preferably a major corporation or large business. This is the best way to generate revenue for your podcast.
2. Solicit donations from listeners.

3. Place advertisements on your Web site or blog. Google AdSense is one way to accomplish this goal. AdSense places ads on your Web site. Each time someone clicks on an ad, you receive a fee.

How to Set Up a Google Website or Webstore

1. Type the Google sites web address into your URL bar: You'll be asked for a username and password. If you already have a Google account, log in with your existing information. If you do not yet have your own Google account, click the 'Create an Account' option.
2. Click on the words 'Create New Site' to begin the process of designing your website.


Choose a name for your website. The name of your website, along with the theme you choose will communicate to users what the purpose of your site is. If you're using your website as a store, be sure to choose a site name and design that will appeal to your customers and communicate professionalism. After you've made your choices, click on 'Create Site.'

Edit your homepage by clicking on the 'Edit Page' button near the top of the screen. When editing your page, you can change the title of the page and the content simply by typing in the boxes. You will edit all of your other web pages within your site the same way.

Customize your home page with photos. To include photos on your website, use the 'Insert' menu when you are in edit mode and choose to upload photos.

Link to other websites or to pages within your own website by using the link feature. Simply highlight the text that you want to be the hyperlink and then click the 'Link' button and paste the URL that you'd like to link to.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

How to Insert Adsense Code Into a WordPress Blog Post

1. Log in to Google AdSense and click 'My ads' to go to your AdSense ads. Click 'Get code' under the name of the ad you want to put in WordPress. When the pop-up box opens, click the text, right-click and click 'Copy' to copy the code. Click 'Close.'
2. Log in to WordPress. Click 'Appearance' and 'Editor.' When the theme editor loads, click 'Single Post (single.php)' or similar name under 'Templates' on the right of the page.

3. Look for a line similar or identical to the following piece of code in the PHP file. Note that the 'the_content' line indicates where the blog post content is placed:
Read the rest of this entry
'); ?>
4. Click above that line of code if you want the AdSense ad to appear above the post content. Click below that line of code instead if you want the AdSense ad to be shown below or after the post content.
5. Type HTML code to create formatting for the code before you insert it. For instance, type '
' without the quotes to make sure that the ad will be in the center when you place it.
6. Right-click and click 'Paste,' or hit 'Control' and 'V' simultaneously to paste the AdSense code. Close the HTML tag or tags you added. For example, type '
' to close the
7. Click 'Update File.'
8. Type the Web address of your WordPress blog in the browser location bar to visit the blog, or click its name on the top left of the WordPress admin page. Click any post to see how the AdSense ad looks on it. A blank space may appear at first, because it takes some time for ads to be generated according to the keywords in the post.

How to Make Google Your Homepage Tab

1. Click the Windows logo, type 'Internet Explorer' into the search and click the link.
2. Type in the Google Web address into the address field.

3. Click the drop-down menu next to the 'Home' icon and click 'Add or Change Home Page.'
4. Click 'Use this webpage as your only home page' if you want to have just one tabbed home page or 'Add this webpage to your home page tabs' if you want multiple tabs to open at start.
5. Click 'Yes.'

How to Invest in Internet Domain Names

1. Think of a unique domain name that contains high-paying keywords. Valuable domain names are straight to the point and refer to a popular subject such as personal finance and health. Go to the High Paying Google Keywords website in Resources for a list of possible domain name ideas.
2. Register your domain name. Go to the Nameboy website (see Resources) and enter a domain that you would like to buy. Nameboy will then generate variations of the name if your specific name is already taken. Choose a domain name with a .com extension because these are the most valuable.

3. Monetize your domain name. Sign up with a Web hosting provider such as Blue Host or Go Daddy and create a webpage. Post content and information regarding your domain name's theme and integrate it with Google AdSense. If the domain name is buzzworthy, it will attract lots of visitors. Visitors who click on your page's ads will generate revenue for every click.
4. Park your domain name. A parked domain name is nothing more than a page with ads. This is used to hold onto a popular domain name and wait for an offer from a prospective buyer. Sign up with Sedo and park your name on their site. Simply create a free account and transfer your DNS servers to Sedo.
5. Auction your domain name. Sign up with Go Daddy and click 'Auctions' on the top toolbar. Select 'List a Domain' on the left-hand menu. Become a member of Go Daddy Auctions so you can buy and sell domain names.

How to Build an AdSense Website

1. Register a domain name and set up a web hosting account. Consider web hosting providers such as Blue Host and Go Daddy, or find free hosting providers by checking out the Free Web Hosts directory (see Resources).
2. Build your website using a platform such as Dreamweaver, Microsoft Front Page, or Word Press. You can make your Word Press site look more like an actual website and less like a blog by going into the settings option on the Admin page and creating a static front page. Then, choose to display your content as pages rather than blog posts.

3. Go to Google's AdSense page and apply for an account. It will take from several days to a week to be approved. Fill out the application and provide website URL, website language, and your contact information.
4. Log into your Adsense account once it has been approved. Click on the Adsense Setup tab. Go through the prompts until you get to the page where Adsense generates an HTML ad code for you. Copy the code and paste it into your site's template. Ads should appear immediately on your web page and your Adsense site will be up and running.

How to Transfer Google Adsense Accounts to Different Emails

1. Sign in to your AdSense account at
2. Click on 'My Account' and look for the log-in information at the top of the page. Click on 'Edit in Google Accounts.' If you do not see this link, you do not already have a Google Account and will need to create a Google ID and password.

3. Read the instructions and click 'Continue.' There are two pages of instructions, so you will have to do this twice.
4. Select the option that applies to you from the list that appears regarding whether you already use other Google services or not.
5. Enter your new email address into the blue highlighted box. Click continue, review the information you have entered, then confirm the changes.
6. Go to the inbox of the email address that you have just entered, and open the verification email. Click on the link inside and your account will now be ready to use with your new email address.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

How to Add Amazon Ad Code to a Wordpress Blog

1. Establish an Amazon affiliate membership (see Resources below). Set up your information with your name, email, choices on how you want to receive payments, your username and any other information that is needed by Amazon.
2. Once this step is complete and everything is ready to go with Amazon you are ready to create a link to a product. Go to the Affiliate Program page. Sign in to your account.

3. I'll show you a specific product link, but the steps for a link, a banner or a widget are basically the same. On the Affiliate main page, click the tab called 'Links Banners' on the tabbed menu at the top.
4. On the new page for Product Links select 'Add Product Links Now.'

You can narrow down your search for the exact product you want to sell using the drop-down menu to select a category within Amazon's product line. You can enter an exact title or give an ASIN/ISBN if you know it. Press Go.
6. If you get more than one result in your search, find the proper one. Click the button that says 'Get Link' for the one you picked.

In the window that opens, select your link type. If you choose 'Text and Image' (Enhanced Display) you don't have to copy the image and upload it. Amazon will serve the image. If you choose 'Image Only' you will need to copy the image and upload it. If you choose 'Text Only' you get a text link with no photo.
8. You can customize the link to fit your blog's color scheme, then you are ready to grab the HTML for the product link. It's immediately under what you see in the image in Step 7. Copy that HTML.
9. I recommend you leave the Amazon page open. If you need the HTML again, it will be findable. In a new browser tab sign in to your Wordpress blog. Create a new post title in the usual way. Type some text in the blog post to talk about the product you are planning to link.
10. At the top of the Wordpress blog post entry field, click the tab that says HTML.Find the spot where you want to insert to link to the product. Paste the HTML from Amazon there.
11. At the top of the Wordpress blog post entry field, click the tab that says 'Visual.' Check visually to make sure things turned out the way you want. Select 'Save Draft' and then Preview the post so you can click on the link to make sure it really goes to the Amazon page you want, then close the Preview.
12. If you have finished writing the text you want to have appear with the link, you are ready to click 'Publish.'

How to Find Adsense Keywords For Free

1. Find the best keywords for your product or service by creating a niche in the market. Then use the specific keywords that relate to your topic for marketing purposes. Your niche will automatically generate specific AdSense keywords because the keywords will naturally be the most common words used on your site.
2. Create more than one site in your niche and use keywords for each site. Then link your sites together. You will have more keywords if you have more sites.

3. Write blogs in your topic area and use keywords to bring in readers. Then link the blogs to your other sites. You have now created unique content and generated your own free keywords by knowing your topic well and expanding on it. Your knowledge of the topic will help you know the right keywords to use.
4. Use a keyword search tool to find out if the keywords you picked are popular. A tool like Overture can help you determine how many people are searching for your words. You can also use the tool to find out if there is a better variant of the word available.
5. Find your target market and interview potential customers. Ask them what words they associate with your product and which words they use when searching the Internet. Make a list of keywords from the information they give you.

Monday, April 16, 2012

How to Become a Youtube Celebrity


Find your niche. Decide what it is that you are good at. Can you deliver the news in a funny way. Do you aspire to create a comedy show. Youtube offers limitless possibilities. You can upload videos of literally anything you want. Creativity is key. Find something you are passionate about and decide how to express it through video.

Become familiar with Youtube celebrities. Have you ever heard of 'sxephil'? How about 'Fred'? To view the most subscribed to users on Youtube go to Become familiar with them. Most have to do with news, music, and especially comedy.


Create a username that is catchy and relevant to your Youtube venture/persona. 'Communitychannel' and 'sxephil' are good examples.

Start uploading your content. Display your mission statement, your bio page, and your first videos. The actual quality of the videos is not extremely important, but if it is bad people are less likely to enjoy it.
5. Be consistent. Set goals of how many videos you plan to make and when you plan to upload them.

Become an active Youtuber. Comment on others' videos, choose your favorites, and converse with people. This will familiarize you more with the Youtube community while drawing more traffic to your videos.

Advertise. Myspace, Facebook, Twitter. Do all you can to get the word out. The more views your videos receive, the more they are likely to receive.

Monetize. Put Adsense on your video pages. Create a website and link to it. Many Youtube celebrities sell their merchandise on their websites as well as have affiliate sponsors to earn even more money.

Move onto other ventures to increase your celebrity. The top users on Youtube are offered tv deals, merchandising contracts, etc. Good luck!

How to Create a Fan Page

Creating Your Blogger Fan Page

Log in or click on CREATE A BLOG. (You will need your Gmail user name and password, or you'll be required to create a new Google account.)

Once you've logged in to Blogger you will arrive at your Dashboard. Here is where you will see all of the blogs you have created. To create your Blogger-based fan page, click on Create a Blog on the right side of the page just below the language selection down arrow.


Choose a title for your blog or fan page and then check for available names. Just like domain names most of the common names are taken, so you will have to be creative to find the name you're looking for. After you've typed in the name of your fan page, click Check Availability. If it's available a green message will appear under the box saying the blog address is available. Or a red message will appear saying this blog address is not available; then you'll have to pick another name or spelling. If it's in red it usually means someone has already registered that name. Once you pick a name that is available, click the continue arrow at the bottom right side of the page.

The next page allows you to choose a template for your fan page. Don't spend too much time here; you can always change the template later. Click continue at the bottom right on the orange arrow.

Your fan page is now created, and you're ready to start adding posts to your fan page blog. Click on the orange arrow that says START BLOGGING. Once logged into your new Blogger fan page administrator area, you can start adding information and customizing your fan page. You can change the settings and layout, add posts and even set up Google ads to make money from advertising revenue. It's very easy to use and just takes some time getting to know where things are. Browse around the Blogger application and create a unique fan page in minutes.
6. Type in (fan page is to be replaced with the name you chose for your fan page) to get to your blog. If you try to go to it won't work; you must include to get to your Blogger fan page. You can customize it a lot; adding photos and videos will really spice up your new fan page.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

How to Make Money As a Web Publisher

1. Identify the characteristics of your target market. Figure out a plan for a website that caters to the needs, interests and wants of your target market. For example, 'golfers' are a target market that includes people who are interested in new golf equipment and how to improve game-play using proven techniques.
2. Set up a website to attract readers and visitors. Make your domain one that can be branded; make it short, catchy and to the point so that readers will remember it. Include a brand logo to make your site more memorable. Design your website with advertising space in mind, as this is one of the ways in which you'll make money. Start blogging, writing and publishing information that attracts the market you wish to grab.

3. Sign up for a pay-per-click advertising program to monetize parts of the advertising space on your website. Google AdSense, BidVertiser and the Yahoo! Publisher Network provide Web publishers with the opportunity to make money with text advertisements. Web publishers earn a small amount of money for each advertisement that gets clicked by site visitors and readers.
4. Sell your own banner advertisement spaces. Charge either a flat rate for a given time period (e.g. $100 per month) or on a CPM (cost per 1,000 impressions) basis. Selling your own advertising spaces gives you more control over who can advertise on your site as well as the chance to set your own rates and make more money.
5. Use in-text advertising programs such as Kontera and Vibrant Media. In-text advertising programs place sponsored links inside your own written text or blog. Signing up with these programs means that you should be writing with lots of meaningful keywords throughout your blogs and articles to maximize your advertising opportunities.
6. Join an affiliate program or choose an affiliate product from a marketplace such as ClickBank or Commission Junction. Blog about the program or product you've chosen. Make sure to include your affiliate links in your blog or writing. Site visitors who read your website may click on your affiliate links and purchase the product, thus allowing you to earn commissions.
7. Add premium content, such as exclusive videos and podcasts, to your website in addition to the free content you are already publishing. Make money by charging a small fee for access to this special content.
8. Offer services for your website visitors such as one-on-one mentoring programs or educational courses that teach a skill or offer some valuable knowledge that other people cannot get for free elsewhere. Advertise and blog about these services that you're offering. Make money by charging fees for your personal services.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

How to Improve Your Google Adsense Earnings 4 Ways

1. Increase your website's traffic. Regardless of what you do to optimize your website for AdSense, only a small percentage of visitors will click advertisements. Increasing traffic will generate more ad clicks. You can add new, relevant and valuable content regularly. You can also promote your website through social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.
2. Change the location of the AdSense units on your website's pages. Google recommends placing an AdSense unit immediately above the primary content of a page, above each post, below it or on the left side. Because websites place advertisements on the right side of the page, users often ignore this area. Place your AdSense units near the content.

3. Alter the size of the AdSense units that you use. Google recommends the Leaderboard (728 x 90), Wide Skyscraper (160 x 600) and Large Rectangle (336 x 280) units. Each of these units can display several advertisements simultaneously, increasing the likelihood that visitors will find interesting ads. Experiment with each size and record the results until you find the size that brings the highest revenue for your site.
4. Blend the colors of the AdSense unit with the content of your website. Match the text and link colors with the colors that you use in your website's design. Visitors will ignore an AdSense unit that uses different colors because it stands out as an advertisement.

Friday, April 13, 2012

How to Pull an Iframe in Joomla

1. Log in to Joomla by going to: ''; enter in the user name and password to access the back end.
2. Locate the article that the iFrame will be added to in the 'Article Manager.' Click on the article to open and edit it.

3. Click the 'HTML' button in the article editor bar. An HTML version of the page appears. Locate the position in the HTML page where the iFrame will be placed.
4. Copy the iFrame code into the HTML Joomla editor. The iFrame code is as follows:

Replace 'PAGEURL.html' with the URL for the desired frame. Adjust the numbers of the height and width to change the size of the iFrame on the page.
5. Click the 'Update' button. This saves the HTML file. Click 'Save' to save the article. Access the site and preview the iFrame.

How to Add Google Adsense to All of Your Pages

1. Log in to your Google AdSense account. Click on the 'Adsense Setup' tab after your AdSense home page loads. Choose the 'Adsense for content' option to generate code for your website. You can enter the name of the ad that you want. You should make this name unique and memorable so you can refer to it later, if needed.
2. Use the ad wizard to generate the exact type of ad block you want to put on your site. You can choose what colors, fonts and types of ads are shown in the ad block. Once you finish creating your ad block, you can click the 'Generate' button to generate the ad code that you will need to place on your website.

3. Copy the code and paste it into the HTML code for each page on your website. You may have to play around with the placement within the code in order to get the ad block to look just like you want. For each separate website that you create, generate a new block of code and use it for each page on the website.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

How to Place Google PPC Ads on a Website

1. Log on to Google's home page at Below the search bar you will see 'Advertising Programs,' a blue link. Click this link.
2. Click the 'Sign Up Now' button on the following page on the right side, under Google's AdSense program. There will be two programs offered on the page: AdWords, which you can use to advertise your website on the left, and AdSense, the program that allows you to earn money from other people's ads.

3. Fill in your website's URL on the following page and check the two boxes.
4. Complete the ensuing sections that ask for your payee information, which is your name, address where you want to receive your check and contact information. If you already have a Google account, click the 'Already have an account?' link at the top of the page and sign in to your account. Then select the AdSense icon on your Google account page to begin.
5. Log in to your new AdSense account from your Google home page (click 'My account' at the top right on Google's home page). Then configure your AdSense ads by clicking 'AdSense Setup.' You can find the contextual (search-driven) ads under 'AdSense for Content.'
6. Choose text, which is simple lines of text, or graphic (banners and picture ads). Then copy the code.
7. Paste the code into your web page where you want the ads to appear. Upload the page to your web server, then verify that the ad is on on your website by visiting your web page.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How to Receive the Money You Make From a Blog

1. Log into your online account if you are using an advertising or affiliate company to make money from your blog. In the account settings area, enter your bank account number and routing number. These steps will allow the company to directly deposit your payments to your bank account. In some cases, you will also be required to enter your Social Security number. This allows the company to report your blog earnings to the Internal Revenue Service.
2. Receive your money through online credit card processors such as PayPal, AcceptPay, ProPay, Authorize and Charge, if you are selling your own products or services on your blog.By using PayPal, your funds can be accessed through a PayPal debit card, ATM machine or transferred to a bank account of your choice. In order to use the PayPal debit card option, you must apply for the debit card. Debit card eligibility requirements are listed on the PayPal website.

3. Provide your mailing address to customers and affiliates if you don't want use an online payment method. By providing an address, you will receive money you make from your blog in the form of a paper check. Be sure not to send products to a customer until after the check has cleared at your bank.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

How to Change an AdWords Account to Connect It to Analytics

1. Visit and sign into your Google AdWords account. This directs you to the account overview page.
2. Click on 'Reporting and Tools,' then click 'Google Analytics.'

3. Click 'Create my free Google Analytics account,' then type your website's URL. Click 'Continue' to view the Google Analytics tracking code.
4. Add the code to your website's code, ideally in the header right below the ending '
' tag. If you do not administer your website, contact your administrator or webmaster and send the code to him. This code needs to be on every page you want to track, so it's best to put it in a file like the header so every page is tracked.
5. Click 'Save and Finish.' You now have an Analytics account, and it's connected to your AdWords account.
6. Click on 'Reporting and Tools,' then 'Google Analytics' to view reports.

Monday, March 26, 2012

How to Earn Google Income from Home

1. Register for the Google Adsense program to begin building your extra income from home. You will be given a unique publisher ID from Google. This ID allows you to be paid a portion of the ad revenue that is generated from your online work. You will need your own blog or website in order to register.
2. Create online content that can generate income from home by starting a blog. Keep in mind that building up the popularity of a blog takes the most work as far as online income opportunities go. The ads published with your writing is how you are able to make money with Google.

3. Build a niche website to earn Google income from home. Niche websites take time to build up residual income. The key (which is the biggest challenge) is to find an untapped online market. The Google income could be pouring in, all while you are working from a home based business.
4. Watch the residual income slowly build up from your hard work. It takes several months to build up a steady amount of income. If you are willing to put the work in there are endless possibilities online. Blogs and niche websites can be a fun way to earn Google income from home.

How to register with Adsense

1. Create an account at Just follow the three easy steps. It's quite easy.After you've setup your account, login and ......

In your login Dashboard (see illustration below), click Post (arrow 1) and start to post some good content. At this stage, you want to post some good content. For example,First post - introduction about yourself and your interest (any interest will do)Second post - a tip about your interestThird post - second tip about your interestForth post - third tip about your interest

3. After you're done with 4-5 good and useful posts, click Template (arrow 2, shown above)

Then click Adsense as shown below.
5. You will come to the Adsense application form. Again, just follow the instruction on the screen and click 'Create Account'.
6. Next, you will be asked to select the ad format. Just click 'Save'. You should see the phrase 'Settings Were Saved Successfully'.
7. Now, your job is done. You'll get confirmation letter from Adsense team in 1 or 2 days.

How to Make Money on Pay

1. Know your product. The same holds true if you offer a service that you are trying to sell. The more you are aware of your product or service, the more you will be able to explain how it benefits your customer.
2. Develop an effective keyword list and write your ad with relevant but creative copy. By using the keywords that will bring targeted customers to your site, you will get greater conversions from clicks to sales. But just showing up in the top ads isn't enough: You need a great hook that will compel your customer to use the link to get to your site.

3. Stay within your budget. Sure, with PPC advertising you spend money to make money, but you don't want to spend more than you make.
4. Master the bidding process. Not only will a solid understanding of how the bidding process works help you from going over-budget, but it will also help you bid the right amount for each keyword.
5. Make sure you have an effective landing site. Once you have committed to spending money to get customers to your site, make sure the copy on your site will be persuasive enough to make them buy.
6. Analyze your campaign. Track which keywords work, which keywords don't. Know which encourage clicks and how many clicks are converted into sales. If part of your campaign is not working, if the clicks are not converting to sales, stop using it.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

How to Register for Google Email

1. Visit Google's email sign-up page (see Resources). Click on 'Create Account.'
2. Type your first and last name, and then type your desired user name. The user name is used for your email address. Click 'Check Availability' to make sure the user name is available. If it's not, you'll have to select a different user name for your Google Email.

3. Create your password. Your Gmail password must be at least eight characters. Think of a password that would be difficult to guess. Use a combination of numbers and letters, if possible.
4. Select your settings. Click 'Stay Signed In' if you want to stay signed into your Google account. Click on 'Enable Web History' if you want Google to deliver advertising results based on your browsing history.
5. Select a security question from the list, and then create an answer for it. As with your password, you should select a security question that would be difficult to guess.
6. Enter your date of birth and complete the 'Captcha.' This code is required to validate the creation of your account. Type the letters as they appear in the picture. If you have trouble reading the Captcha, click on the Handicap symbol beneath the box to hear an audio version.
7. Read over the terms of service on the bottom of the page, and then click 'I Accept. Create My Account.'

Friday, March 23, 2012

How to Make Images Appear on Websites Via Dreamweaver 8

1. Select an appropriate image. Website images must be saved in a format web browsers understand. Popular formats include JPEG, GIF and PNG. Images must also be small enough to fit on most screens. Generally speaking, the image should be no wider than 800 pixels.
2. Place your selected image in the same folder as your webpage. Keeping your images and webpages in the same place makes keeping track of them easier. It also makes uploading website files to your server simpler.

3. Open your webpage in Dreamweaver 8. Click 'File' in the menu at the top of your screen, then select 'Open.' Find the webpage where you want to insert the image, then double-click its icon to open it.
4. Insert your image. Click your mouse on the line or in the table cell where you want your image to appear. Click 'Insert' in the menu at the top of your screen, then select 'Image.' Find the image file you want to insert, then double-click its icon to insert it.
5. Add alt text to the image. Alt text labels describe webpage images. If a visitor views your page in a web browser that cannot show images, or if an image file is missing, alt text provides information about the content of the image. Add alt text to the image you just placed by clicking it and entering a brief description in the field labeled 'Alt,' found in the 'Properties' toolbar. Finally, save all of your changes by clicking 'File,' then selecting 'Save.'
6. View your updated webpage. Open the webpage you just updated in your browser. The image you added in Step 4 appears on the screen. Place your mouse over the image, and the alt text created in Step 5 appears as well.

How to Place an Ad in the Middle of a WordPress Post

1. Start a new post in WordPress by clicking 'Posts' on the left side of the Dashboard and then clicking 'Add Post.' Type the post so that it is ready to be published. If you have already published the post, click the 'Posts' menu and then click the 'Edit' link below the name of the post you want to change.
2. Open a new browser window or tab and copy the raw code for the advertisement that you want to display. For example, with Google's AdSense service, the code appears in a new window when you create a new ad unit and click the 'Save and Get Code' button. Highlight the code with the mouse pointer, right-click the highlighted code and select 'Copy.'

3. Return to the browser tab displaying your WordPress post, and click the 'HTML' tab at the top of the post edit screen to display the raw code for the blog post.
4. Click to place the cursor at the location in the post where you would like the advertisement to appear.
5. Right-click with the mouse, and select 'Paste' to place the code for the advertisement at the location of the cursor.
6. Click the 'Publish' or 'Update' button on the right side of the page to publish the post with the embedded advertisement.

How to Add JavaScript Code to Drupal Block

1. Click on the 'Modules' menu link in the Drupal administration section.
2. Scroll down until you find the 'PHP Filter' module. Check the box next to it. Click 'Save.'

3. Click on 'Structure,' then 'Blocks.' Select 'Add New Block,' or click on 'Edit' next to the block where you want to add the JavaScript.
4. Select 'PHP' beneath the Body box, then paste or type the JavaScript code into the box. Click on 'Save Block.'

How to Build a Commercial Web Site

1. Determine the purpose for your commercial website. Individuals often build a commercial website for two reasons: to promote their company or small business and its services/products, or to create a new revenue stream and generate an online income. The former will often highlight the small business and feature product pages and methods in which the visitor can purchase items. The latter will typically center on content and information supported by advertisements. Both commercial website types are similar in their creation, though the actual design for the website may differ slightly.
2. Register for a web hosting account. Choose a professional web host plan that can handle a large amount of visitors and offers robust services and features that allow you to track visitors and website traffic. Various service providers offer economical hosting plans that serve the needs of commercial websites. Examples include GoDaddy and 11 (links in the Resources section).

3. Connect your FTP client with your web host account. You will need your domain name (provided with your hosting plan) and password to sync your FTP client with the online server. An FTP client allows you to manage your online files and upload new site files as you build your commercial website.
4. Create a new commercial web page. You may write the HTML code by hand if you are experienced with basic HTML, using a web design program such as Adobe Dreamweaver or a basic text editing utility. Alternatively, use an automated commercial website generator included with most website hosting plans (e.g., 11 provides tutorials and an automated program to help you create a professional website without knowing HTML code).
5. Upload the commercial website files to your website server using your FTP client.
6. Integrate affiliate marketing to make money online using your commercial website. Affiliate marketing works by giving you a small commission for selling a product or service. Various companies offer affiliate accounts to help you make money on the Internet by promoting their products. Choose a professional affiliate marketing program to avoid being scammed. Various reputable, online companies give independent publishers an opportunity to join their affiliate marketing. Examples include Amazon's Amazon Associates and Commission Junction (links in the Resources section). Insert your affiliate links into your commercial website to make money anytime a visitor buys the product or service.
7. Insert advertising, such as Google AdSense, into your commercial website. Google AdSense is one of the most popular third-party advertising programs. The advantage of using a third-party advertising program is that you do not have to manually find advertisers and manage their accounts. After inserting the Google AdSense code, Google serves relevant ads to your commercial website and pays you every time someone clicks on an ad.
8. Promote the commercial website you've built to gain more traffic and earn more money off of the affiliate marketing and advertising on your web pages. Build organic traffic by requesting links from other relevant commercial websites so that visitors have an increased chance of finding your page.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

How to Make a Web Page Earn Money

Prepare Your Niche Web Page
1. Find a niche topic for your Web page. Consider your own general areas of interest and expertise or use Web monitoring tools, like Google Trends or Reader, to see what topics people are searching on. Enter the topic's general keywords into Wordtracker's free keyword suggestion tool or Google's keywords tool and find 'long-tail' keyphrases to narrow the Web page topic for a specific niche. Follow this example: 'boating' to 'sailboats' to 'sailboat supplies' to 'sailboat safety supplies' to 'sailboat fire extinguishers.'
2. Register a domain name using a relevant long-tail keyphrase having a high search volume, for example, '' Use .net or .org if necessary. Select two or three more highly-searched relevant keyphrases for use in your Web page copy, for example, 'fire safety on sailboats' or 'marine fire protection.'

3. Determine the revenue channel you want to use on your Web page for marketing online. Choose from affiliate marketing of relevant products, offering your own expert information or educational product or placing advertising on your Web page. Design it as a squeeze page, inviting visitors to sign up for a free newsletter and build your list of potential customers.
4. Write your Web page copy to give concise, relevant and useful information, emphasizing the value of the affiliate product, service, advertising or information opportunity your niche marketing Web page offers your reader. Focus your initial Web page copy using a headline incorporating your primary keyphrase. Write short paragraphs that include your secondary keyphrases two or three times in the copy. Format your content with subheadings and bulleted lists for readability.
5. Search online graphics sources, such as Google images or Flickr, to find a striking picture that reinforces your online marketing Web page message. Filter out images with copyright restrictions and choose from those having unrestricted usage rights. Resize your chosen image as necessary to use on your niche marketing Web page.
Create Your Web Page for Online Marketing
6. Download a premade web page template or squeeze page generator to build your Web page quickly and easily. Use your Web development skills and software to create your web page from scratch.
7. Insert your text copy and graphic image into your web page. Edit your copy to make it even more concise, relevant and compelling. Place a brightly colored 'call to action' button with inviting text, such as 'Get Your Free ebook Now!' prominently on your Web page. Locate it just after your copy to lead the viewer into taking the desired action.
8. Place advertising near relevant web page copy. Keep your ad count proportional to your page content for balance and an uncluttered appearance. Add a statement near your squeeze page email opt-in form assuring the subscriber of the security of their email address.
9. Keep your webpage as short as possible to minimize viewers having to scroll up and down to read your content. Locate important elements 'above the fold' in the upper 400-500 vertical pixels of your web page. Optimize your web page for search engines by using your keyphrases in the page title, description and keyword metatags.
10. Upload your webpage to your Web hosting server using an FTP program or utility and direct your domain URL to point to your Web page on the hosting server. View your Web page online and test the 'call to action' button or email opt-in form for correct operation.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

How to Withdraw Money From Google AdSense

1. Open your web browser and sign in to your Google AdSense account. Select the 'My Account' link. Find the 'Payment Details' header and select it, then click 'edit.' Click 'Add a New Bank Account' under the section labeled 'Electronic Funds Transfer.' Select 'Continue.'
2. Enter your bank account information. You can get your bank account number from your bank statement, or from the bottom of your checks. You will also need the name of your bank. Select 'Save Changes' when you have entered the information.

3. Wait one week for Google to send you a test deposit. If you don't see it, wait 10 more days. Check for the deposit by logging in to your online banking. The Google deposit will be labeled 'AFS RE GOOGLE.'
4. Log in to your Google AdSense account. Select the 'My Account' link, then 'Payment Details.' Select 'Verify This Account' and type in the amount of the test deposit that Google put in your bank account. Click the 'Next' button and wait for Google to process the verification.
5. Check the box next to your bank account to make it the default payment method. Wait until the 15th of this month or of the following month for your monthly payment, then go to your local bank branch and withdraw the funds. You can use an ATM or go inside to the teller and request the withdrawal.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

How to Boost CTR

1. Install a web analytics software on your website to gather detailed information about your CTR for each one of your ads and campaigns. If your ad platform offers detailed information about click-through rates, familiarize yourself with their interface as well so that you can have a second set of data to compare with.
2. Use a spreadsheet to divide your ads in groups according to what segment of your audience they are targeting. Use one sheet per each group of ads. Next to each ad, write down its CTR, conversion rate, keywords, landing page, and copy of the ad. If it is an image ad write, down the name of the image and a brief description.

3. Sort the ads on each sheet by their CTR. Use the conversion rate as the second sorting criteria in case of a tie. This will result in an ordered list of ads that work for each segment of your audience, from best to worse.
4. Look within the low performing ads for those with messages that are performing well for other audiences. It may be possible to increase an ad's CTR rate drastically by changing the targeting criteria in terms of both demographics and trigger keywords.
5. Using the higher CTR ads as a guideline, change the copy, trigger keywords, or image of the ads that are not working to make them more similar to what works for that segment of the audience. For example, if the highest CTR ads all send out a message of 'Glamour and Relax' try to include that message on the lower performing ones, or remove any message related to 'Work and Stress' from them.
6. Increase the amount you are bidding per click on those low CTR ads that share the same message with the high CTR ones. If your bid is too low, the ad may be displayed on an unfavorable position and receiving less clicks as a result.
7. Evaluate the results from your changes after 48 hours, using your web analytics software data to see what ads have improved their performance. You may need to keep optimizing your ads in response to current events or before your audience becomes blind to them due to repetition.

Friday, March 16, 2012

How to Display a Drupal Username

1. Log into your website's FTP client and navigate to the directory containing the page in which you would like to have usernames displayed. If you would like them displayed in your index page for example, this will be located in your root or public directory.
2. Download a copy of the page to your local hard drive.

3. Open the page using a text editor, such as Notepad or WordPad for instance. Enter the following PHP code somewhere at the top of the page (first two lines preferably):

4. Enter the following PHP code in the exact position you wish for the username to be displayed:
name?>Save the file.
5. Log back into your website's FTP account and navigate again to the directory containing the page in which you would like to display usernames. Upload the file you just edited, replacing the original one. Navigate to that page using a Web browser. You should now see the logged-in username displayed on the page.

How to Advertise a Website on Google for Free

1. Create your business description and website logo if you have not already. If your website has an 'About Me' page, you may choose to use this for your description.
2. Create an account with Google. Then go to

3. Click on 'Put your business on Google maps'. Then click 'Add New Business'.
4. Fill out the information with your company name, business address, business phone number and email address, your URL and a business description. Select the category that your business will best fit in. Determine your operating hours (if applicable). Select payment options (paypal, VISA, cash, etc). Add a photo or logo. Add a video (if relevant). Then click 'Submit.'
5. Determine how you want to validate your account. If you opt to validate by phone, you will receive a call within one minute that will give you a code. Enter the code to verify the information. From there, Google will create your profile. This may take a few days.
6. Check back each day until your website goes live on Google Maps.

How to Make a Clickable Thesis Header Image

Word Document
1. Launch Microsoft Word or Works, and open the document in the work space.
2. Select the image with the mouse in the document that you want to link.

3. Click the 'Insert' tab, and click 'Hyperlink.' The 'Insert Hyperlink' window will open.
4. Select either 'Existing File or Web Page' or 'Create New Document' under 'Link To.'
5. Enter the URL of the hyperlink in the address field, or enter the document name to link to a document that hasn't been created yet. The header image in your thesis is now hyperlinked.
HTML Document
6. Open the HTML document in a text or Web page editor such as NotePad or Adobe Dreamweaver.
7. Locate the picture tag in the script , for exampe:
8. Add the hyperlink code in front of and behind the image tag. The hyperlink code always begins with 'a href' and ends with '/a.' For example:

. The link is now added to the image.

How to Register a Web Address With Google

Submission to Google Search Engine
1. Click on the Search Engine Submission page (see resources) to submit the URL to Google's Search Engine.
2. Insert the site's full URL, including the http:// prefix. In the 'Comments' field, insert comments or keywords that describe the content of the website.

3. Type in the security code and click 'Add URL'.
Register for Google Analytics
4. Open a Google Account (see resources) and register for a Google analytics account (see resources).
5. Fill in the website URL's, account name and time zone fields of the website. Click 'Continue'.
6. Submit the website owner's last name, first name and country. Click 'Continue'.Sign the user agreement and click 'Continue'.Obtain the tracking for Google Analytics. Copy it and paste it into the website's code page. Google Analytics will 'read' the code and can then provide data on the website's visitors.
7. Click 'Save and Finish'.
8. Go to the Google Analytics page (see resources) at periodic intervals to view the statistics on website visitors.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Best Way to Advertise on the Internet

Build a Facebook Fan Page
1. Go to and log in using your email address and password. In order to create a fan page on Facebook, you need to create or use an existing profile first. This is so your profile will show up as the owner of the page.
2. Navigate to the fan page creation area and select the kind of page you'd like to build. You can choose between a local business, a company, products, bands, entertainment and even charities.

3. Type in the required information. Depending on the page you choose, these details will differ slightly. For example, if you choose a local business, Facebook will ask for the address and phone number of your business. If you don't want this information on your fan page, select 'Company or Organization.' Once you add the requested information, click on 'Submit.' You'll be taken to the front of your fan page after it loads.
4. Add a profile image for your business. If you own a store, you may want to include a photo of either the exterior or one of the products you carry. You can then start filling out your 'wall' by adding status updates, a discussion forum, a photo gallery and more.
Use Google Adwords
5. Go to and scroll down to the bottom of the screen. Find the link that says 'Advertising Programs' and click on it. You'll be sent to a new screen. There you'll have a choice between Google Adwords and Google Adsense. Adwords are used to advertise your company, while Adsense is used by other online publishers to help you advertise by placing your ads on their website.
6. Click on the blue 'Get started with Adwords' button on the left of your screen. If you have a Gmail account, Google will ask that you log in to continue. If not, create a new account for your business. This email can remain private if you wish; it's just so Google can keep in touch with you better.
7. Click the bullet points on the account creation page that best describe your personal settings. For example, if you have a Gmail account, you'd click on the bullet next to 'I have an email address and password....' and then in the following setting you'd choose between using an existing Gmail account or creating a new one. If you choose an existing account, it'll ask you for your login information.
8. Click on the 'sign in' button to continue the account setup process. The next page you're sent to asks for your time zone and preferences. Make any necessary changes and click 'continue.' Google should verify your account within a few minutes. However, you won't be able to run ads through Google until you update your payment information.
9. Click on the 'sign into your Adwords account' link to be sent to your user dashboard. Here you'll be able to create an ad campaign, update account information as well as input your payment options. When creating a campaign, keep your monthly advertising budget in mind. You can even tell Google not to run ads after a certain amount has been spent for the month.
Use Twitter to Increase Traffic
10. Go to and click on the yellow 'Sign Up' button on the right-hand side of your screen. You'll be asked for things such as an email address, user name and password.
11. Click on the 'Create my account' when you're ready. You may need to activate your account by checking your email address. Sometimes this isn't required, but it changes from person to person.
12. Sign in using the name and password you used during your account creation. Once logged in, you'll want to update your profile so that your 'followers' can navigate to your website, business blog or Facebook fan page easily.
13. Click on the 'settings' link in the upper right-hand corner of the page to update your profile information. You can change your user name, email address, password and overall design in the settings area as well.
14. Click on the 'profile' link at the top of the page. Here you can upload an avatar or image of your business, list the business name, a website address and any other details you feel your visitors may want to know. For the best results, change your profile's 'bio' when you're having a sale or other promotion.

How to Increase CTR in PPC Search Engine up to 66%

1. Identify Your Advertising Objectives. There is no doubt that you have to identify the purposes of your advertisement. With those objectives, you will know how to write, optimize and test your strategy to improve your advertising. Otherwise, you will lose the direction and strategy in PPC online advertising game. Every advertisement must have their purposes! With the clear objectives, it is easier for you to write the powerful and response advertisement toward to your goals.
2. Know Your Audience in the Market. With the better understanding in your audience or people in your market, you can create the powerful and related advertising for them. You should have to identify the characteristics of those people in the market in order to help you to clarify what target your advertising is aimed.

3. Organize Your Account and Maximize the Effectiveness. Many studies reveal that the well-organized account, campaign and ad-group are affected directly to the CTR, particularly the quality score in Google Adwords. Your primarily task in organizing is to arrange effectively the relevancy and related PPC campaigns and ad-group. This has been proven that it will definitely help you to increase the relevancy, quality score and CTR.
4. Research Keywords Effectively. It is obvious that you have to research your own keywords. You must discover niche keywords for what people are searching. The more relevancy keywords you have, the more opportunities for increasing CTR you get! Also, you can create highly specified niche ad group based on the given niche keywords. With the specified ad group, you are maximizing the effectiveness.
5. Maximize the Power of Keywords Matching. In Google Adwords, there are several types of keywords: (1) Keyword Broad (2) Keyword Phrase (3) Keyword Exact and (4) Negative Keyword. To increase the CTR in your PPC advertising campaigns, you must utilize the power of those keywords. You have to use them all to maximize the utilization and reach wider range of potential buyers.
6. Avoid Duplicate Keywords Across Ad Groups. There are no any reasons why you have to put the same keywords and keyword types in more than one ad group. With the duplication, it will affect directly to the quality score and CTR in the long term.
7. Be Strategic to Bid Your Keywords. One of the major reasons why other people can not get high CTR is that their advertisement is in the low position. Many researches suggest that the great position should be in the first page or at least the second page of all search engines, ranking #1-#20. To get a great position in search engines, you have to have your own effective keyword bidding strategy. You can search and discover effective bidding strategies on the internet. There are many approaches for keyword bidding strategy on the internet.
8. Write the Eye-Catching Advertisement. Obviously, your advertisement must be eye-catching advertising. The more attractive advertising is, the more opportunities to increase CTR are! Many studies suggest that you have to insert the focus keywords in your advertising as much as possible, particularly in the first line of your advertisement. This approach has been proven that it works very well for many advertisers.
9. Use the Power Words like 'Buy', 'Sell', 'Order', 'Browse', 'Learn', 'See', 'Discover', 'Learn How' and 'Sign up' in Your Advertisement. To write the attractive advertisement, those words have been proven that they are very attractive for viewers to click on. You should test inserting those words into your advertisement and track your results. It is worthwhile to test!
10. Ensure that Keywords and Sites are Relevancy. With the relevancy between keywords and web sites, it will affect directly the quality score in Google Adwords. With the high quality score, your advertisement will be in the great position for viewers. That will increase indirectly the CTR rate! Many studies reveal that you have to ensure that your keywords will appear in the website or landing page, like header, title, META tags, and content.
11. Use the Relevancy Display URLs. Indirectly, using the relevancy display URLs will increase the quality score in Google Adwords. With the high score, you will get a great position in the search engine for your advertisement. Also, the display URL will be represented directly to the viewers. With the relevancy or related display URLs, it has been proven that viewers are willing to click on those URLs rather than spam or unrelated URLs.
12. Monitor, Track, Evaluate and Test. Another key to increase skyrocket your CTR is to monitor, track, evaluate and test everything in the PPC campaign where you can test. It is a great idea to test: (1) campaign and ad-group organization (2) keyword bidding strategy (3) keywords in ad-group (4) advertisements and (5) landing page or website in your PPC advertising campaigns. By effective testing, you have to monitor, track and evaluate systematically those results closely. Without the effectiveness, your monitoring, tracking and evaluation will be useless.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

How to Put a Search Bar on Your Website Earn Cash

1. Join an online advertising network that offers pay-per-click search engine revenue. Popular networks include Ask Sponsored Listings and Google Adsense for Search.
2. Use your website design program to open the web page that will contain the search bar. Decide where on the page you wish to place the search box. Many websites locate this toward the top of the page to make it stand out.

3. Log on to your advertising network and access the 'Ads Setup' or 'Get Ads' section from the top menu of the user interface. Select the search bar advertising option.
4. Configure the search bar and search results page to fit the design style of your website. Advertising networks allow several configuration options including color scheme, search box size and the ability to include your site logo on the results page. When you have made your choices, select 'Get Code' under the configuration dialogue box.
5. Select and copy the script code snippet from the dialogue box.
6. Return to your website design program. Paste the code into the appropriate section of your web page. You may need to insert paragraph (p) or division (div) tags around the script code for it to work correctly.
7. Upload your web page to the server. Check your website to make sure the search engine works properly.

Monday, March 12, 2012

How to Publish Free Ads

1. Publish your ads on Craigslist. Craigslist offers separate ad posting sections to target users from different geographical territories. Select your region from the website's homepage and choose a category for your ad. Enter the title and description for your posting. Attach a picture, if applicable, and preview the ad before publishing it.
2. Publish free ads on US Free Ads website. Sign up for a new account on the website by clicking the 'Register' link. If you choose free registration, you can post only two ads. Create your ad after registering by clicking on the 'Post Ad' link. Select the category and add a heading and description for the message. If applicable, attach an image. Preview the ad and click on the 'Post' button to publish it.

3. Publish your ads on the Ad Post website. Register with the website by providing your email address. Create the ad by selecting a title and writing a description. Preview your message before posting it.

How to set up keywords for use with Google Adsense on your website

1. Create a free Google Adsense account by going here:
2. Write some articles and information that you can populate your website or blog with. This is very important because you need to have content on your website or a blog that is clear, informative, useful, and discusses something that people will want to read about and learn and which can also be considered a niche topic. For example, lets say that you know a lot about gardening - then make gardening articles your niche and try to really focus your articles on specific topics related to gardening. Always write your own content, and never plagiarize other people's work!

3. Get your site or blog up and running, log into your Google Adsense account, and copy and past the Google Adsense code into your web pages that have the content so that your ads will be targeted to your content. You want to target ads to your content, because as your audience see an ad that makes sense to them, they will click it, and you will make money.
4. Pay attention to your keyword density. What does this mean? You want to make sure that you optimizing your website with the correct keywords that are specific and relevant to the information people will find on your site. Google Adsense uses your keywords to serve up ads, so if you are writing about gardening, your keywords should encompass gardening and gardening topics.A really cool tool out there which will help you see what type of ads will be served up on your site based on your keywords is here: here, type in your keywords, and see what comes up! If the ads seem out of place to your site content and offerings, then you need to change your keywords. To figure out how to choose good keywords read my article here:
5. Make sure that you keep your content focused and relevant to the niche topic that you are writing about. Remember the example we used earlier about gardening, and trying to keep the topics specific. This is important because Google Adsense will serve ads on your site that are based both on your keywords and on the content in your site. You want your keywords and your content to match as closely as possible so that you are serving relevant ads to your audience on your site. This is important because as they read your articles, they might see an ad that they would want to click on about flowers or gardening tools.
6. It is also important to chose the ad types that Google Adsense offers which will generate the best click-through rate from your audience. As you play with Google Adsense, you will notice that there are a lot of different ad types to choose from: rectangles, skyscrapers, squares, text ads, images, etc. The top four formats I recommend you use are:468x15 text ads
336x280 large rectangle
300x250 medium rectangle
160x600 wide skyscraper
7. Once you have chosen the format you want to use, make sure that you pick a color scheme that will blend the ads into your overall site design well. Make the border color and the background color the same color as your web site and the text color black or the color of your content.
8. Finally, once you have done all of the above steps, written some articles, implemented your Google Adsense ads into your site, and formatted everything correctly - you will want to keep your site or blog content fresh and updated! The more you write, and the more articles or content you have, the more visitors you get. Set a goal to try and write a new article everyday to keep your site interesting and your visitors interested in what you have to offer.

How to Make Money on Web for Free

1. Become an online web content writer. Look for writing job postings at sites such as or, or contact websites directly for available writing positions.
2. Offer to work for companies as a virtual assistant. Virtual assistants perform a wide variety of administrative, writing and website duties using the Internet from home. Both and allow users to list their skills and connect with potential employers.

3. Sell your used or other unused clothes and household items through online auction sites such as eBay. There's no startup fee associated with using eBay; you pay only a small fee if the item sells.
4. Open a Google AdSense account and add it to your current blog or website. Joining AdSense is free, and when someone clicks an ad on your website, you earn money from that click.

How to Insert PHP Into WordPress

1. Launch WordPress and sign in as the 'admin' user to access the WordPress dashboard.
2. Choose 'Editor' under 'Appearances' from the Dashboard menu. Select a PHP file to edit from the list of files in the 'Templates' column on the right. Click the file name, insert PHP code into the file and click 'Update File' to save it.

3. Select a WordPress plugin that allows you to add PHP code to a post or page (see Resources). Install the plugin in your WordPress blog or website.
4. Click 'Plugins' from the Dashboard menu. Locate the plugin you installed and click the 'Activate' link under its name to activate it.
5. Click 'Add New' under 'Posts' to add a new post. Follow the plugin instructions to add PHP code to the post. Click 'Publish' to publish the post with the PHP code included.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

How to Make Free Money

1. Make money fast by selling your processions online. If you don't have good stuff to sell you can buy wholesale rate items. You can make money selling items on eBay, craigslist, or newspapers. You can buy wholesale items at the Worldwide Brands website listed under the additional resources below.
2. Start a free blog to share your topic of interest on and write about. Post links to companies websites to make affiliate sales through. You can also make money on your blog with Google Adsense. Create a free blog at Blogger; while creating it, click the monetize tab and sign up for a Google Adsense account. With a Google Adsense account Google will list ads on your blog that are related to the content on your blog. When people click these ads on your blog you will make money in your Google Adsense account.Sign up with various companies to advertise for them through your blog. You can sign up to advertise for companies at LinkShare, Amazon and Commission Junction. Take the affiliate links and post them on your blog. When people purchase items through your links you will make a commission for each sale.

3. Write how to's and articles for websites like eHow and Bukisa to make residual income from the articles you wrote. When people read your articles and click the ads by your articles you will make money and it will be deposited in your bank account or PayPal account. Read the e-book on the website listed in the additional resources to find out how to make easy money via passive income from the articles you write.
4. Get a loan even if you have bad credit or don't qualify for a loan at a normal bank. With peer to peer to lending you can obtain any loan at a given rate in accordance to your credit score and income. Another great part of peer to peer lending is you can choose to be an investor for the loan borrowers if you choose and your money will be FDIC insured while you get the great 10-20% interest return rate.
5. Make money quick by signing up to take surveys online. Surveys take minutes to fill out and you can make cents to a few dollars for each survey you complete. Quality survey websites include Global Test Market and Opinion Outpost.
6. Post an ad in your local newspaper or on craigslist's offering your physical skills and services including mowing lawns, babysitting, scooping snow, fixing computers or any other skill you can do.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

How to Build Turnkey AdSense Websites

1. Sign up for a Google AdSense account at The sign-up process is fairly simple and, as long as everything is good with your application, you should get approval within a few days.
2. Sign up for a simple web hosting service. Make sure that the host you choose has simple web templates available, or you can also subscribe to a service that will provide you with pre-designed templates for your turnkey AdSense website.

3. Decide on a web template that will work best with a content-heavy website. The best turnkey template will have a white background with little to no images.
4. Choose a general product or service that you want to advertise, such as televisions or books.
5. Write interesting web content about a specific type of product under the general category you chose. For example, if you're writing about TVs, you might want to talk about flat screen TVs on one page. The content needs to be informative, well-written and interesting to readers. There should be at least 350 words on each page. The content also must be written with SEO in mind. Go to to learn how to optimize your site in this way.
6. Copy and paste the content into the web template that you chose in step three.
7. Install Google AdSense code on your turnkey website. Most turnkey sites have the AdSense ads listed on the left or right side of the page or falling within the text. Some also include banner ads on the bottom of the page or along the edges of the text. Google AdSense automatically updates the ads depending on the content on your page.
8. Create additional pages on the same website with the same format that focus on other more specific products under the general topic to form your turnkey AdSense website.

How to Make Money Off of Google Ads

1. Create a personal website or blog on which you can place ads. The information that you provide for your website should be high quality in a sense that it gives the viewer the information he is looking for. This keeps users on the Web page longer and increases the likelihood that they will click on advertisements.
2. Set up a Google AdSense account from which you can generate ads for your website from keywords. With an AdSense account, you use keywords for your site called adwords. The adwords allow for Google to display advertisements on your website.

3. Link your keywords to the content of your site. If you created a website dedicated to smoothie recipes, then ads displaying information on blenders or smoothie mixes may attract the users who are already interested in the information on the site. If the site displayed ads for tobacco or plasma television sets, then users might not click on those types of ads if they intentionally visited the site for smoothie recipes.

How to Donate Through Google Ads

1. Click the 'Donate Now' button on the ad. This will take you to the NPO's Google Checkout page.
2. Sign into your Google account. You need a Google account to donate this way. If you don't have one, click the 'Create an account now' link and follow the instructions to set one up.

3. Direct where you want your donation money to go. Note that not all NPOs have a Google Adsense account through which you can donate.
4. Enter your payment information in the following window, then click 'Next' to confirm the purchase.
5. Click 'Submit' to make your donation.

Monday, February 27, 2012

How to Convert CPM to CPC

1. Determine your CPM rate.
2. Calculate the number of clicks per 1,000 impressions. Tracking software can help you deduce this.

3. Divide the CPM rate by the number of clicks. The resulting number is your CPC.

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